Ecc 3:1-8
New Year, New…

Time is such an intricate, powerful, and seemingly necessary master
that I think we sometimes forget that time is a temporary creation
of God. There was a time when there was no time and there will be a
time when time is no more. Time will be eliminated when all the saved
get to heaven and all the lost get to the Lake of Fire. From that
point, there will only be forever.

The Bible does not specifically tell us when time began and it does
not tell us specifically when time will end, but I would guess that
time began when God created the sun and the moon for the Bible says:

Ge 1:5  And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night. And the evening and
the morning were the first day.

And I would guess that it will end when the existing heavens and
earth flee away \\#Rev 20:1\\.

If God created time just for now, the time when humans are on this
earth, then it seems that time is a tool, something that God uses and
we can use. In other words, time is something that can help us.

We often think of time as our enemy—and sometimes it is; but God
also gave it to us for our good.  Time gives us the opportunity to
start over.  God knew when He made us that we would sin and that we
would need to start over.  So God created time.  Every 60 seconds,
we get a new minute.  Every 60 minutes, a new hour.  Every 24 hours,
a new day, and every 365 days a new year.

As we begin this New Year, what can be new for us?

I. New Year, New Life
    A. In the New Year, we have a new life.
        1. I did not say we "can have" a new life.  I said we have a new
        2. This is not just for the unsaved people, but for the saved
        3. Everyone gets a New Year and can start a new life.
        4. Unsaved people especially need a new life.
    B. To the unsaved, like it or not, your old life has not been
        pleasing to God.
        1. It has nothing to do with your intentions.  They may have
            well meaning.
        2. It has nothing to do with the results so far.  You may
            have some significant accomplishments.
        3. It has to do with the fact that anything and every thing
            you do without God is an offense to Him.
            a. Most people do not understand this about God.
            b. He insists on being the center of your whole world.
            c. That is what God meant when He said:

Romans 24:23 …for whatsoever is not of faith
is sin.

Tit 1:15  Unto the pure (saved) all things are
pure: but unto them that are defiled and
unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind
and conscience is defiled.

Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to
please him….

Ex 34:14  For thou shalt worship no other god:
for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous

Isa 64:6  But we are all as an unclean thing, and
all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and
we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities,
like the wind, have taken us away.

            d. Why is God "jealous" of our making it "on our own"?
                (1) Because although God created us with many gifts
                     and abilities, He never intended us to use those
                     gifts and abilities to walk away from Him.
                (2) That is what the human race is doing.  That is
                     like the husband or wife who works to make money
                     and then the mate takes the riches that have
                     been provided and uses them to have an affair
                     with someone else.
                (3) When Eve used her intellect, strength, and free
                     will to sin against God, she chose sin over God,
                     the devil over God, self over God; and we have
                     been doing the same thing our entire life.
        4. 2016 can be year when we decide to live a new life.
            a. One with God instead of against God.
            b. One pleasing God instead of offending God.
            c. One serving God instead of serving the devil.
    C. To the saved, it may be that we need a new life as well.
        1. While we may be saved, if we are living sinfully,
            selfishly, then we are guilty of the same thing.
        2. Unsaved people are not the only ones to live the selfish,
            sinful life.
        3. Saved people can be "doing their own thing" just like
            unsaved people and while you may still be God’s child,
            the immediate results are the same.
            a. You have offended God by using His gifts and talents
                with Him.
            b. You are working against God instead of for Him.
            c. You are serving the devil instead of God.
    D. The New Year offers you a new life.
        1. Lost person, repent and trust Christ as your Savior.
        2. Saved person, repent and confess you have been living the
            selfish sinful life.

II. New Year, New Master
    A. In the New Year, if we are to have a new life, we must have a
        new Master.
        1. It makes sense that something must change.
            a. Someone defined crazy as doing the same things over and
                over while expecting different results.
            b. We can modify it as Christians and say crazy is
                committing the same sins over and over again and
                expecting life to get better.
        2. To have a new life, a big change is necessary.
            a. The change that comes from within us is not sufficient.
            b. We need a new Master.
            c. We need Jesus Christ.
        3. To receive Jesus, we must do two things.
            a. We must believe.
            b. We must repent.
    B. For most of us, the missing component in life is not faith, it
        is repentance.
        1. I am speaking to both the saved and the unsaved.
        2. Most of you would not be in this place on this day unless
            you already believed that Jesus was God’s Son; that He
            was virgin born, lived a sinless life, died on the cross,
            and rose on the third day.
        3. However, many believing those Bible truths will still go
            to hell when they die for they have never repented of
            their selfish, sinful lives.
        4. No one can be saved unless they surrender control of their
            lives to Jesus.

Lu 13:3  I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent,
ye shall all likewise perish.

    C. Repentance means you accept Jesus Christ not only as your
        Savior but as your Master.
        1. Let’s not sugar coat this.
            a. It means you no longer have control over your life.
            b. You will do what the Bible says and follow where the
                Holy Ghost leads.
        2. The Holy Ghost will help you, but you have to fight your
            old nature and habits to follow Him.
        3. If you want a new life this year, you are going to have to
            accept a new Master.

III. New Year, New Ways
    A. In this New Year, we must have new ways.  If you want the new
        life and take the New Master, you will have some new ways.
    B. We must get out from under the bondage of sin.

Romans 6:14  For sin shall not have dominion over
you: for ye are not under the law, but under

        1. I seldom preach on specific sins.  Why?
            a. No matter how many I mention, I may miss yours so you
                might think you are all right.
            b. If I do happen to mention yours, you will think I am
                preaching to you.
        2. However, sin is out-of-control—in the world and in the
            church—so let me mention some.
            a. Lying, stealing, lusting, cussing, being profane,
                committing adultery, taking God’s name in vain,
                watching and listening to trash, using and abusing
                drugs, being lazy, and being preoccupied with worldly
            b. If you want a better life, you must live it like God

    C. We must do the works of righteousness.

Ac 10:35  But in every nation he that feareth him,
and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

        1. To do right is not merely the opposite of not doing wrong.
            a. You might think that all there is to righteousness is
                telling the truth instead of a lie or working instead
                of stealing.
            b. No.  That is more getting out from under the bondage of
            c. Living righteous is living like Jesus lived.
                (1) It is blessing when cursed.
                (2) It is turning the cheek when smitten.
                (3) It is forgiving when there is no request.
                (4) It is praying for an enemy while they are still
                     twisting the knife.
                (5) It is going the second mile when required to only
                     go one.
            d. Being righteous is doing the right thing…
                (1) …when getting even would make you feel better.
                (2) …when every fiber in your body wants to do
                     something else.
                (3) …because it is right thing to do.
            e. Such a life cannot be lived until you have chosen
                Jesus as your Master no matter what.
        2. Get this.
            a. Just as to attempt to live the better life without God
                as your Master will offend God because you sought it
                without Him, so to fail to live a better life with God
                as your Master will offend Him!
            b. Someone says, "God is hard to please!"
                (1) No.  He just wants you to surrender to Him and to
                     do right.
                (2) That is two things you cannot do without Jesus
                     Christ and two things you cannot fail to do with
                     Jesus Christ.
    D. We will have the attitudes of the Holy Spirit.
        1. It is not just our actions that make up a life.  It is
            attitudes as well.

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
23  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no

        2. The right action done with the wrong attitude is still
             a. So God wants us to love when circumstances call for us
                 to hate.
             b. He wants to fill us with joy when circumstances
                 require sadness.
             c. He wants to give us peace when circumstances urge
             d. He wants us to be patient, gentle, and good when
                 circumstances invoke anger, harshness, and
             e. He wants us to believe when circumstances tell us to
             f. He wants us to be meek when circumstances demand we
                 be selfish.
             g. He wants us to be calm when circumstances summon

Obviously, all of these are beyond our ability.  For us to react in
such a way requires a total renovation.  Some thing different…
some thing new must take place.  That some thing is some One.  We must
choose the new life.  We must choose the new Master.

Jesus died on the cross to give you the new life.

Re 21:5  And he that sat upon the throne said,
Behold, I make all things new…..

Rev 22:17  And the Spirit and the bride say,
Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And
let him that is athirst come. And whosoever
will, let him take the water of life freely.

Come and accept it this morning!

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