Romans 5:19-6:1
Do You Know Sin?  Really?

My attention has come again this week to sin.  Notice some things that Paul says:
    1. \\#19\\ MANY were made sinners.  (If you will read this section carefully,
        ALL were made sinners.  The reason MANY is used here is because Paul is
        comparing the NUMBER of those affected by sin (MANY) based on the
        number of people who committed the sin (ONE, ADAM).
    2. \\#20\\ Sin abounded.
    3. \\#21\\ Sin reigned.
    4. \\#6:1\\ Sin can continue.

Sin is a wicked evil.  The Bible tells us that sin…
    1. deceives us.
    2. tempts us.
    3. binds us.
    4. destroys us.
    5. if we are lost, damns us.

We live with sin.  We are controlled by sin.  We are broken by sin, but most
people don’t even recognize what sin is.

What is sin?
    1. A child’s definition is, "Anything that displeases God."  However, that is
        a little too simple for adults.
    2. Someone said there are 614 commandments in the Bible.  sin would be
        breaking anyone of those.  Could we just use that list?  Two problems:
        a. I could not remember 614 things.
        b. That list would not be complete.

Let’s consider some principals that may help us to define sin.

    I. Anything that binds is sin \\#1Cor 6:12\\
        A. This is a PRACTICAL DEFINITION of sin.
            1. If it can bind you, leave it alone.
            2. That’s logical, isn’t it?

1Co 6:12  All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all
 things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

        B. World thinks sin is liberating and enlightening but God doesn’t.
            1. The last week, I saw an article that stated that somewhere around
                50% of Americans want to legalize marijuana.  Some think that will
                free people to do what they want and will give the government a
                way to make more money through taxes.  It will not any more than
                liquor has.  It will only lead to more bondage.

            2. Some think sex without marriage is liberty.  Many years ago, I
                read an article about 13 men who were homosexuals and set about
                to lobby congress for the freedom to practice their sin. In this
                article, printed some years ago, 12 of the 13 had died of AIDS.
        C. Three truths:
            1. Every sin has an effect.
                a. People sometimes say that there is nothing wrong with certain
                    behaviors because it doesn’t hurt anyone.
                    (1) Some think of prostitution.
                    (2) It is sometimes called the "victimless crime" because
                         it is supposed to be between two consenting adults.
                b. You cannot sin without some kind of effect.
                    (1) It is like putting a drug in your body.
                    (2) There is no drug you can add to your system that does not
                         change the balance of your body on some level.
                    (3) People took aspirin thinking it was a miracle cure.  Some
                         found out later that it was damaging the lining of their
                    (4) For years, people took penicillin for minor problems only
                         to find out later that when they needed it, their bodies
                         had build up an immunity to it.
                    (5) Sooner or later, man always finds out that there is a
            2. Any sin could bind.
                a. That’s way we disavow the practice of potential sins in
                    moderation (i.e. drinking).
                b. That is one of many reasons we disavow consensual sins
                   (i.e. gambling).
            3. It is easier to avoid being bound than to break free.

   II. Anything that destroys the temple is sin \\#1Cor 3:16-17\\.
        A. That is a PRAGMATIC DEFINITION of sin.
            1. If it can hurt you, leave it alone.
            2. Again, that is logical, isn’t it?

1Co 3:16  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God
dwelleth in you?
17  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of
God is holy, which temple ye are.

        B. This verse is for the saved.
            1. Paul asks this question like these believers really ought to have
                known it.  And they should.
            2. We have the wonderful privilege and responsibility of being
                filled with God’s Spirit.
            3. The body is nothing more or less than the vehicle to transport
                the spirit (i.e. Holy Spirit).
            4. If we destroy this body, God will destroy us.
        C. We need to be careful what we do with our vessel.
            1. Don’t pollute.
            2. Don’t mutilate it.
            3. The Bible teaches that we are not MARK on it.
            4. Don’t abuse it.
            5. Don’t make it dependent.

  III. Anything that hurts our testimony is sin.

1Thess 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

        A. This is a PERCEPTIONAL DEFINITION of sin.
            1. I mean by that, what you think hurts your testimony will depend
                upon your perception of some things.
                a. Your perception of what something might look like.
                b. Your perception of what is right and wrong.
                c. Your perception of what matters and what does not.
            2. The things you define as right and wrong may change over time
                under this definition.
                a. Something that look pretty bad in the 70’s may not look so bad
        B. This means it is wrong not only to do wrong but also wrong to look
            like we are doing wrong.
        C. Testimony is precious.
            1. It is the first door knob most will shake.
            2. Friendships, work opportunities, and witnessing will be opened
                or closed by appearances.

  IV. Anything that we know is wrong is sin.

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him
it is sin.

       A. This is a PERSONAL DEFINITION of sin.
       B. Because the Holy Spirit guides us individually, He can lead some to
           conviction before others.
       C. Once He tells us it is wrong, it is sin to us.

   V. Anything that the Bible condemns is sin \\#1John 3:4\\.

1Jo 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the
transgression of the law.

        A. This is a PLAIN DEFINITION of sin.
        B. This one takes us back to the 614 commandments of the Bible.
        C. We do call something sin just because we like or don’t like it. We call
            something sin because God says it is sin.
            1. When it comes to relating what sin is, we must watch against making
                things personal.
            2. At work, we give away soft drinks.  It is an idea the owner had to
                try to set his hotel apart from others.  When the hotel was first
                secured, it did not amount to a lot of drinks because occupancy
                was not very much.  In the aftermath of the tornadoes, we were
                fill to capacity for months and a lot of the people had nothing
                to do but sit around and drink soft drinks.  It bothered one of
                the employees.  Finally, the GM had to tell him, "Don’t take it
                personal.  They aren’t taking YOUR drink.  They are taking the
                boss’s drink."

  VI. Anything that is questionable, for us is sin \\#Rom 14:19-23\\.
       A. This is a PERSONAL DEFINITION of sin.
           1. God helps us by telling us what to do when we don’t know what to do.
           2. If you don’t know it is right, for you it is wrong.

Ro 14:19  Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and
things wherewith one may edify another.
20  For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is
evil for that man who eateth with offence.
21  It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby
thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.
22  Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth
not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
Ro 14:23  And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of
faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

        B. If you do not KNOW that something is right when you do it, it is sin
            for you.
        C. Bill Gothard often said, "Others may.  I may not."

  VII. Sin’s Solution
        A. Starts with a thorough washing.

1Co 6:11  And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but
ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

            1. This is a blood washing salvation.
            2. Perhaps the reason some have never gotten victory is because they
                did not start at the beginning.
        B. Then a sanctification process begins.
            1. That means a separation process.
                a. This is a separation from the old life of sin.
                b. This process can be both long and arduous, but it is the only
                    way to get victory.
            2. Determine that you are going to let God do this work in your life.
                a. Face what is sin is.
                b. Agree with God and turn from it.
                c. Determine not to quit your fight against sin.
                d. Surrender to the Holy Spirit.  It is not mind over sin, but
                    Holy Spirit over sin.

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