1Timothy 3:1-7
We are in a New Year and a New Year means new opportunities. With the passing
of each year, a Christian should be growing. That growth should be aspiring the
believer to do more for God.
Most people who work a secular job want to do well at the job so they can
advance. be promoted, make more money, and be of more use to their company.
Likewise, in my estimation, every Christian ought to aspire to do something for
God; that is, every Christian should want to follow God and lead others. I do
not say that every Christian should pastor, for pastoring is a calling given to
some by God and not a job to be sought; but I do say that every Christian
should want to get closer to Jesus and take as many with him as possible.
Just like there are qualifications in the secular world for leading, so there
are qualifications in the spiritual world. One does not become a leader in the
church just because he or she has been there the longest or because they are
popular. No. Leadership is far too important than to be granted to someone
simply because they are available, familiar, or well liked.
So, what can we learn from the Bible about leadership?
I. What Is Leadership?
A. Leadership is responsibility commissioned by God. I find at least four
kinds of responsibilities that God commissioned.
1. Leadership in the home.
Eph 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the
head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
2. Leadership in the church.
1Pe 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight
thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a
ready mind;
3. Leadership in the work place.
Eph 6:5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to
the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto
4. Leadership in government.
Ro 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no
power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
B. Just like the place of leadership is commissioned with God, so leaders are
appointed by God.
Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no
power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Daniel 4:17 …to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth
in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over
it the basest of men.
1. When you start looking at some who are in positions of
leadership, this becomes a hard pill to swallow.
a. There are some pretty evil and incompetent people in
positions of leadership.
b. How could God have placed them there?
2. Some leaders are there for the blessing of those they lead, and
some are there for the cursing of those they lead.
a. If good people won’t pray, won’t lead, and won’t do right,
God is likely to give them a leader to curse them.
b. Look at a church for example.
(1) If godly, qualified people will not step forward,
important positions are either left unfulfilled or less
than godly and qualified people will fill them.
(2) This has lead to the demise of many a good church.
(3) It has also lead to the demise of a good nation.
C. That leads to the question of how do you remove a leader?
1. No matter who is leading and who is following, there are going to
be differences of opinion.
2. When that happens, someone is going to question the leader’s right
to rule.
3. I would refer you to King David’s method of leadership
a. \\#1Sam 16:13\\ David was anointed king over Israel, but King
Saul continued to sit on the throne.
b. \\#1Sam 26:9, 11\\ David had opportunities to remove Saul
personally, but he refused.
4. King David believed that if the wrong person was leading, he
should tell God about it and let God handle the removing.
5. That method seems to work best.
II. What are the qualifications for leadership?
A. I have counted 14 in this text.
1. \\#1Tim 3:1\\ These are specifically given for a bishop.
2. The only definition I have ever arrived at that made sense is
that a bishop was a preacher who served as either the pastor or
a. Every pastor would be a bishop but not every bishop is a
b. A co-pastor, a pastor-to-be, and an active former pastor would
all be bishops.
c. The best that I can tell, a bishop has the highest
qualifications of any leadership position in the world.
(1) God will let anyone be the CEO of a company or the
leader of a country, but He will not let just anyone
shepherd His church.
(2) Being a bishop does demand some ability. Every bishop
should be proven capable of handling the Word and leading
the flock.
(3) However, being a bishop also demands qualification.
(Again this last week I heard a radio program where the
host was asked about church leadership and God’s
forgiveness essentially making everyone qualified.
I appreciate the fact that the radio host took the
Scriptural stand to say that even forgiveness does not
erase the need to qualify.)
3. However, there are positions of leadership other than bishop.
a. In lesser positions, all of these qualification may not apply.
b. However, I believe the closer any leader is to all of these
qualifications, the better leader he will be.
c. During our last national elections, I was asked whether I
would vote for a Mormon or a woman.
(1) The answer is, "I don’t know."
(2) It is getting harder and harder for me to find a candidate
that meets all the qualifications the Bible gives for a
(3) However, I am still certain that the more of these
qualifications they do meet, the better a leader that
person will make.
B. With all of that in mind, let me give you some of my paraphrases of
these qualifications.
1. The leader must know how to follow authority.
a. \\#1Tim 3:2\\ The Bible word is BLAMELESS.
b. Blame means TO BE REPROACHED OR APPREHENDED. It implies
that something wrong was done.
c. Blame comes from breaking the law, the law comes from
God; hence, the potential leader must have a record of
following God.
d. One place every leader is responsible for carrying others
is to submission!
e. Leadership is not permission to abstain from submission,
it is a demand to have been under submission!
2. The leader must know where to carry his followers.
a. \\#1Tim 3:6\\ The Bible says NOT A NOVICE, that is, not a
beginner or one with no experience.
b. Why? The LEADER must know where he is taking the followers.
3. The leader must know how to behave.
a. \\#1Tim 3:2\\ The Bible says OF GOOD BEHAVIOR.
b. I see two reasons why that is required in a leader.
(1) Every leader is responsible for carrying others is a
place of character!
(a) A leader cannot take you to a place he or she has
never been.
(b) In my opinion, this requirement would eliminate a
good many people who run for political office.
(2) A leader leads out of his or her character.
(a) A mean-spirited person will be a mean-spirited
(b) A short-tempered person will be a short-tempered
(c) A lying, deceptive, crooked person will be a lying,
deceptive, crooked leader.
c. I am amazed at how many people marry spouses who do not know
how to behave and then wonder why their marriage turns out the
way it does!
d. Many of the other qualifications listed in this text would fall
into the general category of behavior.
(1) \\#1Tim 3:2\\ vigilant - balanced, tempered
(2) sober - a sound thinker
(3) "given to hospitality" - hospitable, friendly
(4) \\#1Tim 3:3\\ "Not given to much wine"
(5) "not a striker" - not a fighter
(6) patient - long suffering, kind, gracious under pressure
(7) "not a brawler" - Not contentious and argumentative
e. I suspect the reason these are specifically listed is because,
for a bishop, they were too important to take for granted.
f. I would not want a boss, a husband, or a government official
was did not have these qualities either.
4. The leader must not be filled with lusts and greed.
a. \\#1Tim 3:3\\ The Bible says NOT GREEDY OF FILTHY LUCRE and NOT
(1) Greed is used to describe a lust for money.
(2) Covetous is a broader term to describe a lust for any and
all things.
b. There are many reasons why these are bad characteristics for a
(1) They describe a selfish, self-centered person.
(2) They describe a person who will never be satisfied.
(3) They describe a person whose priorities are out of order.
(4) They describe a person who can be tempted far too easily.
5. The leader must have a reputation for all of these things in the
outside world.
a. \\#1Tim 3:7\\ The Bible says HE MUST HAVE A GOOD REPORT OF THEM
b. A GOOD REPORT means a good record or testimony.
c. A bishop should have a good record or testimony not only inside
the church but outside of it.
d. A boss should have a good record not only within the company
but outside of it.
e. A politician should have a good report not only within the
political arena but outside of it.
f. Anyone can be good at what they DO. A leader must be good at
what he IS.
6. The leader must already be carrying whatever family he has
in the right direction.
a. \\#1Tim 3:2,4-5\\ This is one of the greatest violations of
leadership today.
(1) the husband of one wife…
(2) …ruling well his own house…
(3) …for if he cannot take care of his own home, how will he
be able to take care of the house of God?
b. The home answers a crucial question for every leader; namely,
is he the right kind of leader?
(1) Unlike the church, work, or politics, the home demands
the leader be balanced in every temperament.
(2) The home proves that the bishop not only knows the Bible
but he lives it.
(3) The home proves the leader not only gives direction but
can implement it.
(4) The home proves the leader not only commands respect but
can give it.
(5) The home proves the leader not only can make money but
can handle it.
(6) The home proves the leader not only dispenses justice but
mercy, not only discipline but love, and not only firmness
but kindness.
c. No home is naturally right and no husband is perfect.
(1) Ladies, you do have to "grow" your husbands.
(2) It takes a lot of time and work to produce a good one but
you never will if you start with the wrong kind of seed.
This is a New Year. In the upcoming years, this church, this community, your
home, and our country is going to need some people to do something for God.
In order to step into those positions then, you need to shape yourself now.
Will you qualify yourself to be a leader?
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