Luke 2:1-7
What Makes Christmas New?
Christmas. There is something about that word. It is a word that
is very old. Everyone one here, from the youngest to the oldest, as
had some kind of celebration of Christmas every year of their life.
And yet those years are nothing compared to the age of Christmas,
well over 2000 years now. But for all of the years that Christmas
has been around, there is still something new about it. Something
exciting about it.
Why is that? What makes Christmas new? What could there be about
something so old that could be new? Let’s review some of the old
details of Christmas and see if we can find out.
What happened on Christmas so many years ago?
I. A Time Came
Luke 2:1 And it came to pass in those days….
A. Something began to happen. Something important. Something
divine. Something that had been hoped for for a long time.
B. Another Bible verse describes it as….
Gal 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was
come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman,
made under the law,
1. It happened when time was full; that is, when everything
was set and ready.
2. We need to understand that God lives outside of time.
a. That means that time has no control over God.
b. In fact, it is the other way around. God has control
over time.
c. Time is a tool that God has created, like gravity,
or the sun.
d. And just like God can turn the sun off or Jesus could
ascend back to heaven despite the laws of gravity, so
God controls time.
3. So these verses are saying that when everything was set,
when everything was ready, something important, something
divine, something longed for began to happen in those
C. Now, I have to wonder what it was that had to be gotten ready.
1. Did the Jews have to get so hard that they would not
recognize their Messiah?
2. Did the world have to be so unified that the news of what
God was doing could easily spread across it? (1 language,
1 ruler, 1 currency exchange, 1 education system)
3. Did the world have to become so wicked that they would
allow such a thing as the crucifixion of God?
D. I do not know but I will tell you, just as God has used time
in the past, so He is using it today.
1. He brought you to this place today.
2Co 6:2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a
time accepted, and in the day of salvation have
I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted
time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
2. Just as Jesus came the first time when all things were
ready, so Jesus is going to come the second time when all
things are ready.
II. Virgin conceived.
Matt 1:22 Now all this was done, that it might
be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the
prophet, saying,
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and
shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his
name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God
with us.
A. The Bible makes it very clear that Mary knew no man in a
physical sense.
1. The Bible says that an angel named Gabriel was sent…
Luke 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose
name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the
virgin’s name was Mary.
2. This angel had a message:
Luke 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in
thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call
his name JESUS.
3. To which Mary responded….
Luke 1:34 …How shall this be, seeing I know
not a man?
4. And the angel explained…
Luke 1:35 …The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
and the power of the Highest shall overshadow
thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall
be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
B. This conception was to accomplish many things:
1. It was to give God a body.
a. Jesus has always been.
b. Jesus, God, and Holy Ghost are all one Being; yet,
they are all unique Individuals.
c. In the eternal past, Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost
were always one God.
d. When God decided to create man, He knew what man would
do and He decided that each member of the Godhead
would fulfill a role in bringing sinful man back to
e. Way back then, God decided that the second member of
the Godhead would be born in flesh.
f. From that time, that member of the Godhead has been
called the Son.
g. But Jesus is not the Son because He had a beginning.
He is the Son because He would be born in a human
2. This body would give God the opportunity to walk among
man, to teach him, to help him.
3. And this body would give God the ability to pay the price
of sin for mankind.
a. God knew that man would sin.
b. Even so, God being a just God, declared the price for
sin would be death, both of the body and eternal
separation from God.
c. But being loving and merciful, God also decided that
He would pay that price for every human being.
d. When Jesus put on the body, the infinite eternal God
took to Himself the ability to die.
III. \\#Luke 2:1\\ A King Taxed
A. There is certainly nothing unusual about a king taxing people.
1. We still live under kings that tax today!
2. But there is something unusual about this taxing.
B. God was working to provide man redemption, but He was doing it
all without man’s knowledge or help.
1. God could have send angels to the different people in
redemption’s story and TOLD them what He was doing and
what they needed to do to make it work.
2. But that is not God’s way. God wants to do ALL of the
work so that He can get ALL of the glory.
C. God had made a promise about WHERE the Messiah would be born
many years before.
Mic 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though
thou be little among the thousands of Judah,
yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me
that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings
forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
1. The problem was that Joseph and Mary did not live in
Bethlehem. They lived several miles away in a city
called Nazareth.
2. Now, God needed them to move from Nazareth to Bethlehem,
but He did not just want to tell them to move.
3. So God had a king issue a tax.
D. And what a tax it was.
1. This tax required every man in the empire to go back to
back to the town of his birth.
2. Apparently, there were no exemptions or exceptions since
even having a wife about to bear a Child was not one.
3. And the timing of it placed Mary and Joseph back in
Nazareth at just the moment she was to bear the Messiah!
E. Here, God uses not only time but also kings, taxes,
circumstances—everything that we think of as our kingdom and
our abilities.
1. This tax demonstrates the greatness of our God to bring
to pass His will in the lives of all men.
2. And yet, with all of this power, God did not force anyone
to do anything.
a. It was the king’s decision to create the tax.
b. It was the messengers’ choice to announce the tax.
c. It was Joseph and Mary’s choice to go to Bethlehem to
pay the tax.
d. And it will be your choice to accept Jesus Christ as
your Savior or not.
IV. A Baby Born
A. This is the part of the story that is best known and, by far,
the most important.
1. As I have already pointed out, this Baby is not another
2. He is the eternal God being born in flesh.
3. With Jesus’ birth, God can now teach us about Himself.
4. With Jesus’ birth, God can now die for man’s sin.
B. Yet, as important as the birth of Jesus is, it is not the
birth of Jesus that saves souls. Several others things still
have to happen.
1. This Child must live to the cross.
2. This Child must be tempted by sin but never sin.
3. This Child must fulfill every prophecy given in the Bible
about Him. (One source said there 353 prophecies!)
4. This Child must give His life for our sins.
5. This Child must rise from the dead.
V. \\#Luke 2:9-20\\ An Angelic Announcement
A. Announcements are made so that people will know what is going
on and participate in them if they so choose.
1. I suspect that this is what the angels were doing as well.
2. But it was not just this angel or set of angels that had
made announcements.
B. God had made others.
1. God used a star to invite the wisemen from the East.
2. God used the wisemen to invite King Herod.
3. God used King Herod to invite the religious leaders of
4. And God used these angels to invite the shepherds from the
C. By these four invitations, all of the population was invited
to the first Christmas.
1. The wisemen picture people like some of us:
a. Educated enough to know when something is going on.
b. Free enough to travel when we choose.
c. Wealthy enough to purchase a gift for those we want to
2. King Herod pictures people of more power, influence,
stature, and wealth than we.
3. The religious leaders picture all of the people on this
world who believe in a god, a divine being, and feel a
need to reach out to him.
4. And the shepherds picture those who are working stiffs.
Those who pull the 3rd shift hours and seem always to be
at work.
D. And so everyone was invited to come greet God’s entrance into
this world.
That is the old story of Christmas, but did you catch what it is
that makes Christmas new? "What Makes Christmas New?"
What makes Christmas new every year is the fact that God is still
inviting all people to come to Him, to accept what Jesus did for them
on the cross, to receive the gift of forgiveness; and by so doing,
have a new life in Christ. That is what makes Christmas new and
exciting. The opportunity that you would celebrate your first
Christmas as a forgiven child of God!
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