Isaiah 38

    I. (1-39) Condemnation
        A. Chapters 1-12 - Prophecies against Judah
        B. Chapters 13-23 - Prophecies against the Nations
        C. Chapters 24-27 - Prophecies of the Day of the Lord
        D. Chapters 28-35 - Prophecies of Judgment and Blessing
        E. Chapters 36-39 - Historical accounts - Because these chapters are
            narrative, only a few comments will be made.
            1. Chapters 36-37 - The defeat of Assyria
            2. Chapter 38 - Hezekiah’s Request \\#2Kings 20:1-11\\

   I. Hezekiah’s Request
        A. \\#1-8\\ The Story of Hezekiah
            1. \\#1\\ "In those days" - It appears that this happened around
                the time the Assyrians were attacking Jerusalem. \\#6\\
            2. \\#1\\ "for thou shalt die and not live" - This is one of those
                passages where it looks like God changed His mind.  God did not.
                God did change His dealings based on Hezekiah’s actions.  There
                is always hope that God has made an allowance to change the
                future when we pray and repent.
            3. \\#8\\ Email and sermon illustrations say that scientists have
                been able to prove a loss of time in the solar system.  Each
                time I have sought to confirm such a finding, I have not found
        B. \\#9-22\\ Hezekiah’s Psalm
            1. \\#12\\ "Mine age is departed" - It appeared that the remainder
                of Hezekiah’s old age was to be lost to him.
            2. \\#13\\ "I reckoned till morning" - Hezekiah grieved like this
                all night.
            3. \\#15\\ "What shall I say?" He concluded that there was nothing
                more he could do but to die quietly (softly) yet with some
                "bitterness of my soul."
            4. \\#16\\ "by these things men live" - These are the circumstances
                under which all mankind lives.
            5. \\#17\\ "for peace I had great bitterness" - For a time,
                Hezekiah was bitter at life if not at God Himself.
            6. \\#17\\ "but thou hast in love… delivered" - Even though
                Hezekiah’s reaction was not so noble, God was merciful.
            7. \\#19\\ And so Hezekiah will praise the Lord.

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