Luke 1:26-35
He Came Down!

For the past two Sundays, we have looked at the what I have called,
the Breaking of the Day, that is the end of a period of darkness on
Israel which lasted for 400 years. The darkness was broken by the
angel speaking to Zacharias and proclaiming the conception of John
the Baptist. But in this text we see the Son Rise actually begin when
Gabriel is sent to Mary with a message. The heart of the message is
found in \\#31\\. It is the reason for the season as so many say. The
message is that she was to conceive and bring forth a Baby. Not all
of the details of the Baby are revealed by the angel. Some things the
Baby Himself when He is grown will reveal and even other truths will
be revealed by the followers of the Baby in time to come.

This morning, let’s focus on that Baby.

    I. The Baby is going to come down.  Jesus said of Himself.

Joh 6:38  For I came down from heaven, not to do
mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

        A. That means that this Baby to be born of Mary may have been
            born 2,000 years ago, but He did not begin 2,000 years
            1. It means He was before He was born.
                a. That Baby is the eternal One.
                b. That is called the Pre-Existence of Jesus.
            2. To this doctrine the Bible gives ample evidence.

Joh 8:58  Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily,
I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

Joh 17:5  And now, O Father, glorify thou me with
thine own self with the glory which I had with
thee before the world was.

            3. This is a unique to this one Child alone.
                a. Some teach that all humans existed in spirit form
                    before their births, but there is no evidence of
                b. However, this Child did for this Child is not a
                    mere human.
                c. He is the eternal One!
                    (1) He is the Beginning and the End.
                         \\#Rev 21:6\\
                    (2) He is the Alpha and the Omega. \\#Re 22:13\\
                    (3) He is the First and the Last. \\#Rev 1:11\\
                d. We had the Sherrill Christmas gathering last night
                    and someone asked, "What did God do to entertain
                    Himself in eons past?  I don’t know, but I know
                    that He was in the eons past.
                e. I saw a news article where scientists found
                    something in the DNA of the flower that was
                    supposed to unlock one of Darwin’s mysteries.
                    (1) It was a change in the DNA which was supposed
                         to have occurred about 200 million years ago.
                    (2) That causes me to have some questions?
                         (a) If it is changed now, how do they know
                              it was before it changed?
                         (b) How do they know it changed 200 million
                              years ago?
                    (3) The truth is that evolutionists don’t know a
                         fraction of what they say they know, but I
                         know that 200 million years ago, Jesus was.
                         (a) 200 billion years ago, Jesus was.
                         (b) 200 trillion years ago, Jesus was.

        B. It means that the Baby lived in a place called heaven.
            1. If the Baby pre-existed,
                a. He had to BE someplace.
                b. There had to be a place from which He came down.
            2. The place where He was is called heaven.

Joh 6:38  For I came down from heaven, not to do
mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

            3. There is a lot we don’t know about heaven. For
                example, we don’t know what heaven was like when Jesus
            4. What know what it WILL be like when we get there.
                a. God will have built a city four-square for the
                    saved to abide within.
                b. That city will have gates of pearls and have
                    angels standing on by them.
                c. The city will have streets of gold and be built on
                    foundations of precious stones.
            5. But what was it like when Jesus left?
                a. No doubt, it was a glorious place.
                b. Heaven was a sinless place.
                c. Heaven was filled with angels.
                d. Heaven was Jesus’ home.
            6. But the Baby came down.
                a. He knowingly and willingly left all of that.
                b. I imagine that heaven must have been a less
                    heavenly place for those years!

        C. That means this Baby is God.

John 1:1  In the beginning (the eternal One) was
the Word (another name for the Baby), and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Re 1:8  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and
the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which
was, and which is to come, the ALMIGHTY.

            1. He is the eternal One who lived in the heavens and
                came down!
                a. He is also the Creator of all things.
                b. He is the Sustainer of all things.
                c. He is the Master of all things.
                d. He is the Judge of all things.
            2. This who it was that came down - GOD!
                a. Don’t let this Baby’s appearance fool you.
                b. I know He seems helpless, fragile, undeveloped.
                c. I know He looks like nothing more than a humble
                    peasant, a weak mortal, a kind and gentle man.
                d. But He is GOD come down!  Think on that.  Make
                    your decision with that in mind.  It is a truth
                    too be to ignore.

        D. That means that this Baby will have to pour Himself out.

Phi 2:7  But made himself of no reputation, and
took upon him the form of a servant, and was made
in the likeness of men:

            1. Though the Baby is God, the Almighty, He did not come
                as God, the Almighty.
            2. He laid that reputation, that title aside.
            3. Instead, He came in the form of a Servant.
            4. What a transition!  How could One so high become one
                so low?  There was but one way.  The Baby had to pour
                Himself out.
                a. Just a carton of milk is opened and the contents
                    poured out, so this Baby had to pour out the
                    attributes and powers that were naturally and
                    rightfully His.
                b. He poured out His POWER.
                c. He poured out His KNOWLEDGE.
                d. He poured out His GLORY.
            5. But there are some things that the Baby kept.
                a. He kept His nature.
                b. He is still love.
                c. He is still sinless.
                d. He is still holy and pure.
            6. One preacher pointed out that it was a good thing for
                Mary that the Baby did pour out all of these things
                for had He not, she surely would not have been able
                to contain this Child.
                a. Her knees would have buckled and her belly would
                    have popped if this Baby had come in His
                b. But He did not.  He poured Himself out when He
                    came down!
        E. That means that this Baby will have to wrap Himself in
            human flesh.

John 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the
glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth.

1John 1:1  That which was from the beginning,
which we have heard, which we have seen with our
eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands
have handled, of the Word of life;
2  (For the life was manifested, and we have
seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you
that eternal life, which was with the Father,
and was manifested unto us;)

            1. This Baby is emptying Himself of the glory that He has
                always had.
                a. God’s glory is His covering.
                b. God needs no clothes.  He is clothed with the
                    brightness of His glory.
                c. But the Baby poured that glory out.
                d. Now the Baby needs a new covering.
                e. What will He be coved with?  With flesh.
                f. This is called the IN-CARNATION.  (In meaning
                    to be put IN something.  Carnation meaning flesh.
                    This Baby will be put in to flesh.)
            2. Jesus’ incarnation was the continuation of a work
                started in the Garden of Eden.
            3. God has produced three works of the flesh and has one
                more yet to produce.
                a. Adam and Eve are flesh in the image of God.
                    (1) This was work of flesh with the breathe of
                         God in it.
                    (2) That is what we all are, but that work has
                         a fatal flaw in it.
                    (3) Although created in the image of God with the
                         breathe of God, it could, would, and did
                         turn its back on God.
                    (4) God knew that it would do so and thus this
                         was but the first stage of fleshly
                b. Jesus was God in the image of Man.
                    (1) A completely different kind of work was this
                         fleshly being.
                    (2) This was God merely wrapped with man’s flesh.
                    (3) This One was not merely created in the image
                         of God but it was God created in the image
                         of man.
                    (4) As such, this One could not, would not, and
                         did not sin against God.
                    (5) Instead, this Baby grew up and died FOR man,
                         making a third work of flesh possible.
                c. Christians are God in men.
                    (1) This is fallen flesh, redeemed, and recreated
                         with God living inside of him.
                    (2) We who are the saved are no longer mere
                         images of God.
                    (3) We are the embodiments of God.
                         (a) Still robed in corrupt flesh?  Yes.
                         (b) But also filled with God Himself though
                              the person of the Holy Ghost.
                d. Glorified Christian are men completed in God.
                    (1) In the last of God’s fleshly creations, God
                         will remove the corrupt flesh altogether.
                    (2) Then and only then, we shall be like our
                         Risen Lord, totally free from sin and the
                         flesh’s weakness.

   II. \\#32-34\\ This Baby will rise to the top.
        A. \\#32\\ He shall be GREAT.
            1. Great how?  Great in every way!
            2. He is God.  How can He not be great?
                a. He was great in His abilities.
                b. He was great in His love.
                c. He was great in His accomplishments.
                    (1) He lived a sinless life.
                    (2) He died a substitutionary death.
                    (3) He rose to defeat the grave.
                    (4) He lives to redeem the fallen.
            3. But the Baby’s rise will not be merely in the
                spiritual world.  No.  He will rise in the earthly as

        B. \\#32\\ He will ascend to the throne of his father, David.
            1. This Baby is great because He is God.
            2. But this Baby is also great because He is the son of
                earth’s greatest king, David.
                a. This Baby, born of Mary, laid in a manger,
                    rejected of mankind, will return in the glory of
                    the King and the power of God.
                b. This rise will not be altogether pleasant for some
                    will see Him in a light they do not understand.

2Thess 1:7  And to you who are troubled rest with
us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from
heaven with his mighty angels,
8  In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that
know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ:
9  Who shall be punished with everlasting
destruction from the presence of the Lord, and
from the glory of his power;
10  When he shall come to be glorified in his
saints, and to be admired in all them that
believe (because our testimony among you was
believed) in that day.

        C. He will save His people from their sin.

Matt 1:21  And she shall bring forth a son, and
thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall
save his people from their sins.

            1. Sadly, this has not happened yet.
            2. The coming of the Baby was supposed to be first and
                foremost a JEWISH event, but His own people rejected

John 1:11  He came unto his own, and his own
received him not.

            3. Yet their rejection of Him became our golden ticket!

John 1:12  But as many as received him, to them
gave he power to become the sons of God, even to
them that believe on his name:

            4. So today, you and I can come and have our sins
                forgiven. This is why this season is celebrated more
                OUTSIDE of Israel than it is INSIDE of
                a. They celebrate Hanukkah.
                b. We celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ.
            5. But the day will come when the Jews will be saved.
                a. Before that day will begin, your day to be saved
                    will end.
                b. This offer of salvation has build-in time limits.
                    (1) Death
                    (2) Rapture - If a person will not receive Jesus
                         in grace, it is very unlikely that he would
                         do so in judgment.

After hearing the news of the angel, both Mary and Joseph had some
decision to make.  After hearing the message this morning, you do
too.  You must decided whether you will receive or reject Jesus
Christ.  Whether you will celebrate a holiday or a holy day.  Whether
you will celebrate Christmas or Xmas.  I pray that you will do what
the Jews failed to do—receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

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