Isaiah 55:1-5
Come and Receive
Isaiah has, at God’s voice, written a very condemning book.
Chapters 1-39-Condemn Israel for sin
Chapters 40-66-Comfort Israel
It is in this last section where we get some of the sweet prophecies of our Lord’s
rule during the millennium.
In chapters 55-56, God again invites Isaiah’s generation to join in those
blessings by coming to Him. (This is a remarkable token of grace. This is the
very generation that God has spent 39 chapters condemning! Yet, though they will
not come to Him, God invites them once again!)
I. \\#1-3\\ Come and Be Saved
A. If you have no money, come.
1. God goes on to say if you are hungry, that is, if you have no food,
2. God goes further to say that even if you have no money, come.
a. Of course God is not interested in starting a buffet.
b. These are references to the spiritual condition of Israel.
c. If you recognize that you are hungry and thirsty in the depths
of your soul, then come to God and He will satisfy you.
d. The fact that these people have no money means that they have
no means to satisfy their hunger.
(1) No one does.
(2) This spiritual hunger cannot be satisfied by any human
(3) It must be satisfied by God and His Son.
B. If you have spend your money for that which is not bread, come.
1. This is similar to the first invitation in that neither of these
would have food and drink to satisfy.
2. However, this person has spend his money his money on something
that did not satisfy him.
3. This is a call to those who have attempted to feast on the false
religions of the world.
a. Baal, Ashtaroth—any and all false gods you have tried.
b. Indeed, if you are an atheist or agnostic….
c. This invitation is for you!
d. Some other might be angry, bitter that they were not man’s
first choice, but our God is still inviting those who are
empty to come!
II. \\#3-5\\ Come and Be Satisfied - What does God give to those who come to
Him? We might find that what He offered to Israel was not all that
different from what He offers to us.
A. \\#3\\ Come and your souls shall live.
1. First, God offers life, both physical and eternal.
2. We remember that the soul that sins is to die.
3. Yet, God offers to spare that soul if they will come.
B. \\#3\\ Come and I will make you are apart of my covenant.
1. The covenants were God’s promises.
2. God is offering to make those who come to Him a full beneficiary of
all the good had promised Israel.
3. \\#Matt 20:1-14\\ This reminds me of Jesus’ parable to reward His
servants whether they have labored from the beginning or started
in the twelfth hour.
C. \\#4\\ Come and I will give you a Leader and Commander.
1. In the context, I have not quite understood if this is a reference
to Jesus or perhaps even to a glorified King David.
2. Regardless, God promises to give these one who will guide and
protect them.
3. \\#John 16:13\\ We have a similar promise in the Holy Spirit.
D. \\#3\\ Come and I will exalt your nation.
1. Israel was not conquered yet, but they were missing it by much.
a. They were suffering military defeats.
b. Their kingdom was getting poorer.
c. No nation would be seeking Israel out to ask them how they had
accomplished so much.
d. Much like America who this last week sent Timothy Geitner, our
Secretary of Treasury, to Europe to give them advice on how
to fix their financial problems. Wonder why he was not well
2. God was promising to change all of that.
a. They would be blessed with victory and military superiority.
b. They would be blessed with finances.
c. They would be the envy of the world.
3. I believe this is what God does for His people today.
a. Those that come to Him are blessed.
b. They will be the envy of others.
E. \\#12\\ Come and you will have joy and peace.
1. These are separate but they go together.
2. Peace is the ability to live with yourself.
3. The joy God offers is a joy that makes the world look brighter.
a. Isaiah speaks of hills singing and trees clapping their hands.
b. That doesn’t really happen.
c. It is just that God gives us such joy that it makes the world
a happier place to be.
F. \\#13\\ Come and be blessed.
1. We all know Murphy’s Law, "If anything can go wrong it will."
2. God’s blessing is the reverse.
a. God takes your thrones and gives you fir trees.
b. He takes you briers and gives you myrtle trees.
G. \\#56:7\\ Come and have worship.
1. Now we are getting more like the promises of New Testament
2. I am glad God gives us the forgiveness that brings life \\#3\\.
3. However, I also need that fellowship with God.
a. That time when we get to visit with each other.
b. That time when we get to talk to each other.
This passage tells us just how good the saints of God have it when they come to
God. They have salvation and they have satisfaction. Who could ask for more?
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