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Sunday Sermons

Matthew 7:15-20 - What's In Your Basket?

James 1:21 - Let's Assemble A Christian

Jeremiah 3:1 - Israel's Last Chance

1 Corinthians 13:9-13 - Through the Darkness

Luke 5:27-32 - The Five-Fold Will of God

Psalm 37:1-2 - Seven Choices to Contentment

John 14:1-2 - The Living Room

1 John 3:9 - Unleashing God's Power

Hebrews 9:1-8 - The Altar Room

John 3:27 - What We Need Comes from Heaven

1 John 4:8 - Left-Over Love

Hebrews 5:11-6:2 - Unsticking the Stuck

Revelation 4:1-2 - God's Throne Room

1 Corinthians 6:20 - Don't Keep God's Glory

Luke 6:12-16 - Us Too

Romans 5:1-2 - A Place of Grace

Romans 1:14-16 - The Little I Am

Isaiah 59:1-2 - Why Heaven Is Silent

Proverbs 8:17 - Finding God

John 17:1-5 - What Jesus Wanted

Exodus 20:3 - The Sinner's Rights

Joshua 1:7-8 - The Bible Highway

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 1:1-2 - Be and Do

From Pastor Carl D. Hall

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