Mark 8:34-38
Make Me A Disciple

Each of the four gospels has a different emphasis.
    Matthew portrays Christ as the Jewish King, emphasis on OT Scripture.
    Luke portrays Christ as a Man, emphasis on His humanity.
    John portrays Christ as the Son of God, emphasis on His deity.
    Mark portrays Christ as Man’s Servant, emphasis on Christ’s service.

Mark’s gospel places special emphasis on discipleship, especially beginning in
chapter 8.

Perhaps the reason Mark recorded so much about discipleship is because he knew
how easy it was to substitute something else for discipleship.
   \\#Acts 12:12\\ Tells us that a New Testament church meet in his house.
   \\#Acts 12:25\\ Tells us that when Paul and Barnabus left, Mark wanted to and
     did go with them.
   \\#Acts 13:13\\ Tells us when he got the opportunity, Mark left the apostles.

No doubt Mark was saved and willing to serve but when something more than
convenience was required, Mark came up short of it.  That thing that he was short
of was discipleship and it was important.  Obviously, Mark later redeemed
himself.  He wrote the gospel that we are reading.  I believe he realized what he
needed and got some of it.

What is discipleship?
      Discipleship is not salvation.  It’s more.
      Discipleship is not service.  It’s more.
      Discipleship is service rendered as Christ would render it.

What is the quality that makes a Christian a disciple?  It can’t be boiled down
to a single element for there are many, but let me list a few for you tonight.

    I. Discipleships must have the spirit of self-sacrifice.
        A. This must be an important aspect for Christ emphasized it repeatedly.
            \\#Mark 8:34,35,38\\
            1. Discipleship is the spirit that places self interests last.
                a. Disciples are not concerned about self.
                b. They do not have to be recognized or congratulated.
                c. They are uncomfortable being served but desire to serve.
                d. When they serve, they are not seeking a reward or payment.
            2. The goal of a disciple is simply others.
        B. Jesus certainly modeled this attitude for us.
            1. Jesus sacrificed heaven to come to earth.
            2. Jesus sacrificed His spirit form to be incarcerated in flesh.
            3. Jesus sacrificed many of His attributes to become a man.
            4. Jesus sacrificed the things He could have done for Himself so that
                He could serve us.
            5. Jesus sacrificed His face to the spiters,
                His back to the whip,
                His beard to the hands that plucked it,
                His body to the cross,
                His side to the spear,
                and His immortal and eternal life for our death and damnation.
            6. A disciple is someone who has had that kind of spirit rub off on
        C. I am not a self-sacrificer but I have seen them.
            1. They work hard.
            2. They work long.
            3. They work for others.
            4. They work even if suffering is involved.
            5. And if suffering is involved, they continue their work without
                complaining, contemplating, or caring for themselves.
        D. As you might guess, this kind of duty does not make for a good help-
            wanted poster.

            Wanted: Someone who will serve others for nothing.  They must be
            willing to get up early, work late, and sometimes continue all night
            long. Their duties will likely consist of the tasks no one else is
            willing to perform.  Warning: the person who accepts this position
            will likely serve in anonymity all their life.  They will not be
            recognized, promoted, or otherwise rewarded - at least not on earth.

        E. Even so, Jesus describes this kind of life as the life Christians
            should seek.

   II. Disciple is recognizing and resisting Satan \\#Mark 8:31-33\\
        A. Satan is a master illusionist.  He never looks as we might
            expect. He can be an angel of light \\#2Cor 11:14\\
        B. Satan was trying to hinder the mission of Jesus but he didn’t do
            it through a red imp with a pointed tail a pitch fork.
        C. Satan can come through lost people.
        D. Satan can come through good people, even saved people.
        E. Satan can come through what good, saved people say -
               \\#Mark 8:14-15\\

  III. Discipleship is compassion \\#Mark 8:1-3\\
        A. One reason we may have so little discipleship is because we have
            so little compassion.
        B. Compassion is an emotion.
            1. The disciples responded to Christ’s compassion with
                reason. \\#Mark 8:4\\
            2. While there is nothing wrong with reason, we need to
                understand these two from different worlds.
            3. Compassion isn’t the means of doing something.  It’s the
            4. We have more means than motivation.  If we get motivated,
                we’ll find the means.

   IV. Discipleship is souls \\#Mark 8:36-37\\.
        A. There is no disciple if there is no heart beat for souls!

    V. Discipleship is power \\#Mark 8:22-26\\.
        A. God is not limited to man’s rules.  He is still in the
            miracle-working business.
        B. God still opens closed doors.
        C. God still saves lost souls.
        D. God still builds big churches.
        E. God still rebuilds marriages.
        F. God still provides needs.
        G. God still changes sinners.

I heard Lester Roloff preach on the radio. He shared of an experience of
seeing a man brought to Christ who lived where they had the tent set up
for meetings. Refused to come to the door. Later refused the meeting,
saying he could hear while in bed. Later refused the meeting saying he
could hear from the steps. Later came to the meeting but refused
salvation. Later was saved and brought his daughters.  God has power!

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