Genesis 11:1-6
And So, What About America?

I don’t think anyone could not know that this past week the Supreme
Court—yet again—overstepped its bounds to abolish laws that have
been obeyed in this country since its inception and which have been
honored by the majority of the human race since their creation.  In
what is being hailed by the liberals and God-haters as a major
victory, the Supreme Court provided funding for ObamaCare and
destroyed legal marriage—although marriage itself remains in tact
and unharmed for it is a creation of God is not under man’s

And so, what about America?  As we celebrate the 239th birthday of
our country, what can we say about our nation?

I. America is dying.
    A. I know that sounds very pessimistic, but it true.
        1. America may not fall this year or next or even in the
            next few years, but she is dying and the process will
        2. The last two Supreme Court decision are only additional
            baby steps on the road to the total demise of our nation.
        3. I do not say that because I am disappointed with our
            nation.  I say it because God is disappointed with our

Pr 14:34  Righteousness exalteth a nation: but
sin is a reproach to any people.

Ps 9:17  The wicked shall be turned into hell,
and all the nations that forget God.

Pro 44:20  If we have forgotten the name of our
God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god;
21  Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth
the secrets of the heart.

Ps 50:22  Now consider this, ye that forget God,
lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to

2Thess 1:8  In flaming fire taking vengeance on
them that know not God, and that obey not the
gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9  Who shall be punished with everlasting
destruction from the presence of the Lord, and
from the glory of his power;

    B. The America that our founding fathers established 239 years
        ago, does not exist.
        1. The America that was founded was a Christian nation.

Commander in Chief during the Revolutionary War, the first President
of the United States.
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead
to political prosperity, religion and morality
are indispensable.” - George Washington

Patriot during the revolutionary war, helped to draft the Declaration
of Independence.
We have this day [July 4, 1776] restored the
Sovereign to whom all men ought to be obedient.
He reigns in Heaven, and from the rising to the
setting of the sun, let His Kingdom come. -
Samuel Adams

President of the United States of America, First Vice President,
Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Signer of the Bill of
Rights, and Signer of First Amendment:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and
religious people. It is wholly inadequate to
the government of any other. - John Adams

The Declaration of Independence laid the
cornerstone of human government upon the first
precepts of Christianity. - John Adams

The general principles on which the fathers
achieved independence were the general principles
of Christianity. I will avow that I then
believed, and now believe, that those general
principles of Christianity are as eternal and
immutable as the existence and attributes of
God. - John Adams

"But for the Bible, we could not know right from
wrong." Abraham Lincoln

“[The Bible] is the rock on which our Republic
rests.” - Andrew Jackson

“Without God there could be no American form of
government, nor an American way of life.
Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first,
the most basic, expression of Americanism. Thus,
the founding fathers of America saw it, and thus
with God’s help, it will continue to be.” -
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Of the many influences that have shaped the
United States into a distinctive nation and
people, none may be said to be more fundamental
and enduring than the Bible." - Ronald Reagan

“Our laws and our institutions must necessarily
be based upon and embody the teachings of the
Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it
should be otherwise; and in this sense and to
this extent our civilization and our institutions
are emphatically Christian…This is a Christian
nation” - United States Supreme Court Decision
in Church of the Holy Trinity vs. United States,

"America is no longer just a Christian nation."
President Barrack Obama.

Some want to make much out of the word "just" in that statement.
However, anyone who knows Christianity knows that Christianity does
not worship multiple gods.

        2. The America that was founded was a capitalist nation.
            a. Our nation has gradually moved itself from a
                capitalist country to a socialist country, one where
                the individuals control his work, income, and
                expenditures to where the government does it for him.
            b. Perhaps it started with good intentions in 1935 with
                Social Security but the government lied to the people
                about what it would do with that money and about who
                your choice to participate in the program.
            c. Sadly, we the people have not held the government
                accountable for that or any other program.
            d. The government now controls the income for 49.2% of
                its population while only 39.4% work full-time jobs.

        3. The America that was founded was a state-empowered nation.
            a. The America that was founded granted only explicit
                rights to the Federal government while ALL OTHER
                RIGHTS resided with the states.  That notion died
                long ago.
            b. The Federal government has forced the states to accept
                evolution in their schools (1968) and abortion
            c. In addition they forced the removal of religious
                instruction in school (1948), removed prayer from
                school (1962), removed the 10 Commandments from
                school (1980), stopped a moment of silence for quiet
                prayer in schools (1985), and removed nativity scenes
                from government  buildings (1989).

            d. While some of these issues might have been decided
                exactly the same by some of the individual states,
                they were all areas in which states were never
                allowed to decide—or else, where state decisions
                were overturned!
            e. While these are a few examples of Big Brother’s heavy
                hand in religious matters, there are many examples
                in the civil arena, such as removing the protection
                of individual state borders, harboring, legalizing,
                and even granting rights and funding to illegal
                immigrants, determining educational values and
                curriculum, creating an over-burdening taxation
                system, and the rewriting state criminal laws,
                penalties, and paroles requirements.
            f. Our State legislators with good intentions tell us
                that they will pass laws protecting our church, our
                ministers, our guns, and our rights; but these laws
                mean nothing unless they are prepared to do whatever
                it takes to protect state sovereignty.
        4. The America that was founded was a nation of hard-working,
            take-responsibility-for-yourself individuals.
            a. Presently there are 110 million people on welfare.
                That is 35.4% of the nation’s population.
            b. Add those who receive any kind of government aid and
                the number rises to 151 million people or 49.2% of
                the population.
            c. I do not know for certain if that includes Social
                Security, Medicare, unemployment, and disability in
                those numbers or not; but I would suppose they do.
            d. I am not criticizing anyone who worked to put money into
                the system for taking it back out; however, we all
                know that the government did not save our money, did
                not invest our money, and does not have the funds to
                honor its agreement with us.
            e. We are not just a broke nation.  We are THE MOST
                INDEBTED NATION IN THE WORLD, owing more than 18.8
                trillion dollars as of June 20, 2015.

                (1) The statisticians want to make that figure more
                     palatable by saying that our debt per capital
                     only ranks us the ninth most indebted country
                     with each and every person in the country—no
                     matter the age or condition—owning only

                (2) That does not make me feel any better at all.

II. Why is this happening?
    A. Because evil has been loosed in our nation.
        1. As Americans turn from God, the void in their hearts is
            filled by Satan.
        2. Satan is evil, the very embodiment of evil.
        3. The more hearts Satan controls, the more evil is loosed
            in the world.
    B. Godless people always serve Satan and advance evil.
        1. Of course, there are some who are just plain evil and
            delight to serve Satan.
        2. But many labor under the misconception that they are not
            "all that bad."  The truth is, "They are not all that
        3. A lot of the moral, hardworking, tax paying, devoted to
            their family people are backing homosexual rights!
        4. In fact, the Supreme Court is made up of just such people.
        5. Morality does not check evil!  Only Christ does!
        6. One either actively stands for Christ and the Word of God
            or by their very silence become part of the force moving
            against it.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of
evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmond Burke

Pro 29:2  When the righteous are in authority,
the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth
rule, the people mourn.

III. Understand, once evil is unleashed, it will not stop.
    A. In the early days of man’s civilization, man turned from God.
        1. Once in the days of Noah but again during the days of
        2. That does not mean that everyone became murderers,
            rapists, or thugs.
        3. It just means they were not following God and so the void
            of their heart was filled by Satan.
        4. \\Ge 11:6\\ Notice what God said.

Gen 11:6 …and now nothing will be restrained
from them, which they have imagined to do.

        5. Their hearts were filled with evil and they were all
            living close together.
            a. They had already refused to scatter and fill up the
            b. Then they decided to built a tower in honor of
            c. And so God separated their language, more or less
                forcing people to cling together in groups and
                to separate from others.
        6. Television, computers, travel alliances, and free trade
            have shrunk our world again.
        7. It is not just the evil being accepted in America.  It is
            being accepted world-wide.
        8. God said man and his rebellion was not going to stop—God
            had to stop him.
        9. Today, man and his evil heart is not going to stop.
       10. God is going to have to stop him.
    B. You see this same truth protrayed in the life of Saul.
        1. Saul started out as a humble king, dependent upon God and
            God’s man, Samuel.
        2. However, it was not long until he was filled with pride.

1Sa 15:17  And Samuel said, When thou wast little
in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head
of the tribes of Israel, and the LORD anointed
thee king over Israel?

        3. Pride was just Saul’s first downward step.
            a. It is the first downward step in all people who turn
                from God.
            b. They feel self-sufficent, self-capable, self-reliant,
                (1) They are none of those things!
                (2) They are only self-deceived.
                (3) They have turned from God and Satan has injected
                     their hearts with evil.
        4. Saul entered into sinful behavior.
            a. He attempted to offer sacrifices—that is, he was
                tending the business which God has charged to His
                prophets. (There is separation of church and state
                but it is not keeping the Bible and God out of
                government, it is keeping government out of the Bible
                and God’s business.
            b. He kept the evil things that God told him to destroy.
            c. And before long he was predicating in the occult.
            d. Why did he do that?  Because evil does not stop!
    C. You can see this truth elsewhere.
        1. \\#Romans 1:19-32\\
        2. Read the life of Samson.
        3. Just look around you.

IV. Evil will be stopped.
    A. It always has been and it always will be.
        1. God will see to it.
        2. That is why I am not worried, although I am greatly
            grieved and disappointed.
    B. What will God do to America?  I can only guess but I would
        think one of two things will happen.
        1. God will either bring America down.
            a. God has brought nations down who were greater and He
                will not let America go forever unchecked.
            b. This may not happen in the near future, but it could.
            c. And God will judge America if not this way then I
                believe the other.
        2. God could let America continue and join against Israel.
            a. The end time will begin with conflict and it will end
                with conflict.
            b. America is aligning itself against God, His Book, and
                His people.
            c. If God allows America to endure that long, it will not
                be a pleasant time.
                (1) The sin that we have condoned and legalized, will
                     have deadly consequences.
                (2) Persecutions are coming but so is anarchy and
                     evil like this country has never seen.

V. What should America do?
    A. We should turn to God, both the Christians and the unsaved.
    B. Satan cannot inhabit a heart with Jesus in it!

1Jo 4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have
overcome them: because greater is he that is in
you, than he that is in the world.

    C. Be of good courage and fortify yourself!  Prepare yourself for
        what the Bible says is coming but rejoice in the eternal
        presence of God in your heart and the eternal rewards which
        you will receive!

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