Mark 6:30-44
What A Servant of God Does
What is a servant of God? The simple answer is, he or she is someone
who serve God. But that still doesn’t clear it up, does it? What
does it mean to serve God? Do I need to go to school to learn how
to do that? Do I need a degree? Do I need to be approved? What is
it that a servant of God does? Tonight, let’s see if we can answer
that question.
I. \\#30\\ Notice the new name for the disciples-APOSTLES.
A. This title is often consider to be a post resurrection
title. However, it was used 8 x in the gospels
1. Matthew-1
2. Mark-1
3. Luke-6
B. Meanings:
1. Apostle means-"Sent one" or "messenger."
2. Compare that to "disciple" which means "student, learner,
disciplined one."
3. The change in titles implies that these followers were
C. Greater growth demands greater responsibility.
1. Some have failed to move from disciple (learner) to
apostle (doer). I often say that in Christianity the
sheep are supposed to grown into shepherds!
2. The first indication of greater responsibility occurred
when the Lord had to cancelled their day off.
a. \\#31-32\\ There was the purpose of the trip.
b. \\#33-34\\ It got interrupted when the crowd found
them. How are the "apostles" going to handle it?
c. Mature Christians, things don’t always work like you
(1) In fact, they seldom do.
(2) Someone said, "A plans is what you have until
God shows you the next problem He wants to fix."
(3) A plan is just what you do until the next problem
(4) It was the plan of God that these apostles help
these people.
(a) First, with their spiritual problem.
(b) Second, with their physical problem.
3. Up to this point in the gospels, Jesus had done all of the
work in caring for the people.
a. Up to this point, the disciples had actually been
part of the load that Jesus had been carrying.
b. Starting today, Jesus was going to let the apostles
help in taking care of others.
II. What lessons are the apostles to learn?
A. \\#34-35\\ Apostles need to learn the condition of people.
1. People are pretty much the same everywhere. It does not
matter what color they are, what nationality, what
education they have, how much money they have.
2. I see three expressions that tell me four things about
a. \\#34\\ They are as sheep having no shepherd.
(1) They have no leader.
(2) They have no Savior. (One doesn’t get a Savior
without getting a Leader.)
i. That means they have no direction, no
Director, and no destination.
ii. Most people are just winging it, adlibbing
it, playing it by ear, doing the best they
can for someone with no direction.
iii. In that directionless flight, some try some
things and some try others.
iv. Those things end up pushing some further
into wickedness than others, but all are
doing the same thing.
v. It is just the mercy and grace of God that
every one of us sitting here are not
drunks, drug heads, brawlers, thieves,
murderers, or worse.
b. \\#35\\ They are in a desert place.
(1) This is where their journey had lead them—a
desert place.
(2) A desert place in Israel is not necessarily a
sandy wilderness.
i. Quite often, it is a rocky, mountainous
area where nothing will grow.
ii. Here is the problem of living for the
aa. It cannot sustain you!
bb. It is that the world WILL not sustain
you. It CAN not.
cc. Its riches, its fame, its comforts,
its reward, its bread—nothing that
this world has CAN sustain you.
dd. This is what Jesus meant when He said
that man cannot live by manna alone.
(3) So these people were in a barren land with no
food or water.
i. Now, we know why Jesus was there.
ii. He wanted to be in a place with no people
so the disciples could rest.
iii. No doubt, they had brought food and water
for themselves.
iv. These other people had simply wandered into
the desert because they had no other
direction to go, no Director, and no
(4) This is the condition of the lost world!
i. Don’t hate them. It doesn’t matter what
they do. Don’t hate them.
ii. If you want to hate, hate sin and the devil.
iii. At this point, sinners are merely victims
c. \\#35\\ The time is far spent.
(1) It was later than the people thought.
(2) They had tarried longer in the wilderness than
they realized.
(3) Now, with the heat, the distance to get back, and
the difficulty of the journey, some might not
make it.
(4) Let me tell you something about sin. It is
always easier to get into it than it is to get
out of it.
(5) Conditions in the world have changed in the 40
years that I have been in the ministry, but I
have always preached that its later than you
i. People are always closer to death than they
ii. And I think we have always been closer to
the coming of the Lord than we realized.
B. \\#36\\ Apostles need to learn to react properly to
men’s condition.
1. I’m afraid they did not react very well in the beginning.
a. In fact, they acted just like the world.
b. Send them away!
2. That is exactly how the world reacts when it sees the lost
in need!
Matt 20:30 And, behold, two blind men sitting by
the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed
by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord,
thou Son of David.
31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they
should hold their peace: but they cried the more,
saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of
a. The world said, "That’s you problem. You deal with
b. Isn’t that were the apostles were saying? "Let them
go into the village and buy something to eat!"
(1) What if they have no money?
(2) What if the village has no food?
(3) What if the village is not hospitable?
c. So what these "apostles" were saying was, "That’s all
their problem. Let them deal it!"
3. By the way, that is also the response of a disciple.
a. If all you are here for is for YOU to get feed, you
are still saying of others, "That’s there problem!"
b. To move from disciple to apostle, you are going to
have to learn how to respond correctly to the
condition of others!
4. \\#37\\ Notice what Jesus said.
a. YOU feed them.
b. Guess what? Those disciples just got promoted.
c. Whether they wanted to or not, now the responsibility
for the 5,000 is upon them.
d. Jesus is NOT going to send them away. Those people
are going to be fed.
e. \\#44\\ We need to remind ourselves how many people
there were, 5,000 men—not counting women and
f. What a day to get promoted!! This is a real problem.
How are we going to feed that many people in this
g. Anytime you step up to serve God it is going to
because someone has a real problem.
h. Remember, a plan is just what we have until God shows
us the next problem He wants you to fix!
C. \\#37\\ Apostles need to learn how the Lord will work through
1. I don’t know if you have ever noticed it—I am probably
about to work my way out of ever getting another raise
or even having a job—but apostles always do exactly the
same thing in their service to God.
a. All servants of God—every one of them—always do
exactly the same thing.
b. What is that? Well, it is actually very little.
2. Notice in the remainder of the story.
a. \\\#41\\ Who actually fed the people?
(1) The "he’ in that verse is Jesus.
(2) Jesus took the bread and fish, blessed the bread
and fish, multiplied the bread and the fish.
(3) In other words, it was JESUS who feed the
(4) Wait a minute! I thought Jesus told the
apostles that THEY were going to feed the
multitudes. (This was THEIR promotion day!"
(5) What did the apostles actually do?
(6) The same thing that all who serve God do.
b. \\#39-40\\ What did the apostles do?
(1) At Jesus’ command, they divided the people into
(2) At Jesus’ command, they got the people seated.
(3) At Jesus’ command, they passed out the baskets.
(4) At Jesus’ command, they picked up what was left.
3. Who actually did the work that day? Jesus, but the
apostles were the ones who stood before the people.
a. If you asked someone sitting in group 98 who it was
that fed them, they would probably have said, "Well,
it was" whichever apostle that brought the basket by.
b. But it wasn’t. It was Jesus!
4. And so goes!
a. The apostle, the servant of God, actually does very
b. He is the face that stands before the people; but if
anything spiritual gets done, it is always done by
c. I have a very prominent position in this church. I am
the pastor of the Green Pond Baptist Church, but I
very little.
(1) I cannot do much to get people into this church.
(2) I cannot do much to hold their attention once
they get into the church.
(3) I cannot make them understand what I say.
(4) I cannot convict their hearts over their
spiritual condition.
(5) I cannot get them to respond to the conviction
they feel.
(6) I cannot get them to repent of their sins or to
truly believe on Jesus Christ as their Savior.
(7) I cannot not get them to change according to the
working of God.
d. You may be asking, "Well Preacher, exactly why do we
keep you around here?"
(1) I’ve often wondered that myself!
(2) All I do is what these men did that day. I take
the basket of bread and sit it down in front of
(a) I can’t make you like it, want it, eat it,
or be changed by it.
(b) No apostle can.
(c) Now, because I have been a student of the
Bible for so many years, I might be able to
put a richer selection of bread into the
basket, but it won’t be anymore powerful
than another’s because bread is still
(d) But it is always God that does the work!
e. Friend, anyone who has eaten of the basket of the
Bread of Life can stand up and pass it to another!
(1) Any disciple, no matter how spiritually young or
how physically old, can become an apostle.
(2) Just find someone and feed them the Bread of
(3) Tell them what happened to you.
(4) Give out a tract.
(5) Invite them to church.
(6) Pray for them.
So, let’s go back to the beginning. What is a servant of God? it is
someone who will but the basket of bread in front of hungry soul. I
wonder, are there any servants of God in this place?
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