1Jo 4:1-3
Things I Do Not Believe

Most of the emphasis of the Bible is on believing. However, there are
some things which the Bible warns us against believing, especially
as we move further into the end of the age. This evening, I am not
preaching on what I do believe but on some things that I do not
believe and pray that you do not either.

    1. These are not merely simple truths that we should not believe
        in but philosophies which shape our thinking process and
        a. I can refuse to believe in the premillennial return of
            Jesus and, while I think that would be a serious error,
            it would not necessarily affect my Christian lifestyle
            very much.
        b. But if I refuse to believe in the literal meaning of the
            Bible, then it will warp every other thing that I
    2. Our view on these kinds of truths not only determine our
        theology, but they determine our worship, our value system,
        our lifestyle, and ultimately our society. Do not just
        dismiss them.
    3. Many of God’s people are being spoiled.

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you
through philosophy and vain deceit, after the
tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
world, and not after Christ.

I. I do not believe in Satan’s demise.

1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your
adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh
about, seeking whom he may devour:

    A. Today’s society does not believe in the existence of a devil.
        1. They have relegated the devil to the arena of mythology.
        2. If they believed, they would beware and resist him, not
            ignore him.
        3. Satan is treated like a joke not an enemy—and that has
            been his plan all along.
            a. We do not fear the things that we laugh at.
            b. Have you considered how the world was spoon-fed the
                acceptance of homosexuality?  They put homosexual
                characters on sit-coms and had American first laugh
                at them, then identify with them, then accept them,
                and now they support them.
            c. It is one of Satan’s tried and true methods of getting
                what he wants.
    B. Satan has two goals and two tools for which he has two uses.
        1. Satan has 2 goals for every human being on the earth:
            a. He wants to damn your soul.
            b. He wants to destroy your life.
            c. Jesus described Satan’s goal in three terms.

Joh 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to
steal, and to kill, (How he damns you.) and
to destroy (How he destroys you.): I am come
that they might have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly.

             d. If Satan can get you to quit watching for him, and
                 even more, believing in him, he has won.  You will
                 have been stolen and unless something changes, you
                 will be damned.
        2. Satan has 2 tools to accomplish those goals and as far as
            I can tell, these are his only two tools.
            a. He has deception and oppression, If you are a lost
                person, oppression can become possession.
            b. What does the devil do with deception?  (two uses)
                (1) He can make you think the important is trivial.
                (2) He can make you think the trivial is important.
            c. Examples:
                (1) People got up this morning thinking church was
                     not important but stores, arena’s, and fields
                     were.   Because of that, entire families drove
                     past church where they could have heard news
                     that would have changed their eternity.
                (2) People jumped up not to read the Bible but the
                     internet, circulars, and television schedules.
                (3) People relish their memberships in shopping
                     clubs, hunting clubs, and lodges; but not in
                (4) People have easily believed the devil’s
                     deceptions because they do not think he is real.
                (5) They have no guard, no awareness, no resistance.
            d. What does the devil do with oppression?
                (1) Oppression is the feeling of sorrow or heaviness.
                (2) How does the devil use oppression? (two uses)
                     (a) He exaggerates people’s weaknesses.
                     (b) He exaggerates off people’s emotions.
                (3) We all have both.
                     (a) We all have weaknesses and we all have
                     (b) But the devil uses deception to make some
                          people believe their weaknesses and
                          emotions are more important than they
                          actually are.
                     (c) Before long, the devil has them wallowing
                          in fears, feelings of inadequacies,
                          failures, anger, need for vindication and
                          so forth, until they can’t function in the
                          everyday world.
                     (d) The devil is easily able to do this because
                          people don’t think he is real!  They think
                          they are thinking all of these thoughts and
                          never consider an outside influence is
                          deceiving them.
    C. Here is the reality.
        1. If you are a Christian, there is a devil but he has
            limited power over your life.
            a. He cannot do anything to you physically.
            b. He cannot do anything to you spiritually unless God
                allows him to do it.
            c. And even the things that God allows him to do are
                limited by God and your faith.
        2. Some things the devil cannot do.
            a. The devil cannot make you sin.
            b. The devil cannot make you doubt.
            c. The devil cannot make you fail.
            d. The devil cannot break or even hinder your
                relationship with God.
        3. However, the devil can deceive you into doing all of these
            things if you do not believe in the devil and keep your
            guard up against him.

II. I do not believe in man’s goodness.

Romans 5:12  Wherefore, as by one man sin entered
into the world, and death by sin; and so death
passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

    A. Society does not believe man is born a sinner but is born
        innately good.
        1. If that goodness is not apparent, somehow society has
            failed that person and steps must be made to correct both
            society and that person.
        2. Most everything that is wrong with our society today is
            based on the false philosophy that man is innately good.
            He just needs a chance to prove it.
        3. That is why society has placed an over-emphasis on
            a. They are trying to figure out if we were abused, or
                neglected, or denied for if we are their image of
                perfected, somehow we were harmed.
            b. The truth is everyone has been harmed!
                (1) The most perfect childhood was not perfect and -
                     because of our sin nature - still produce life-
                     long problems!
                (2) These problems cannot be helped with a counseled
                     life until they have first been helped by a
                     changed life.
        4. That is why society thinks the way to fix everything
            is with money.
            a. They do not see anything spiritual as existing and so
                it must be something physical.
            b. They did not get enough food; they were cold; they
                need a better house; and on it goes.
        5. That is why the justice system has forsaken justice.
            a. Punishment will just mar the poor thief, drug
                addict, drunkard, murderer more.
            b. We need to give them a break.
            c. By the way, that is why after 911, everyone felt sorry
                for the Muslims.
                (1) They started from the false philosophy that we
                     must have hurt them and that is why they want to
                     hurt us.
                (2) And that is why the world is now turning on
                (3) They have concluded that if the Muslims had not
                     been displaced by Israel, the Muslims would have
                     never would have attacked anyone.
                (4) Never mind what their Koran says or the first
                     1100 years of their history.
                (5) The Muslims are just good people who have been
        6. That is why we pass children who have not learned.
        7. That is we feed people and do not expect them to work.
        8. That is why our military and police are the bad people.
    B. We need to understand that education, food. clothing, a
        helping hand, mercy, a second chance, understanding, and all
        of the other things that being tolled out today cannot bring
        goodness out of a fowl heart.
        1. All they can do is to get the attention of the person long
            enough to tell them what they really need to know.
        2. What things do they need to know?
            a. Man is born a sinner.  See Romans 5:12 above.)
            b. Everyone must be born again.  \\#John 3:7\\
            c. Goodness was not born in you but God can put it there.

Rev 19:8  And to her was granted (given) that she
should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white:
for the fine linen is the righteousness of

III. I do not believe that possessions bring happiness.

Luke 12:15  And he said unto them, Take heed, and
beware of covetousness: for a man’s life
consisteth not in the abundance of the things
which he possesseth.

    A. Things do not give happiness.
        1. They might make life easier.  They might make life more
            comfortable.  They might free up time (although they
            usually do not!), but they never bring happiness.
        2. If possessions brought happiness, the happiest people in
            the world would be the wealthy.
        3. It may be wrong to stereotype all of the wealthy but it
            sure seems to me like the ones we see are no happier than
            the non-wealthy.
        4. Holidays are a dangerous time for people who think things
            will bring happiness.
            a. In 1995, some merchants were expecting a 12% increase
                in sales over 1994 which was a very lucrative year.
            b. Did the population increase by 12%?  Did inflation
                raise the prices by 12%?
            c.  No. People are just going to spend more.
            d. During the holidays, commercials  bombard us 24
                hours a day for months on end, tempting us to borrow
                money we don’t have to purchase things we don’t need
                to give to people we seldom see and who will never
                use them or value them.
        5. When we do this, we do three things:
            a. Participate with the wicked.
            b. Promote the false idea that these things will make
                people happy.
            c. Push our children to take our sin and go farther with
                it than we did.
    B. Relationships bring happiness.
        1. Relationship with Jesus Christ which will give a
            relationship with God the Father which will give a
            relationship with every other believe who ever lived.
        2. Relationship with your mate.
        3. Relationship with your children.
        4. Relationship with others.

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