Isaiah 12:1

    I. (Chapters 1-39) Condemnation
        A. (Chapters 1-12) Prophecies against Israel and Judah
            1. \\#Isa 1:1-31\\ God’s Case Against Judah
            2. \\#Isa 2:1-5:30\\ Israel’s Condition Described
            3. \\#Isa 6:1-13\\ Isaiah’s Call
            4. \\#Isa 7:1-12:6\\ Israel’s Choice
                a. \\#Isa 7:1-25\\ King Ahaz’s Choice
                b. \\#Isa 8:1-9:7\\ The People’s Choice
                c. \\#Isa 9:8-12:6\\ The Word to Judah and Israel
                    (1) \\#Isa 9:8-13\\ Their Stubbornness
                    (2) \\#Isa 9:14-20\\ Their Judgment
                    (3) \\#Isa 10:1-4\\ Their Injustice
                    (4) \\#Isa 10:5-19\\ Their Judge
                    (5) \\#Isa 10:20-26\\ Their Comfort
                    (6) \\#Isa 10:24-34\\ Their Courage
                    (7) \\#Isa 11:1-9\\ Their Future - Even though Israel is going
                         to make the wrong choice and be punished, God still
                         gives them encouragement. This section is a distant
                         future prophecy and relates to the millennial reign.
                    (8) \\#Isa 11:10-16\\ Their Regathering
                    (9) \\#Isa 12:1-6\\ Their Song - This is the last chapter in this
                         section and in the message which was started in chapter
                         7.  It is a song of praise.

I. \\#Isa 7:1-12:6\\ Israel’s Choice
    A. \\#Isa 12:1-6\\ Their Song
        1. \\#Isa 12:1\\ "…in that day…" - Like all of the last chapter, this is
            still end-time.
        2. \\#Isa 12:1\\ This is a song to the Lord, "O LORD," about His anger toward
            Israel, "though wast angry with me," which has now been carried out,
            "is turned away," and now God is encouraging Israel, "and thou
            comfortedst me."
        3. \\#Isa 12:2\\ The Jews have turned to the Lord.
            a. "God is my salvation"
            b. "the Lord Jehovah is my strength and song"
            c. "he also is become my salvation"
        4. \\#Isa 12:3\\ "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of… salvation"
            Now they are experiencing the joy of salvation.
        5. \\#Isa 12:4-6\\ "Praise the Lord… Sing unto the Lord… shout" - From
            then on, the people will praise the Lord.

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