Acts 16:16-24
Living In A Hostile World
It is difficult to do right in a world that does so much wrong. You probably
won’t find that written on any fortune cookies, but it is a true saying. The
world has its set of values and they seem to be ever falling. Yet, there are
decent, clean, moral people too. These two forces often come into conflict,
normally with those who lack morals taking advance of those who do. How are the
moral supposed to live in a world where morals are constantly slipping?
Let’s notice the text.
I. Note the forces that seek to pull you down.
A. \\#16\\ There are demons at work.
1. The Bible makes it very clear that demons are real.
a. I suppose that one of the things that is good about our present
age is that there seems to be, among the common man, more and
more an awareness of spiritual powers.
b. Between horror movies, ghost stories, and other paranormal
television, the public at large at least accepts the
possibility that there are forces at work beyond our
c. The problem is that most do not realize that all such forces of
d. People are hunting for ghosts, spirits, magic, spells, séances,
and paranormal activities like they are good things.
e. They aren’t! They are all part of the devil’s spiritual army
and regardless of how they manifest themselves, they are evil.
2. I have said, even recently, that the days that we are facing are
filled with the symptoms of demonic activity.
a. drugs
b. violence
c. rebellion
d. sexual immorality
e. suicide
3. As the symptoms of demonism increase, we can assume the power and
influence of demons are increasing.
a. It is true that most of us are sheltered from direct demon
b. However, just because we don’t see it, that doesn’t mean it
isn’t out there.
4. Unfortunately, even as these symptoms increase, people keep doing
the kinds of things that give demons their power over people.
a. Ignorance
(1) People are being suckered into demonism with even
realizing it.
(2) There are only two powers - Satan and God.
(3) Ghost hunters, fortune tellers, mediums, and all the rest
are either deceived by the powers they play with or
willing instruments for them.
(4) Ignorance does not offer any protection.
b. Invitation
(1) Many people are inviting demons to either attack or
possess them.
(2) Wicca, Ouija boards, occultic movies, music, and
interests—even the world’s fascination with the world’s
religions today.
(3) When these religionists speak of their dreams, visions,
knowledge of the other side, what force do you think is
backing them?
(4) When you dabble in demonic things, you are giving the
demons permission to influence you.
c. Intense sinfulness
(1) Doing wrong attracts demons.
(2) Immorality, drug abuse, violent behavior, perversions of
every sort—these draw the forces of darkness to you
like a beacon in the dark.
5. Demons were around in Paul’s day, and they are making a comeback in
America, and the world, today.
B. There were devilish people at work as well.
1. In this account, the Bible only mentions the young damsel as being
demon possessed, but there are a lot of people behaving in
devilish ways.
a. Some people don’t need the help of a demon to act devilish.
b. They are enough like the devil already.
2. \\#18\\ Notice, that all Paul did was help a young lady be free
of a demon.
a. From my perspective, that is a real good thing to do.
(1) I don’t know that this woman was tormented by the demon
that was in her because the Bible doesn’t day.
(2) However, I have never heard of anyone who was possessed
who was not also tormented.
(3) But even if she were not tormented, it is not right for
a spiritual power to take possession of a human.
(a) A person under demonic control is not going to be
able to think or act on their own.
(b) A demon will never allow a person to accept Christ
as his/her Savior.
(c) Neither are they apt to abstain from sin and do
b. Paul did this woman no harm. He did her much good.
3. \\#19-24\\ However, he gets seized, beaten, arrested, and thrown
into a dark prison pit for his aid.
a. Sometimes, good and right deeds don’t produce good and right
b. Here were men who had found a way to make money off this poor
woman’s condition, and they were angry, enraged, that Paul
had cast the demon out of her.
c. On top of that, a whole town joined on their side! Were there
no righteous people in that city or did everybody see through
the blinders of profit?
d. Then I notice that the Bible doesn’t even tell us that the
woman who was delivered took up for Paul!
II. \\#25-31\\ What is a person to do? Notice what Paul and Silas did.
A. I will answer that in a moment, but let me point out two things first.
1. Notice some things that Paul did not do.
a. He did not fight.
b. He did not quit.
c. He did not even get angry.
2. Also consider what Paul and Silas had already done before this
situation began.
a. The things Paul and Silas did before they got into this
situation made what they are about to do work.
b. When the world attacks you, what Paul and Silas did is what you
need to do; but it won’t work if you don’t do what they did
before they got here.
c. What did Paul and Silas do before they got here?
(1) They were saved.
(2) They became followers of Jesus Christ.
(a) They followed in believer’s baptism.
(b) They studied the Word of God to learn truth.
(c) They surrendered to whatever God wanted for them.
B. So what are they doing now? They are enjoying the presence of God.
1. They were praying and singing praises to God.
a. Sometimes about all you can do is just leave this world for a
time and go visit home.
b. It may sound funny to some, even some who professed to be
Christians, but enjoying God’s presence is not a bad thing.
It is a good thing.
c. Believe it or not, what we are supposed to be doing here this
morning is not just listening to another boring sermon. We
are supposed to be enjoying the presence of God.
2. The Bible gives us some examples of those who were having a blessed
time in the presence of God.
a. The church was birthed in such a meeting.
Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one
accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it
filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon
each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
b. Paul and Silas were called to be missionaries in such a
Acts 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said,
Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.
3 And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent
them away.
c. The Bible was pinned by people who were enjoying the presence
of God.
Rev 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in
the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos,
for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as
of a trumpet,
11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last….
3. You ask, "Why then do we have church with a preacher preaching,
choirs singing, and a few folk praying?
a. The answer is that these are the types of things we do to make
us available for God’s presence.
b. Just like there are things one can do to attract demons, so
their are things we do to make ourselves pleasing for the
presence of God to come meet with us.
c. You will notice that before the Christians in these Bible
examples experienced God, they would often meet with other
Christians, pray, and sing to God.
4. Your next question might be, "How come it doesn’t work today?"
a. My answer is that will work if we will clean ourselves up and
seek the Lord’s presence!
Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I
in the midst of them.
b. The problem is not what we are doing.
(1) Churches have existed and worshipped like we are this
morning for thousands of years, enjoying the presence of
(2) A lot of people today think the church service needs to
be changed.
(a) They have brought in music to stir the flesh and
watered down the preaching…
(b) Which if that is what they want to do, that is their
(c) But making the church more worldly is not the way to
attract the Spirit of God.
(3) The problem is that it is not the worship service that
needs changing. Its the people worshipping.
(a) We need to want God to show up here!
i. Quit worrying about time, ball games, and getting
to the mall….
ii. Just concentrate on God.
(b) We need to understand that sin hinders God from
coming here.
i. While I am preaching, you be praying.
ii. Ask God to show you want hinders Him from filling
this building with His presence.
iii. Confess whatever God shows you.
(c) We need to worship.
i. Talk to God.
ii. Sing, praise, glorify Him.
iii. Get on a first name basis with God and ask Him to
fill this place and you with His presence.
iv. Enjoying the presence of God is our only recourse
for living in a hostile world.
III. Notice the two results from what Paul and Silas did.
A. \\#26\\ There was divine intervention. God showed up and opened the
doors of that prison.
B. \\#27-30\\ The guard got saved.
C. Conclusions:
1. I am not going to tell you that every time you, as a Christian, are
done wrong, God is going to send an earthquake to make things
2. I am going to tell you that every time you, as a Christian, are done
wrong by a hostile world AND you enjoy God’s presence, that God is
going to show up.
a. Maybe there will be an outward manifestation of His presence
and maybe there won’t be.
b. But, friend, God will show up in your soul and He will knock
your prison off its foundation.
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