Genesis 11:1-9
When the World Comes Together

The text that we are reading today is one of the oldest in the Bible.
It speaks of a place that still exists today, Babylon, here called
Babel.  As far as I can discern, Babylon is the oldest city on the
fact of the earth.  It’s founding is described in \\#Gen 10:8-11\\.
It was built by Noah’s grandson, Nimrod.  The text goes on to
describe that Nimrod built several other cities across modern day
Iraq and Iran.

The city Babylon as four major time periods and three of them are
described in the Bible.
    1. Ancient Babel or Babylon - We are reading about that time
        period now. Babylon is the oldest civilization in the world.
        Ancient Babylon is important because it tells us where
        different languages came from.
    2. Old Babylon - This is the Babylon of Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
        and Ezekiel. Babylon became the greatest world power
        (greatest in power, beauty, and riches) - even conquering
    3. Present day Babylon - Saddam Hussein brought Babylon back into
        the forefront of the world’s attention by harboring weapons
        of mass destruction and the terrorists that wanted to use
        them.  After the attack on the World Trade Centers, a
        coalition of nations attacked Babylon under the United
        States.  Hussein was eventually captured and hanged by the
        people he had abused/
    4. Future Babylon - Rev 14-18 - Babylon will be the world center
        of religious, political, and economic power. It will be a
        part of the anti-Christ’s world system and will end only when
        God Himself destroys it.

This morning, we want to concentrate primarily on Ancient Babylon.
Why is Babel important?

I. Babel testifies of early things.
    A. Babel testifies how our world was divided into different
        people groups.
        1. Even evolutionist believe that all the races had a common
            ancestors.  Give them credit.  They are right on that
            one, but they have no explanation as to how the world
            came to speak such diverse languages.
        2. If the evolution were true, all the nations should have a
            similar root language. We don’t. Why? Because God
            divided the nations with unique languages for the
            express purpose of keeping them apart!

Acts 17:26  And hath made of one blood all
nations of men for to dwell on all the face
of the earth, and hath determined the times
before appointed, and the bounds of their

        3. All nations are from one blood. There is no Biblical
            reason that any race of people should think they are
        4. God has appointed their times - times of existence and
        5. God has appointed their boundaries. Man tries to remove
            the boundaries but God set them up.
        6. The Bible makes it clear that God has divided the nations
            and gives them their place and time to exist.
        7. The multitude of languages we speak testify that it is so.

    B. Babel testifies to the abilities of early man. \\#4\\
        1. I don’t think these people were literally trying to build
            a tower to God.  Neither do I think they trying to build
            some thing that would reach as high as they could.
        2. If either of these were true, they would not have started
            the structure in the plain of Shinar but on one of the
            mountains.  That would have given them a head start of
            a few thousand feet!
        3.  I do think they were trying to build a high structure,
             probably like the great pyramids of Egypt or the Sphinx
             which these peoples’ descendents will build later on.
        4. The phrase "whose top may reach unto heaven" is an idiom
            meaning, "Let’s build something exceedingly high, with
            it’s head in the sky."
        5. To build some thing that tall would require a lot of
            brick, mortar, man power, and great engineering
        6. \\#6\\ But God said they would do it! Do they sound like
            prehistoric cave men to you?
        7. If you want to know where the cave men came from, I will
            tell you for certain that God did not make man in that
            condition.  That is what mankind sunk to after sin
            entered the world!

Ge 19:30  And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt
in the mountain, and his two daughters with him;
for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in
a cave, he and his two daughters.

    C. Babel testifies of man’s early wicked nature.
        1. It was not the building that was of itself bad.
            a. God allowed others to build similar structures.
            b. The evil was in the building’s purpose.
        2. Symbol
            a. \\#Ge 9:1\\ God told man to fill the earth.
            b. \\#4\\ These people weren’t going to go!
            c. This tower was to be the symbol that man was his own
                boss, he could go where he wanted, when he wanted,
               if he wanted.
            d. God says, "You think so?"
            e. Man has been trying to put the world back together
                ever since God divided it.
                (1) Whenever Man unites, he attempts to overthrow

Proverbs 11:21  Though hand join in hand, the
wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of
the righteous shall be delivered.

Psalm 2:1  Why do the heathen rage, and the
people imagine a vain thing?
2  The kings of the earth set themselves, and
the rulers take counsel together, against the
LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3  Let us break their bands asunder, and cast
away their cords from us.
4  He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:
the Lord shall have them in derision.

                (2) Has the United Nations taken us closer to God or
                     pulled us further from God?  Have the multitude
                     of international treaties signed bolstered the
                     cause of Christ or threatened it?  Since our
                     military has been united with coalitions of the
                     world, have our service personals religious
                     freedoms been enlarged or reduced?
                (3) Practical experience - Smaller is usually better!
                     The more people there are, the faster sin
                     (a) Peer pressure usually works for evil.
                     (b) Larger crowds tend to reduce individual
                     (c) Larger crowds tend to rely on their ability
                          not God’s.

II. Babel teaches us some things.
    A. Man’s greatest sins are often by design and with ingenuity.
        1. These men, although sinners, were brilliant.
        2. The wonders of the ancient world testifies to the fact
            that men in Bible days were able to things that we can
            begin to comprehend.
            a. Do you know what man figures when he sees the work of
                ancient mankind’s’ genius?  That aliens did it.
            b.  Include excerpts from "Six Ancient Things That Were
                 Probably Built by Aliens."

            c. It wasn’t aliens!  It was man blessed by God with
                intellect and brilliance, but over the years man has
                continued to turn to sin and dumb himself down.  It
                is happening in giant leaps in this country right
        3. The shame of it is that these men with all of the
            ingenuity were only interested in using it for sinful
            a. \\#4\\God told them to go and they wanted to stay.
            b. Instead, they wanted to stay in one place and to make
                a name for themselves.
            c. \\#3-4\\ Notice their phrase "Go to."
                (1) The people used that phrase twice in disobedience
                     to God.
                (2) Their thought was, "Let’s join together and build
                     some thing really big, some thing that would
                     show God that we are own bosses."
            d. \\#7\\ But then notice that God used that phrase too.
                (1) What we have here is One member of the Godhead
                     speaking to the Others.
                (2) But did God have to "go" any place to see this
                     tower that man was building?
                (3) No!  He is God and God sees all things.
                (4) What did God say this to the Godhead?
                     (a) It was sarcasm.
                     (b) God was demonstrating how foolish man’s
                          effort to disobey Him is.
                     (c) By saying this, God was saying, "I can’t
                          quit make out what those people are
                          building down there.  It might be the
                          biggest, tallest thing that man has ever
                          built but it is so small that I think we
                          will have to go down to look at it."
        4. In this chapter, God will demonstrate to mankind just how
            smart mankind really is.

    B. Man’s greatest sins are with false religions.
        1. I have already mentioned that I do not think these people
            were literally building a temple to reach God of the
            a. \\#4\\ But the Bible says…

… whose top may reach unto heaven…

            b. What does that mean?
        2. Notice that in the verse, the words "may reach" are in
            italics, meaning that they are not in the original
            a. The word that is used is a preposition meaning in, by,
                with, or on.
            b. So the thought may be that the tower had some kind of
                relationship to the heavens not that it literally was
                going to be a high rise to them (although I think the
                building was to be very tall).
        3. What relationship could this structure have to the
            heavens?  Most think that it was being built to worship
            the zodiacs.
            a. It is a know fact that astrology began in Babylon.
            b. Both the pyramids and the Sphinx which were build by
                the descendents of these very people have
                relationships to the stars and zodiacs.
            c. By the way, the worship of the celestial bodies is
                condemned by the Bible as devil worship.
            d. This whole event was likely another one of the devil’s
                attempt to get man to forsake God and to worship him!
            e. That is the purpose of every false and deceptive
        4. It is interesting to note that mankind falls for Satan’s
            parade of false religions over and over again.
            a. Islam seems to be his religion of choice right now!
            b. But Catholicism, Mormonism, Buddhism, Hinduism,
                atheism, voodoo, cannibalism, witchcraft, horoscopes,
                or the unfaithful, unbelieving, compromising Baptist
                are all headed down the same wrong road—they are
                worshipping the devil!
            c. People like to condemn Christianity as being a
                violent, hateful religion that has caused more wars
                than any other single cause.
                (1) That is not true.
                (2) The perversion of Christianity may have done that
                     but not Christianity.
                (3) Christianity has provided the martyrs for the
                     perversion religions but it never the aggressor.
                (4) Force can’t make a Christian out of anyone.  They
                     must be drawn of the Holy Spirit, convicted of
                     their sins, and choose to follow Jesus.
                (5) Those that have the light know that.  Those that
                     don’t have the light are in darkness and part of
                     the devil’s crowd.
        5. Yet, in the name of religion, wars are fought, Jihad is
            proclaimed, and innocents are burned alive in a cage!

    C. Man’s greatest sins are met by God’s judgments.
        1. God did not stop man from completing this project.  God
            only delayed man from completing it.
            a. Man used his best minds and strongest backs in an
                attempt to bring God down.
            b. With nothing more than a thought, God brought mankind
                down another notch and delayed his project by
                thousands of years.
            c. God pressed one hidden a button in man’s brain and
                reset his speech and understanding abilities!
                (1) He could have sent another flood, of famine,
                     or fire, or a dozen other judgments.
                (2) But God decided to put a wall between man
                     that would be permanent and keep man apart
                     for thousands of years!
                (3) It has only been in the last few years that
                     the language barrier has been able to be
                     commonly removed, but its virtual removal
                     has put man back on tract to attempting to
                     show God that man is his own boss again.
        2. Today man is successfully breaking through the language
            barrier.  Yet, this is not a good thing.
            a. Man has picked up the baton of those ancient
                (1) As man moves closer and closer to bringing the
                     world together, Satan is blinding their eyes
                     into worshipping him and denying God.
                (2) That is what Satan has always wanted and as the
                     world comes together, he will get it.
                (3) We have begun to build a work to tell God that
                     we do not want Him!
            b. What will God do?  At some point, God will remove His
                people from off the world and start pouring His wrath
                upon this planet.
        3. You see, anytime man comes against God, God will thwart
            a. You cannot build a structure to reach into the heavens
                for God has already provided the means, Jesus!
            b. Any other work we might build is our merger attempt at
                casting God down and lifting man up.
        4. Be wise.
            a. Turn to Jesus Christ today.
            b. Live for Him.  Obey Him.

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