Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18
How Did People Respond to Jesus?

There are five Biblical stories which we often think of when we think of Christmas.
     1. Gabriel appearing to Mary
     2. An angel appearing to Joseph
     3. The trip by Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus
     4. The angels appearing to the shepherds
     5. The wise men coming to Baby Jesus

Looking over those accounts, I see that they offer to us the typical responses
most make toward Jesus.  How Did People Respond to Jesus?

    I. Herod rebelled.

Matt 2:3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all
Jerusalem with him.

         A. Herod was the Roman-appointed king over Israel during this time
             1. Herod was an Edomite.
             2. History tells us this man was an evil, diabolical man.
             3. He had no problem killing people to maintain his throne.
             4. In fact, he killed some of his own family for that very purpose.
             5. We read Herod’s murderous response to Jesus when he has all the
                 small children around Bethlehem killed.
         B. Herod’s reaction was to flatly reject Christ and rebell against the
             notion that any other might be king.
             1. One might think Herod’s response rare, but really, it is not.
             2. Granted, few people have the authority that they could kill so
                 many young and innocent lives, but apart from that, many
                 respond the same way.
             3. You see at the root of Herod’s murder was his unwillingness to
                 give up his throne.
                 a. When you get right down to it, the only difference is the
                     size of your kingdom.
                 b. Whether you rule over a region or just over your own life is
                     not the issue.
                 c. The issue is, will you get off your throne and let Jesus have
                 d. The answer most people give is the same as Herod’s.  NO.
         C. Here’s a thought.
             1. Most people figure Herod went to hell.
                 a. They figure that because he was such cruel man.
                 b. After all, he killed his own family members and all those
             2. I don’t doubt that Herod is in hell, but it isn’t because of
                  those he killed.
             3. If Herod is in hell, it is because he rejected Jesus Christ as
                  his Savior.
             4. By-the-way, that will be the same reason that anyone who refuses
                 Jesus Christ goes to hell!

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not
is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only
begotten Son of God.

             5. It is lack of faith that sends people to hell not bad behavior.
        D. Might I encourage you, don’t fall into the same behavior as Herod?

   II. Mary pondered.

Luke 2:19  But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

        A. To ponder means to think.
            1. To think about the things of God and Jesus is good.
            2. Truthfully, it is a lot more than the average American does today.
            3. By taking God out of our schools, our pledge (I know that it hasn’t
                happened but people are working on it), and our Christmas—just to
                name a few—most people don’t think about Him at all anymore.
        B. While thinking about God is not salvation, one cannot get saved with
            thinking about God.
            1. Conviction is a work of the Holy Ghost but before He can convict,
                the Word must be preached and some thought to it must be given.
            2. Pondering God is not the first or the last step to salvation but it is
                an important part of the journey.
        C. I hope that this message will cause you to think about Jesus.
            1. Is it possible that Jesus is God, born in the flesh?
            2. If He is, why would He come to this earth?
            3. Why would He die on the cross?
            4. Am I really that bad of a person that I need a Savior?
        D. Read the Bible and seek for the truth.

  III. The shepherds came.

Luke 2:16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe
lying in a manger.

        A. One of the best known Christmas stories is the one of the shepherds
            who heard the message by the angels and came to see Jesus.
            1. We sing their story in the Christmas carols and see it on the
                Christmas cards.
            2. As preachers, we often note that God did not send His angels to
                the palace with this announcement but to the common man.
            3. That fact is an illustration that Bible salvation is to any and
                all who will believe.
        B. However, have you ever considered that fact that just because the
            shepherds came, that doesn’t necessarily mean they were saved?
            1. It is sad but true that many came to Jesus during His earthly
                a. However, their attendance does not guarantee their salvation.
                b. And why not?
                c. Because salvation is a matter of repentance and faith not a
                    matter of standing in a certain place.
                d. If all you had to do for salvation was come to Jesus, everyone
                    who had ever walked into a church might have a claim; but it
                e. Somebody once wisely said that going to church doesn’t make a
                    person a Christian any more than going into a garage makes
                    you a car.
            2. It may surprise some to realize that not all the people who were
                healed by Jesus were saved.
                a. And why not?
                b. Because salvation is a matter of repentance and faith not a
                    matter of being blessed by God.
                c. If receiving a miracle from God was all that was necessary for
                    salvation, everyone alive would have a claim because most
                    everyone I am preaching to today is alive and that is still
                    a miracle that no scientist can reproduce.
        C. I am glad for everyone who draws near to Jesus, regardless of how
            they do it.
            1. Some read the Bible.
            2. Some go to church.
            3. Some are baptized.
            4. Some join a church.
            5. Some give their money.
            6. These and about 100 hundred acts could be considered "coming" to
                Jesus, but salvation is more than just coming to Christ.
            7. While these things might mark your location, they don’t make for

   IV. Joseph believed.
        A. \\#Matt 1:18-25\\ The story of Joseph.
            1. Joseph was engaged to Mary when God gave her the Baby Jesus.
            2. The Bible doesn’t tell us how Joseph found this out, but it is
                obvious that he either had not heard how God produced this Child
                in Mary or else he did not believe it.
            3. However he found out, his first thought was simply to put her away,
                that is, to divorce her.
                 a. The Bible tells us that Joseph was a just man, but he was also
                     a merciful man.
                 b. If he had had no mercy, he would have had Mary stoned.
            4. But while Joseph considered his options in this situation, an angel
                appeared to him, not in person, but in a dream.
                a. The angel told Joseph that the Baby was by-product of God.
                b. \\#Matt 1:20-21\\ If you will read what the angel told Joseph,
                    you will see it is just a condensed version of what Gabriel
                    had told Mary.
                c. That tells me that the message probably did not contain
                    anything that Joseph had not already heard.
                    (1) I would think that Joseph would have wanted to have talked
                         with Mary and that Mary would have wanted to have talked
                         with Joseph.
                    (2) It seems logical she would have told him the story.
                    (3) It seems just as logical that he would not have believed
                d. The fact that the message came in a dream is also interesting.
                    (1) We have all dreamed things in dreams that we did not
                    (2) Sometimes we even dream things that we want to happen, but
                         when we wake up, we understand that it was just a dream
                         and forget it.
            5. But Joseph believed the dream and accepted the message.  I find
                that interesting.  Why?
        B. Because Joseph took a leap of faith.  He believed.
            1. I make much of emphasizing the fact that salvation is not a leave-
                your-brain-behind package.
                a. I want people to understand that a belief…
                    in the existence of God,
                    in a seven-day creation,
                    in a sin-cursed world,
                    and in a God that cares is not just faith.
                b. However, there is no doubt, evidence will only take you so far.
                c. As some point, you have to just believe.
            2. Without faith, there can be no acceptance of Jesus as Christ,
                no substitutionary death, no bodily resurrection, and no
            3. If you are not saved and have some doubts about the claims of the
                Bible, may I suggest that you do what Mary and Joseph did.
                a. Think on it.
                b. Study the evidence.
                    (1) That will probably mean that you will have to do some
                    (2) I am amazed as these atheists who have never studied the
                         Bible, creationism, prophecy or anything else but have
                         decided there is no God.
                    (3) Spend a little time studying before you make such a drastic
                c. Believe what God will show you. - If you will study and think,
                    I think you will come to the place where you will believe.

    V. The Wise Men Worshipped

Matt 2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with
Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their
treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

        A. There is really a lot about the wise men that that we do not know.
            1. We don’t know how many of them there were.  Some speculate that
                there were three because there were three gifts brought.
            2. We do not know from where they came?  Some speculate that they
                came from Persia (modern-day Iran or Iraq), primarily because
                that is where the Jews were taken as a punishment hundreds of
                years before (the Babylonian Captivity) and that might help to
                explain how these wise men might have understood the significance
                of the heavenly star.
        B. However, there are some things we know.
            1. They pondered the things of God.
                a. Where ever these men came from, they had less information
                    about Jesus than those in Israel.
                    (1) They had no angelic messenger.
                    (2) If they had a copy of the Scriptures, it was likely only
                         a partial copy.
                    (3) We would suppose that they had no Jewish prophets or
                         priests to explain whatever Scriptures they might have
                b. Yet, with nothing more than a aberrant star in the sky, they
                    deduced that the King of Jews had been born!
                c. Friend, it took some heavy thinking to get conclusion from
                    that sign.
            2. They believed.
                a. They believed whatever source had told them that the star would
                    direct them to that King.
                    (1) I know of no Scripture in our Bible that would have given
                         them that clear an understanding.
                    (2) Perhaps God did give them a prophet.
                    (3) Or perhaps they had a portion of Scripture that God did
                         not preserved for the Cannon of Scripture.
                b. They believed to the point that they packed precious gifts and
                    made a journey of perhaps 700 miles (on foot and camel) to
                    see the King.
            3. They came.
                a. They didn’t just come.  They persistently came.
                b. They followed the star for hundreds of miles and when it
                    disappeared, they did the only logical thing.
                c. They went to the palace, supposing the new King would be born
            4. They worshipped.
                a. Of all the people who had met the Christ-Child, this was the
                    first time that action has been used.
                b. The word "worship" means "to kiss the hand, to do reverence
                    to adore."
                c. One note that I read said it was a Persian custom to kiss the
                    hand and bow on one’s knees to demonstrate honor and
       C. I don’t want to stop until I have worshipped Jesus Christ the Lord!
            1. I don’t want to just ponder.
            2. I just want to just believe.
            3. I don’t want to just come.
            4. I don’t want to adore Him, to honor Him, and to serve Him.

Perhaps you would like to do that as well.  Then allow me to get you started.  The
first step to worshipping Jesus is accept Him.
    1. Believe who the Bible says that He is.  He is the only begotten Son of the
        living God, who donned human flesh and came to this world to die a
        substitutionary death for your sins and mine.
    2. Yield to Him.  Quit trying to live your life by your standards and start
        living your life under His rule.
    3. Ask Him to save you.  Don’t delay and don’t wait.  Tell Him that you are
        a sinner who desires to have your sins forgiven, paid for by His death
        at Mount Calvary.  Invite Him into your life and heart.

If you will do these things, you can

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