Matthew 6:10
God’s Third Kingdom

\\#10\\ Jesus is praying that God’s kingdom would come to the earth. What do you
suppose He meant? It is strange how we sometimes read the words but do not think
of the meaning.

Let’s consider Jesus’ words for a moment.

    I. A kingdom is typically a distinct place or domain where a king rules.
        A. A king is not much of a king if he does not rule over his kingdom.
        B. Jesus associates rulership with His kingdom in the same verse in which
            He is asking God to establish the kingdom.
        C. We might then deduce that Jesus is asking His Father to establish
            a place on earth where the Father rules.

  II. Consider that the Bible reveals three kingdoms or places of God’s rule.
        A. God’s kingdom in heaven.
            1. There is no question that God rules in heaven.
            2. He does and always has.
            3. \\#10\\ alludes to the fact that what Jesus is asking for is that
                God’s rule on earth would be like it is heaven.
            4. We might elaborate to say God’s rule in heaven is absolute and
            5. Not only does nothing happen in heaven without God’s permission,
                but nothing bad or sinful happens in heaven at all!
            6. Won’t it be good when that kind of rule is established on earth?
        B. God’s kingdom which will be set up on earth.
            1. Most consider that this is the kingdom that Jesus is speaking of
                and it probably is.
            2. On Sunday mornings, we have been studying about the events which
                God has predetermined will happen in mankind’s future.
                a. We have not gotten to the best part yet.
                b. God will created an earthly kingdom.
                c. Jesus will rule over the earth from Jerusalem.
                d. He will use some of His own people to help Him rule the earth
                    (not because He needs them but because He wants to us them).
                e. During that time, very little in the way of sin and evil will
                    happen on earth.
            3. So, does that mean that this prayer can have no fulfillment until
                after the rapture of the church, the tribulation, and the
                establishment of God’s kingdom on earth?  No.  Not entirely.
        C. There is a third kingdom.
            1. It is God’s kingdom within us.
            2. This is not a pretend kingdom or a spiritualized kingdom.
            3. Jesus spoke of it.

Luke 17:20  And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom
of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh
not with observation:
21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom
of God is within you.

  III. To appreciate the Third Kingdom, it’s necessary to step back and to
        see the whole picture.
        A. God created this world as an extension of His heavenly kingdom.
            1. God has always intended the earth to be His earthly kingdom.
                a. God lent out the kingdom to man, but it was always God’s
                    intention to have it be a place where He ruled.
                b. This planet was to be a place of order, of obedience to God in
                c. It was never God’s desire that sin or evil enter here.
            2. Satan saw this as his chance to attack God.
                a. Satan is a limited being.
                b. When God originally cast Satan out of heaven, his access and
                    abilities within that kingdom were greatly limited.
                c. He might have been able to persuade some angels to follow him
                    before that, but not after.
            3. So Satan tried, and very successfully so, to steal this earthly
                kingdom from God.
        B. That being the case, God decided to create yet another kingdom.
            1. When Jesus came, He gave each of His children the ability to
                establish a small area of God’s control within oneself.
            2. These are pockets where God’s will can be carried out.
            3. Each believer has one of these Third Kingdoms within him.
        C. Unlike the other two kingdoms, control of the third kingdom
            is left up to the individual.
            1. God controls heaven.
            2. Satan controls a good bit of what happens on earth.
            3. But you claim what happens within you!
                a. This is why God gave us a free will.
                b. Even as a believe in Jesus Christ, you still choose whether you
                    will live for God or live for Jesus.
                c. In essence, you are a kingdom up for grabs.
        D. Understand that we are not talking about ownership here but control.
            1. If you are saved, you are God’s.
            2. Neither is there any doubt about what you are supposed to do.  You
                are supposed to let God rule you.
            3. However, the choice is up to you.
            4. You can be owned by God and still be renting your kingdom out to
                the devil’s control.

   IV. What must we do to establish a godly kingdom within us?
        A. Be saved.
            1. A lost person living on earth by default goes to the ruler of this
                earth.  That is Satan.
            2. The starting place of every act of God is always the same-at the
                foot of the cross.
        B. Be baptized.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in
the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift
of the Holy Ghost.

            1. The first commandment to a believer.
            2. It does not GET you saved but you cannot be surrendered to God and
                not obey His commands.
            3. Surrender to and participate in this beautiful picture of Christ’s
                death and resurrection.
        C. Study the Word.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not
to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

            1. The Bible is a Christian’s compass.
            2. No Christian can know which way to go without spending regular time
                in the Word of God.
        D. Locate and attend a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church.

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of
some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day

            1. There is a new attack on the church from within the church these
                (a) Some church-goers are attempting to teach that the church is
                     not important or essential.
                (b) They like to give as their example that the church did not
                     meet like we do in the Bible.
                (c) They are right.  They meet a lot MORE than we do.

Acts 2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking
bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of

Acts 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added
to the church daily such as should be saved.

Acts 5:42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach
and preach Jesus Christ.

Acts 6:1 And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there
arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were
neglected in the daily ministration.

Acts 16:5 And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in
number daily.

            2. In my opinion, this is a deadly, Satanic attack.
                (a) Those who advocate such a false doctrine are fragmenting and
                     weakening the body of Christ.
                     (1) We are the called-out assembly, the ecclesia of God, the
                          body of Christ.
                     (2) A single family does not make a body.
                     (3) As churches continue to abandon the gospel and close
                          their doors to worship, the home church will probably
                          become needed; but as long as there is a fellowship of
                          believers that is faithful, the assembled church is God’s
                (b) What makes it so powerful is that it is not coming from
                     outside the church, but from inside the church.
                     (1) Any family that wants to meet to worship together can
                          meet—and should meet—together.
                     (2) They have any other minute and every other minute that the
                          body of Christ is not assembled to meet together.
                     (3) But when the church, the called-out assembly of God— is
                          meeting, they have a command to be there.
            3. God has blessed us with several visitors in recent days.
                (a) We are always glad to have visits.
                (b) Some who visit—for whatever the reason—do not always want to
                     be a part of our church.
            4. My counsel to you is find a church where the Bible is preached!
                (a) If they are not opening the Bible and looking at Bible verses,
                     you do not want to go there.
                (b) You certainly do not want to go to a church where they teach
                     no doctrine or just a single doctrine.
                     (1) The most common single topic churches teach…
                          i. How to feel good about yourself.
                         ii. How to be prosperous.
                     (2) These are good and important topics but the Bible is
                          more than just two topics.
                (c) Every church needs to preach about sin, obedience to God, and
                     to give plan, forceful calls to salvation.
                (d) Then that church needs to teach you the whole Bible.
                     (1) There should be some verse-by-verse teaching/preaching.
                     (2) But even if there is not, the pastor should cover the
                          whole range of Bible topics.

2Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Acts 20:27  For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.

        E. Begin to pray.
            1. I say "begin" because this is a practice that you will become more
                familiar with as you continue to grow in Christ.
            2. As the Word of God is our compass, prayer is the gasoline in our
                engine or the wind in our sails.
            3. Prayer is our power.
            4. God does what God does for many reasons.
                a. Somethings God does because He has previously obligated Himself
                    to do them.
                b. Somethings God does because of His nature.  He is just and
                    merciful, among other qualities.
                c. But somethings God will only do because we ask Him to do them.
                d. We ought to pray about everything but we must pray about these

James 4:2 Ye… desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have
not, because ye ask not.

        F. Grow in faith-
            1. Faith in God’s existence.
            2. Faith in God’s goodness.
            3. Faith in God’s will and willingness.
            4. Faith in God’s power.
        G. Obey
        H. In all of this, you are to be learning more about God and allowing
            Him to develop a relationship with you.

The question comes around again.  What kind of kingdom have you created?

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