Luke 1:8-17
To Make A Difference

Last Sunday morning, we saw the conditions which surrounded the birth
of Jesus the Christ.  We summed it up in three words:
    1. Sin - Israel had sinned tremendously against God.
    2. Subjugation - Israel had sinned so much that God had given
        them over to their enemies.  First, to the nations that
        bordered them, but then to greater and more powerful nations
        from much further away.  Israel had been subjugated for some
        750 years.
    3. Silence - For the previous 400 years of that subjugation, God
        had been silent to Israel.  No known prophets and no written
        word.  It was 400 years of pure spiritual darkness.

Then came Luke 1 and God broke the darkness.  It was the beginning of
the SON Rise.  Not that the Son was to come yet, but before the sun
does rise, its light begins to brighten the horizon.  So the Son Rise
started when an angel was sent to an elderly couple with word that
they would conceive a child.

This morning, I want to ask a question. What kind of a child was God
to give that could change the conditions of this nation? Darkness,
sinfulness, silence - what kind of man must this child become to have
an influence on that world? The answers were given by the angel and
proclaimed by Zacharias before the child was ever born. Let’s
consider him this morning.

    I. John’s Connection - It would take a man connected to God to
        make a difference in that kind of world.  John was certainly
        connected to God.
        A. John and Jesus were cousins.
            1. \\#36\\ When Gabriel was sent to Mary and she needed
                some encouragement, the angel told Mary that her
                cousin, Elisabeth, who was barren was now with child.
            2. If Mary and Elizabeth were first cousins (as some
                think), then Jesus and John would have been second
                cousins—all of that on their mother’s side.
        B. John was Jesus’ forerunner.
            1. Isaiah had prophesied John’s coming 750 years before.

Isa 40:3  The voice of him that crieth in the
wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make
straight in the desert a highway for our God.
4  Every valley shall be exalted, and every
mountain and hill shall be made low: and the
crooked shall be made straight, and the rough
places plain:
5  And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
and all flesh shall see it together: for the
mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

                a. While this prophecy does not name John, it
                    definitely describes what he would do.
                b. Coming from the wilderness, he would make a
                    highway for God; that is, he would make it easier
                    for Jesus to be recognized.
                c. The prophecy compares what John did to building a
                    highway for Jesus to walk on, he build a road,
                    tearing down the hills, building up the valleys,
                    and smoothing out the rough places.
                d. So John prepared the people for Jesus’ coming.
                    a. Who?
                    b. He preached repentance to the people and
                        pointed the people to Jesus.
            2. It is impossible that John was a forerunner of Jesus
                without being a believer in Jesus.
                a. Here is the connection that would make a
                b. Not being a cousin to Jesus but a brother to
                c. You can and must have that connection if you are
                    to make a difference.
                d. We had a politician run for office and he promised
                    change.  All of his changes have been to take us
                    away from God, but it is not his fault.  He is
                    not connected to God through Jesus Christ and the
                    only difference you can make without a connection
                    to Jesus is for the bad!
            3. This connection is stronger than you might think.
                a. Sadly, John was not completely successful in his
                b. The people did not respond as God desired.  In
                    fact, you and I know that the Jews rejected Jesus
                    and crucified Him.
                c. Because of that, God is not finished with the
                    (1) They will receive Jesus as Messiah for God
                         has determined that the Jews will be His
                         people and will honor Him.
                    (2) So Jesus is to come to the earth again and
                         before He comes, He will have again have a
                    (3) Again, the Bible does not tell us WHO that
                         forerunner will be but there are only three
                         (a) God will either raise Elijah to be fore-
                         (b) God will raise John the Baptist to be
                              the forerunner.
                         (c) Or, and I think this is the most likely,
                              God will raise up someone like Elijah
                              and John the Baptist (i.e. with their
                              spirit and power).
                    (4) But the point is, there is still a connection
                         between Jesus and His forerunner.
            4. However, I want to point out something else.
                a. Last week, we looked in the book of Malachi,
                    written before the 400 years of silence began,
                    and noted that God gave a promise telling the
                    people it would end with the SON rise.
                b. Here we are looking at the book of Isaiah, which
                    was written before the 750 plus years of
                    subjugation began; and here is a promise from
                    God telling us that He will send both Messiah and
                    a forerunner to prepare the way for Him.
                c. And if we chose to do so, we could look in Genesis
                    3, the time when sin began, and see that God gave
                    a promise to send One who stamp on the head of
                    the serpent.
                d. Here are the three things that afflicted Israel,
                    sin, subjugation, and God’s silence, and before
                    or at the beginning of each of these, God gave a
                    promise as to how it would end.
                e. I said it last week and I will say it again this
                    week, that God does not give a period of darkness
                    without first giving a  promise of light at the
                    end of the tunnel.
                f. And I cannot help but to notice that the same
                    promise is giving to all three of these.
                    (1) The sin, the subjugation, and the silence
                         all end with Jesus.
                    (2) Not only was that a promise to Israel but it
                         is the promise to you as well!
                    (3) If you are find yourself in the bonds of
                         sin, subjugation, or silence, turn to Jesus

   II. John’s Character - It would take a man with a unique character
        to make a difference in that kind of world.
        A. \\#15\\ Angel told John’s father what type of
            character John would have.
            1. He would be great in the sight of God.
                a. That is a tremendous statement.  Everyone, even
                    the unregenerated, should want to be great in
                    God’s sight.

Mt 11:11  Verily I say unto you, Among them that
are born of women there hath not risen a greater
than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that
is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater
than he.

                b. However, does it take to be great in God’s sight?
                    (1) Do good works?
                    (2) Be a very religious person?
                    (3) No.  Those are not what would make a person
                         great in God’s sight.
                c. Then what?
                    (1) There is not but one thing that would make a
                         person great in God’s sight.
                    (2) Be willing.  Be willing to do whatever God
                         might ask of you.
                    (3) It might come as a shock to know that there
                         is no predetermined list.
                    (4) No doubt some of the things God has asked of
                         others He will ask of you, but then again,
                         God may ask of you something He has never
                         asked of another.
            2. He will drink neither wine nor strong drink.
                a. When we read a passage like this, we often under-
                    stand it as God saying John was not to partake of
                    anything that might inebriate or drunken him.
                    (1) That is what is meant by the term "strong"
                    (2) Of course, we have added many things to the
                         list of the things that might inebriate or
                         drunken a man.
                         (a) The Jews did not have barley and the
                              beer, ale, whiskey made from it.
                         (b) Neither did they have access to
                              marijuana, heroine, oxycontin, or any
                              of the other drugs—whether natural or
                              synthetic that man has made to make
                              himself high.
                         (c) Anything that would make a person "high"
                              would be something that John was
                              forbidden to have.
                    (3) And why?  Because it is God’s desire that a
                         person be under the influence of Jesus
                         Christ and not strong drink.

Eph 5:18  And be not drunk with wine, wherein
is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

                    (4) John the Baptist was to be a man who had
                         never known any other power or influence in
                         his life other than the Holy Ghost of God.
                b. However, it was not just "strong" drink John was
                    forbidden to have.  It was any product of the
                    (1) The term that is used is "wine or strong
                    (2) Wine does not mean fermented wine.  It means
                         any product that comes from the vine.
                         (a) This was a time before other beverages
                              had been invented - Coke, Pepsi, Mt.
                              Dew; tea and coffee had not yet been
                              introduced to the Jews.
                         (b) Their sole drink was water, unfermented
                              juices, and strong drink.
                         (c) The angel told Zacharias that all John
                              could ever drink was water.
                         (d) Was there anything wrong with juice? No.
                              It was just something John was not to
                    (3) And why?
                         (a) The Bible does not tell us, but I
                              suspect it was for the same reason that
                              John lived in the dessert instead of
                              the more comfortable city, wore camel’s
                              hair for clothing instead of the
                              softer wool garments, ate honey and
                              locusts instead of beans and meat.
                         (b) God wanted John to be a man detached
                              from this world.
                         (c) John was not be friends with this world
                              on any level.
                               i. He was not to love its comforts,
                                   its pleasures, or its luxuries.
                              ii. He was to be a man who was
                                   dependent upon God and nothing
                         (d) That way John would be able to preach
                              what God said without any other
                c. This is the kind of child and man it takes to
                    reach a world darkened by sin.  One totally
                    detached from the world.
                    (1) People are looking for the "extremes," at
                         least that was the term being used a few
                         years back.
                    (2) So is God.  God wants to find a man or a
                         woman extremely determined to live for Him
                         and extremely determined to be separated
                         from the corrupt influences of this world.
            3. He shall be filled with the Holy Ghost from him
                mother’s womb.
                a. Not only was John NOT to be under the world’s
                    influence, He was to be under God’s.
                b. Not from his salvation, nor even from his birth,
                    but from his conception, John was to be filled
                    with the Holy Ghost of God.
                c. If the Bible did not have this detail written
                    about John the Baptist, I would have said it was
                    not possible to be filled with the Holy Ghost
                    from conception.
                d. Such revealed truths help us to see that the
                    things we think are impossible with God are
                    actually quite possible.
                    (1) Maybe you are thinking that God could never
                         use you… that it is too late for you…
                         that you are beyond God’s reach.
                    (2) God reached into a mother’s womb and poured
                         His Holy Spirit upon a baby not even born yet.
                    (3) I certainly think God  can reach you.
                e. One thing is for certain.  Anyone who is going to
                    reach a world shrouded in darkness will have to
                    be filled with the Holy Ghost, if not from the
                    womb then most certainly before he do a great
                    work for God.
        B. This is the type of character that will be required to
            influence and win and world in darkness.
            1. From where you are, that kind of character might seem
                far out of your reach; however, it isn’t.
            2. The beautiful things about God, His Son, and their
                salvation is that it makes new creatures out of old
            3. It doesn’t matter what you were when you walked in,
                you can be something entirely different when you walk
                out.  You can be a man, a woman, a child that God
                sees as a great in His sight.

   III. \\#16-17\\ John’s Calling - It would take a man with a
         calling from God.
         A. God created and called John to do some rather amazing
             1. A call from God is God revealing to a person what it
                 He created them to do.
             2. Every human being ever born has had a calling, a
                 reason for being created by God, including you.
             3. It is true that most people never get close enough to
                 God to find out what they were created to do but
                 that does not mean there was no reason, it only
                 means they never heard the call.
         B. The angel also told Zacharias what John would be called
             to do.
             1. \\#16\\ Overall, John would be called to turn the
                 nation of Israel to God.
                 a. That was a monumental task.
                 b. This is the nation that had been steeped in sin
                     for hundreds of years.
                 c. Truth of the matter is that John did not succeed
                     in his call.
             2. \\#17\\ This calling would be accomplished in three
                 a. John’s ministry would touch the home.

17  And he shall go before him in the spirit and
power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers
to the children,

                    (1) No nation can be godly that defies and
                         destroys the home.
                    (2) God created man to need others.
                         (a) Even Adam, created in the image of God
                              and without sin, needed a helpmeet.
                         (b) How much more a sin-crippled race of
                              human beings?
                         (c) This need, although helped, is not met
                              by good friends.
                         (d) We need family - mothers, fathers,
                              wives, husbands, and children - to
                              complete our lives.
                    (3) Satan and sin always attempts to destroy the
                         home first (i.e. Satan’s second major
                         attack on mankind was getting Cain to rise
                         up and slay his brother Abel).
                    (4) John would have a ministry to turn the hearts
                         of fathers toward their sons, that is to
                         make fathers love their children again.
                    (5) God is telling us through this text how Satan
                         works in the hearts of fathers.
                         (a) Men are proud and so tend to be selfish,
                              putting themselves ahead of others.
                         (b) John’s calling would reverse that
                              destructive tendency.
                    (6) Here is what is interesting.
                         (a) We don’t have a single gospel record of
                              John ever preaching a message on the
                              home, doing family counseling, or in
                              any way directly ministering to the
                         (b) As far as we know, John just preached
                              against sin and promoted Jesus.
                         (c) Yet, that ministry, would help fathers’
                              hearts turn to their children.
                    (7) There is nothing that will fix the ills of
                         the home and society more than preaching
                         against sin and exalting Jesus!
                b. John’s ministry would touch the foolish.

17 … and the disobedient to the wisdom of
the just…

                    (1) When sin rules and reigns, one of the first
                         things that goes is wisdom, plain old commons
                    (2) You can see it in our society.
                         (a) Take God out and violence, rebellion,
                              crime, suicide, abortion, broken homes,
                              drug addition, and every wrong and evil
                              behavior increases.
                         (b) Yet no one, not even most of the
                              churches, advocate going back to God.
                    (3) Again, John will not run for political office;
                         he will not write national laws; he will not
                         teach at a university.
                    (4) He will effect his nation by preaching!
                c. John’s ministry would prepare people to accept the

17 … to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

                    (1) And in this statement is the cure for all of
                         societies’ problems.
                    (2) It is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
                    (3) And not only is Jesus the cure for the whole
                         of society, He is also the cure for you life
                         and your problems.

The angel was telling Zacharias that John would make a difference in
the dark world that he was being born into.  Christian, you and I can
also make a difference.  We need a connection with Jesus, a holy
character, and a calling from God.  Let’s purpose to that difference

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