Judges 2:1-5
Build Your Bochim

The book of Judges stood to be the third book of greatness in
Israel’s history.
    1. The first book of greatest was Exodus, where God brought Israel
        out of Egypt with a strong hand and placed him in the
        wilderness to reveal Himself to them.
    2. The second book of greatness was Joshua, where God gave the
        Israelites great military power, and they conquered the
        inhabitants of the land.
    3. The third great book was supposed to be Judges, where God
        appointed godly leaders and the remainder of the enemies were
        removed from the land, making the land totally Israel’s and
        Israel totally under God’s rule.

But something happened.  Let’s see what it was.

I. Command-Kill all.

Deut 20:17  But thou shalt utterly destroy them;
namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the
Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and
the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded

    A. To be certain that we understand, note the preceding verse.

Deut 20:16  But of the cities of these people,
which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an
inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that

    B. That seems hard.  Why?
        1. Because of the evil of the land.
            a. God was executing judgment on their sins.
                (1) The iniquity of the Amorites had reached the full

Gen 15:16  But in the fourth generation they
shall come hither again: for the iniquity of
the Amorites is not yet full.

                (2) The Canaanite people were cruel, ungodly people.
                     (a) They worshipped Molech and made an image to
                          him.  The image was humanoid with arms
                          stretched outward.  A flame was kindled
                          beneath the idol’s arms and they laid their
                          children in the arms to burn them alive.
                          Isis is not the first to burn people in the
                          name of their gods.
                     (b) W.A. Criswell said that archeologists
                          found skeletons in the foundations of
                          Canaan’s buildings, the remains of the
                          human sacrifices made to dedicate the

                     (c) Some of the cruelty of these Canaanites can
                          be seen in their king \\#Judges 1:5-7\\.
                          He acknowledged that the Jews cut off his
                          thumbs and big toes as a JUST punishment
                          for doing the same to 70 kings and then
                          apparently making them eat like animals
                          UNDER his table!
                     (d) Some of the biggest sins of the Canaanites
                          were their sexual sins.
                           i. Two of the their primary deities were
                               Baal and Ashteroth.
                          ii. Ashteroth was a the god of fertility,
                               but to worship either of these gods
                               seem to require open and perverted
                         iii. Three of the main sexual perversions of
                               their religion that I have read about.
                               (aa) They build into their temples
                                     houses for prostitution.
                               (bb) They build into their temples
                                     houses for sodomies.
                               (cc) And they participated in
            b. These were the kinds of people that God sent Israel
                into the land to kill—yes, the men and woman and
                their children!
                (1) Israel was to be God’s executioner to bring
                     judgment for sin upon these nations.

Deut 9:4  Speak not thou in thine heart, after
that the LORD thy God hath cast them out from
before thee, saying, For my righteousness the
LORD hath brought me in to possess this land:
but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD
doth drive them out from before thee.
5  Not for thy righteousness, or for the
uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to
possess their land: but for the wickedness of
these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them
out from before thee, and that he may perform
the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

                (2) By the way, when one of Israel’s cities turned to
                     sin, God had them killed too.

Deut 13:12  If thou shalt hear say in one of thy
cities, which the LORD thy God hath given thee to
dwell there, saying,
13  Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone
out from among you, and have withdrawn the
inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and
serve other gods, which ye have not known;
14  Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and
ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and
the thing certain, that such abomination is
wrought among you;
15  Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of
that city with the edge of the sword, destroying
it utterly, and all that is therein, and the
cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword.
16  And thou shalt gather all the spoil of it
into the midst of the street thereof, and shalt
burn with fire the city, and all the spoil
thereof every whit, for the LORD thy God: and it
shall be an heap for ever; it shall not be built

                (3) So God was not playing favorites.  He was judging
                    a. He would judge Israel just like He judged
                        Canaan—in fact, that is exactly what He has
                        been doing to Israel.
                    b. God started by sending the Amorites, the
                        Moabites, the Philistines, and others.
                    c. When that ceased to bring Israel to
                        repentance, He brought Assyria, Babylon,
                        Greece, and Rome.
                    d. Once that failed to turn them back to God, He
                        cast them out of the land and left them at
                        the mercy of cruel and hateful oppressors for
                        1900 years.
                    e. And so God will do to any nation that turns
                        from Him and into sin.

Ps 9:17  The wicked shall be turned into hell,
and all the nations that forget God.

                (4) Someone says, "God is mean!"  It is time for puny
                     man to understand that God is not one who can be
                     offended with no recourse!  He is the holy Ghost
                     who created us for His pleasure and if we turn
                     from Him, He will become our enemy!

Psalm 50:21  These things hast thou done, and I
kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was
altogether such an one as thyself: but I will
reprove thee, and set them in order before thine
22  Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest
I tear you in pieces, and there be none to

        2. Because of the isolation from the godly.

Deut 20:17  But thou shalt utterly destroy them;
namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the
Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and
the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded
18  That they teach you not to do after all their
abominations, which they have done unto their
gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.

            a. God wanted Israel to be totally separated from the
                other nations for He knew they were weak and would
                desire the wickedness of those nations.
            b. The truth is that peers and the pressures they exert
                are typically toward wickedness.
                (1) That is why God divided us into nations with
                     different languages and cultures \\#Ge 11:1-9\\.
                (2) Mankind in unison will plunge towards evil more
                     surely than a person falling off a cliff will
                     fall down.
                (3) I hate to be negative on so many of the issues of
                     our modern-day world, but the smaller our world
                     becomes and the more borders we tear down, the
                     sooner this planet will be welcoming the anti-
    C. I can see the reasoning of some in Israel as the time required
        to defeat and exterminate the enemies drug out.
        1. There were the religious voices-God is a God of mercy
            and love. He is certainly not a God of hate and death.
        2. There were the rationalist-War is costly both in lives
            and finances.
        3. There were the defeatist-They are too many and we are
            too few.  We can’t win!
        4. And there were the pacifists-"Those people want peace
            not war.  Can’t we all just get along?"
    D. And before Israel had finished obeying God’s command, they
        quit trying.

Judges 1:28  And it came to pass, when Israel was
strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute,
and did not utterly drive them out.

        1. \\#Ex 23:29\\ God did not drive the enemies out all once
            but over a period of five or six years.
        2. Some tribes were specifically mentioned.
            a. \\#Judges 1:27\\  Neither did Manasseh drive out the
            b. \\#Judges 1:29\\  Neither did Ephraim drive out the
            c. \\#Judges 1:30\\ Neither did Zebulon drive out the
            d. \\#Judges 1:31\\ Neither did Asher drive out the
            e. \\#Judges 1:33\\ Neither did Naphtali drive out the
        3. And it wasn’t long until they lost the power to drive them
            at all.

\\#Judges 1:34\\ And the Amorites forced the
children of Dan into the mountain….

II. \\#Judges 2:1, 4\\ Note the Messenger.
    A. \\#4\\ He is called "the" Angel of the Lord.
        1. That is the same Hebrew word which is used in \\#1\\,
            although there the article is translated "an."
        2. This Angel does not speak as the servant of the Lord, but
            as the Lord Himself. (Four times uses pronoun "I.")
        3. While the word ANGEL means MESSENGER, it does not
            necessarily require the messenger to be a uniquely
            created being.
    B. I believe this to be is a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ,
        a Christophany.
        1. There had been others.
            a. \\#Ge 16:10\\-Angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar
                fleeing from Sarah.
            b. \\#Ge 22:11\\-Angel of the Lord appeared to Abraham
                stopping him from slaying Isaac.
            c. \\#Ge 32:25\\-A mysterious man appeared to Jacob and
                wrestled to the breaking of day.
            d. \\#Josh 5:13\\-One who proclaimed Himself the
                Captain of the Lord’s hosts takes command of Israel’s
                army at Jericho.
                (1) By the way, Jericho, where the last appearance of
                     Christ took place, is over beside Gilgal
                     \\#Josh 4:19\\.
                (2) Notice Judges 2:1.

Judges 2:1  And an angel of the LORD came up
from Gilgal to Bochim….

                (3) It is like the Lord has just been sitting there,
                     waiting to see what Israel would do!
        2. How different would we treat sin if we knew the Lord Himself
            would come down from heaven to deal with us!
            a. But God does not come down here to deal with us.
            b. Instead, He brings us up to Him, but make no mistake,
                every sin must be paid for!

III. \\#Judges 2:1-3\\ Note the Message
    A. \\#1\\ God reminded them of His past goodness.
        1. Had brought Israel out of the Egypt.
        2. Had promised God’s presence.
    B. \\#2\\ God reminded them of His present commandments.
        1. They were to make no leagues with the inhabitants of the
        2. They were to tear down the false idols.
        3. These picture our present walk with God.
    C. \\#2\\ God reminded them of their personal accountability.
        1. God told them, YOU HAVE NOT OBEYED.
        2. God asked them, WHY?
    D. \\#3\\ God pronounced their punishment.  In short…
        1. I will not drive them out.
        2. They shall be thorns in your eyes.
    E. That may not sound like much of a punishment, but this
        judgment marked two things.
        1. The downfall of Israel to her enemies.
            a. From this point on, it was inevitable that one day
                Israel would be run over by the Moabites, the
                Edomites, the Philistines, and the Ammonites.
            b. It also meant that one day both Syria and Egypt would
                have dominion over Israel.
            c. And not they only, but also Assyria, Babylon, Greece,
                and Rome.
            d. It meant Israel would fall to the Turks for 1000 years
                and be victims to the German holocaust.
            e. Even more, this judgment insured the anti-Christ would
                one day rule over Israel.
            f. You say, "How?"  Because if God will not run them out,
                it would only be a matter of time before Israel would
                weaken before these nations.
                (1) Israel could pray and ask for mercy.  God might
                     give them some victories and days of peace along
                     the way.
                (2) But if God will not destroy them, Israel’s
                     enemies are destined to win at some point!
            g. \\#3-4\\ The nation of Israel seemed to understand the
                seriousness of God’s judgment.
                (1) They wept, and after they had wept awhile, they
                     wept some more.
                (2) They wept so much that the name of the place
                     came to be called Bochim, weeping!
            h. Learn a lesson well.  Once God calls a judgment, there
                is nothing left but for weeping.
                (1) The same things that God told Israel that day, He
                     could well say to America!
                (2) America, God has been good to you too.
                     (a) All one has to do is to drive through this
                          country to see how we blessed we are.
                     (b) People sneak across our borders and risk
                          their lives to get into our country, while
                          they are fleeing from their homelands.
                     (c) I hear our President say foolish things such
                          as Islam is woven into the history of
                     (d) Islam has never done anything good for any
                          nation that adhered to it.
                           i. They burn their own people alive!
                          ii. They do not produce science.

"Forty-one predominantly Muslim countries with
about 20 percent of the world’s total population
generate less than 5 percent of its science."

                         iii. They do not produce agriculture.

"Only 12% of the total land area is under
cultivation (arable land, orchards and vineyards)
but less than one-third of the cultivated area is
irrigated; the rest is devoted to dry farming."

                          iv. The truth is that even with their
                               abundance of oil, Islamic countries
                               as a whole do not better other or
                           v. Many export crude petroleum but then
                               have to import refined petroleum,
                               along with wheat and other

                     (e) I do not know what degrees God issues in the
                          courts of heaven, but if America continues
                          to turn it’s back on God, you can rest
                          assured that God will condemn her and leave
                          her a nation weeping.
                (3) God has given His commandments to American and we
                     have not done so well in keeping them!
                (4) And it is not just nations that God condemns.  If
                     you has an individual have not accepted His Son,
                     you may as well start weeping now.
                     (a) For you are condemned already….

John 3:18  He that believeth on him is not
condemned: but he that believeth not is
condemned already, because he hath not believed
in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

                     (b) You may not be in hell yet, but your name is
                          written there as surely as the saved’s are
                          written in heaven.
                     (c) So I beg you to turn from ways and turn to
                          Jesus Christ.
        2. A second thing became certain with this punishment.  It
            became certain that God would have send His Son to
            destroy nations.
            a. God would not bless Israel to allow them to drive out
                those enemies, but God had still promised the land to
            b. Without God’s blessing upon Israel to defeat their
                enemies, God would have to do it another way.
            c. He would have to come do it Himself.
            d. While I am out of time and so cannot prove at this
                point what I say, I assure you that Jesus Christ will
                come to destroy those who align themselves against
            e. And unsaved person, He will come for you to.

So weep, world, weep!  Build your Bochim, and once you have wept,
weep some more.  Or else, if you have a mind to do so, turn to God.
Call upon Jesus as your Savior, and He will forgive your sins and
take away not only your tears but your reason to weep.

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