Matthew 18:1-6
Simple Salvation
The Bible is a wondrous Book. It contains revelations so deep that
theologians who have studied the Bible for decades cannot comprehend
them; but at the same time, it is so simple that a child can
understand them. After spending more than six months preaching from
the book of Revelation, I thought it would be nice to read a message
that Jesus preached both to and about children.
This is message where Jesus wanted to illustrate a simple truth, so
He brought a child into the middle of the group and used him to help
some sin-hardened adults to understand how to be saved. You can
think what you will, but I believe that since Jesus had children
present, He preached simple enough that even the child could
The title of this morning’s message, Simple Salvation. Let’s
consider three truths.
I. The Consummation (Completion)
A. \\#3\\ What is the desired consummation, ending, finale,
completion of the human life? It is to arrive at the kingdom
of heaven.
1. The term "the kingdom of heaven" is a term to describe
2. It is the goal (or should be) of every person to end up in
B. The term is unique and important.
1. Just like the Bible uses many names for salvation, to
describe it and make it easy for us to understand it, so
the Bible uses many terms for heaven.
2. This term is used 32 times in the Bible.
3. Every time it is used, Matthew uses it!
4. It is comparable to another term, "the kingdom of God,"
but there are some differences.
a. The kingdom of God is used 69 times.
b. It is used in every gospel and some of the epistles.
c. The kingdom of heaven describes the location of heaven
while the kingdom of God describes the Ruler of
5. Where is heaven going to be?
a. There are presently three heavens: the sky, outer
space, and God’s home.
b. There are also three words used to describe heaven.
(1) One means the celestial heavens (God’s abode).
(2) One means middle of the heavens (I suppose that
would be outer space).
(3) The most common is this word. It means sky but
seems to be applied to God’s abode too.
c. It is interesting that in Revelation 21, John sees a
new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem.
d. That New Jerusalem comes down from God out of heaven
(God’s abode) and apparently hovers in the sky above
e. Interestingly, New Jerusalem is what John spends most
if not all of his time describing!
(1) Foundations of precious stones - New Jerusalem
(2) City foursquare - New Jerusalem
(3) The gates of pearl - New Jerusalem
(4) streets of gold - New Jerusalem
(5) city with no night - New Jerusalem
(6) Place where the Lamb and God abide - New
f. Most of what we imagine when we think of heaven is
New Jerusalem, a city that abides in the sky!
g. I am not saying that New Jerusalem is all of heaven
there is, but it does appear that Matthew version of
heaven was a kingdom in the sky!
C. As I said, the Bible is a Book both very complex and very
simple so you might not understand what I am about to say.
1. Heaven is a place so difficult to enter into that most
adults will not; yet it is so simple, a child can do it.
2. How can that be?
Matt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for
wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that
leadeth to destruction, and many there be which
go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is
the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there
be that find it.
a. This Bible passage is showing us that the difficulty
with heaven is not the journey but in selecting the
right road.
b. Heaven is not difficult because it takes great
physical energy and mental powers to enter in.
(1) It is difficult because it takes great
discernment to enter into it.
(2) Yet, that discernment is so simple, that most
children can do it.
3. what road do we need to be on?
John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye
believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if
it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I
will come again, and receive you unto myself;
that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not
whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me.
a. Here is another term for heaven. It is called
"the Father’s house."
b. Those who arrive there will have rooms like
c. Jesus was telling His disciples that He was going
back to heaven and Thomas asks a good question,
"How can we get there?"
d. Jesus said, "I am the Way."
e. You are going to have to take the Jesus Road!
D. How do we do that? That is what He was explaining in our
II. A conversion is required and condition must be met. Both of them
are spoken of here and so I will speak of them both together.
A. \\#3\\ A Conversion Is Required
"except ye be converted"
1. Some thing has to change within a person or he can never
go to heave.
a. Some thing is wrong with you.
b. Don’t get mad. Some thing is wrong with all of us.
2. There are actually many things wrong with us but let me
speak about two.
a. We think we are all right.
(1) We are not. We are far from it.
(2) We think that because we compare ourselves with
2Cor 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the
number, or compare ourselves with some that
commend themselves: but they measuring themselves
by themselves, and comparing themselves among
themselves, are not wise.
(3) The problem with comparing ourselves with others
is twofold:
(a) That is a corrupt standard.
i. Anyone who says, "I’m a good person"
is using a corrupted standard. None
of us are good.
2. All of our rulers are broken!
Measuring tape with a missing inch.
(b) We do it with corrupt sight. We always see
ourselves better than we are.
b. When we realize there is some thing wrong with us, we
think the solution is to become a better person.
3. The only way to see ourselves as we are is to let the Holy
Ghost compare us to Jesus Christ.
4. So in order to see ourselves as we are, we are going to
have to be converted.
5. That leads us to the condition that is required.
B. \\#4\\ We must humble ourselves.
1. Humility is not the condition required to go to heave.
a. Humility is the condition required to see ourselves as
we are.
b. In this text, Jesus never revealed the condition of
how to be saved and go to heaven.
c. Why not? Because the crowd He was speaking to was not
ready for it!
d. They lacked the humility necessary to even see
themselves as they are. That is why Jesus brought
the child out! He was trying to show them what they
were missing.
e. This group, even though called disciples, was worried
about being the greatest in heaven. Jesus told them
they needed to be concerned about even getting to
2. So this crowd was not a humble crowd.
a. If they weren’t humble, what were they? They were
b. Hardened is the Bible condition in which most people
find themselves.
Mr 3:5 And when he had looked round about on
them with anger, being grieved for the hardness
of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch
forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and
his hand was restored whole as the other.
Mr 6:52 For they considered not the miracle of
the loaves: for their heart was hardened.
c. What is hardened? That is when you are stubborn,
argumentative, head strong, or rebellious.
d. Most of the world is like these group of people Jesus
was talking to.
e. They want to argue about religion, but they do not
want to see themselves as they really are.
(1) They find fault with others, with churches, with
Christians, and with faith, but they cannot see
their own!
(2) As long as they remain in that condition—lacking
humility—they will never be saved and never end
up in heaven.
(3) A conversion is required and a condition must be
met or they will perish!
C. What are the conditions of salvation.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy
mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine
heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.
1. Make Jesus your Lord, Master, Owner.
2. Believe what Jesus did for you on the cross.
III. \\#6\\ A Caution
A. The caution is do not become an offense.
1. The word offense means stumble, trip, fall.
2. Don’t become a stumbling bock, a person that makes people
trip or stumble on their destination to the kingdom of
3. Many people are not going to make the ultimate
destination. Don’t you be the person that stops them.
B. Don’t trip yourself.
1. Humble yourself and come to Jesus Christ.
2. Three things can keep cause you to trip.
a. Disbelief - Refusing to believe what is obviously
(1) I have no problem saying Jesus Christ is
obviously true.
(2) People do not use science to disprove God. They
refuse to believe the obvious first then attempt
to use science to prove themselves correct.
(3) The things that are prove God’s existence and
(4) The Bible proves God is the one and only God.
(5) Jesus Christ’s resurrection, as the Bible gives
it, proves that Jesus is the Savior of the
b. Disobedience - Refusing to repent, to humble yourself.
c. Delay - Believing everything but waiting too late to
accept it.
C. Don’t trip others.
1. If you want to go to hell, go alone.
2. Don’t drag your friends, your co-workers, your family.
3. How?
a. Don’t try to sow seeds of doubt.
b. Don’t try to encourage sin.
c. Don’t mock the righteous.
D. Don’t trip a child.
1. God loves everyone, but He has a special place in for the
weak and frail ones, like children.
2. He said it would be better for someone to hang a millstone
around his neck and jump into the sea than to trip a
3. If that were done to me, I would experience at least three
1. fear
2. helplessness
3. doom
4. Yet, the fear, helplessness, and doom one might experience
in that situation is nothing compared to what a person
will experience if they trip a child.
5. You say that God is mean. No, God is just. You are the
mean one if you trip a child.
If you will let him, a child will be saved and go to heaven. Why?
Because salvation is so simple. Just tell a child that Jesus loves
them, died for them, and wants them to be His and a child will jump
into the arms of Jesus. Why don’t you try that today?
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