1Peter 2

Location - First Peter is written to the five providences of Asia Minor. The
large land mass north (some 420 miles) and west of Israel. This is the general
area that Paul’s first missionary journey took him except it covers the entire
Asia Minor area and Paul stayed more to the south.

Interesting Note - This Epistle would show that while Peter may be recognized
as the Missionary to the Jews and Paul as the Missionary to the Gentiles, both
spent much time and effort in evangelizing all people.

Theme - Peter is written to teach Christians the that we can have victory over
suffering.  Some form of the word SUFFER is used 15 times in this small, five
chapter Book.  The Christian persections were well under way by the time Peter
writes this letter. While the exact date seems to be debated, it is possible
that it was written after the empire-wide persecutions begun by Nero in 64 AD.

    I. \\#1Peter 1:1-2:12\\ The Saints Service
        A. \\#1Peter 1:1\\ Introduction
        B. \\#1Peter 1:2-12\\ Our Position
        C. \\#1Peter 1:13-17\\ Our Duty
        D. \\#1Peter 1:18-25\\ Our Motivation
        E. \\#1Peter 2:1-13\\ Our Examples
   II. \\#1Peter 2:13-3:12\\ The Saints Submission
        A. \\#1Peter 2:13-17\\ Submit to rulers
        B. \\#1Peter 2:18-25\\ Servants ought to obey their masters.
I. \\#1Peter 1:1-2:12\\ The Saints Service
    E. \\#1Peter 2:1-13\\ Our Examples 
         1. \\#2Peter 2:1-4\\ We should be as hungry "as newborn babes."
            a. Still, in part, thinking of the Word of God, Peter tells us
                that we should hunger after it.  It is that Word that will
                make us "grow."  As we digest it, it becomes an inseparable
                part of us, giving us life and strength.
            b. Peter mentioned \\#1Peter 1:11\\ that it also purifies us.
                in \\#1Peter 2:1\\, he describes some areas in which the Word
                will change us.
                (1) Malice - That internal evil within us all.  That place
                     where road rage, jealousy, vengence, and even pure
                    evil hides when we think has left us altogether.
                (2) Guile - Deceit
                (3) Hypocrisies - Pretending to be that we are not.
                (4) Envies
                (5) Evil Speaking
            c. It is the Word of God that strips us of our veener and changes
                us from the inside out.
        2. \\#2Peter 2:5-8\\ We should be as strong "as lively stones."
            a. God has not choosen to meet in a house made of physical stones,
                but inside of us.  We are the "stones" of God’s house.
            b. Yet, we are not lifeless stones to which unbelievers must
                come if they are to see the work of God.  We are living
                stones.  Stones that can move among the lost world to
                minister help and present our Lord.
            c. Yet, any stone is strong.  The reason rock, block, and brick
                are often used in construction is their strength.  So we
                ought to be strong for our God in this world in which we
            d. \\#1Peter 2:6-8\\ These verses speak of THE STONE.  We are
                STONES, plural.  He is THE STONE, singular.  THE STONE
                spoken of is Jesus.  He is "the chief corner stone" upon
                which every other thing is to be build around.  Not only in
                our life but in the lives of every human being. Those who
                reject THE STONE, will stumble and be destroyed by it
                \\#1Peter 1:8\\, but to those who accept Him, He is most
                precious \\#1Peter 1:7\\.
        3. \\#2Peter 2:9-10\\ We should be as unique as "a choosen
            generation."  The adjectives used to describe our unique nature
            speak for themselves.  We live as the CHOOSEN - selected by God;
            ROYAL - not common; HOLY - sinless and pure; PECULAR - unique
            and different. The people who have seen the change in our life-
            styles, should sing out "praises" as the change.  Of course,
            that is not the way we lived in "time past," but now we have
            "obtained mercy" and as recepients of that mercy, we should be
        4. \\#2Peter 2:11-12\\ We should be as careful "as strangers and
            pilgrims."  We are used to living in a country with a uniformed
            justice system.  Hence, whether we are in Alabama or New York or
            Seattle, we can move around very familiar with the customs and
            having a general understanding of what is allowed and what is not.
            That was not the case in this day.  Strangers had to be careful
            that they did not violate a custom or law unique to that region.
            We likewise ought to be careful in this world, not that we
            violate its practice, but that we get pulled into its habits.

II. \\#1Peter 2:13-3:12\\ The Saints Submission
    A. \\#1Peter 2:13-17\\ Submit to rulers  - Emphasis is on the ALLs.
        The idea that Christians were not loyal to earthly governments was
        popular in those days due to the misunderstanding of Jesus being
        our King.  However, Jesus set the record straight when before Pilate
        He explained that His kingdom was not presently of this world.  Hence,
        we can normally be loyal to both kingdom and should strive to submit
        to every level of government and to every ordinance of man.
        1. \\#13\\ Submit to every (ALL) ordinance.
        2. \\#13-14\\ Submit to every (ALL) level of government.
        3. \\#15\\ Submit for it is the Lord’s will.
        4. \\#15\\ Submit for it will silence the ignorant. (Those who had
            strange notions about Christianity since they had heard that
            Jesus was the King.)
        5. \\#16\\ Submit even though free, that is, not a slave.
        6. \\#16\\ Submit without using our liberties as a cloke to hide
            malicious deeds.
        7. \\#17\\ Honor all - speaking of earthly rulers.
        8. \\#17\\ Fear God - To honor earthly rulers and to fear and obey
            God should not be opposites.  Both should be able to be done.
        9. Of course, there are times when they can not be done.  Peter is
            not trying to teach the corresponding balance of this truth but
            this is the same Peter who answered the rulers of Jerusalem
            when commanded not to preach about Jesus, "We ought to obey God
            rather than men." \\#Acts 5:29, 4:18-20\\ However, during
            typical times, there should be little conflict between the two
    B. \\#1Peter 2:18-25\\ Servants ought to obey their masters.  This
        section discusses the heart of the matter of submission; that is,
        we are to submit even when being mistreated.  Whenever we read of
        slavery in the Bible, we tend to read into it our own early American
        history of slavery.  This is not the case that Peter is discussing.
        He is discussing those who have been subjugated to slavery due to
        debt.  This is more of a forced apprenticeship (bond servant) than
        a slavery based on military conquest or the belief that one race is
        inferior to another.
        1. \\#18\\ ACTION - Be subject to masters even when they are
            forward (crooked, perverse, wicked).
        2. \\#19\\ MOTIVATION - We "endure grief" "toward God."  We do this
            for God sake, that the gospel might be proclaimed.  Many a
            Christian has won a petty battle only to lose the war.
        3. \\#20\\ REASONING - Where is the reward if we have done wrong
            and take it well?  Here we have the additional truth that if
            we accept mistreatment for God’s sake, it "is acceptable with
            God"; that is, in suffering in spiritual matters, God will
            reward us.
        4. \\#21-25\\ OUR EXAMPLE - Jesus Christ.  If Jesus was willing to
            endure the cross for our sake, why can we not suffer far less
            wrong at the hands of others for His sake, that His power might
            save them?

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