Genesis 39:1-12
"Day by Day"

The title of the message come from \\#Ge 39:10\\.  Day by day,
Potiphar’s wife tempted the young Joseph to do so something that many
young men have a natural desire to do.  Day by day, Joseph resisted.
I do not believe there has ever lived a generation of people that are
more tempted than today’s.  I could be wrong but I don’t think so.

My reasoning is simple.  For most temptations to be effective, three
things must be so.
    1. There must be time - Most sin requires some idle time.  You
        have heard the an idle mind is the devil’s worship.  That is
        so true.  While many do work many hours today, we still have
        more idle time than most know what to do with.
    2. There must be opportunity - Sin has always been here but it is
        more available today than ever before.  The printed media,
        television, computers, internets, and smart phones allow
        temptation to not only come into our homes, but to go with us
        everywhere we go.
    3. There must be funding - Not all sin requires cash, but most of
        it does.  While many complain that they cannot pay their
        bills, I don’t see very many so poor that they cannot finance
        their sins.

Joseph was a man tempted to sin—day by day.  Let’s consider some

I. Joseph, the man.
    A. Joseph was a man but a young man.
        1. \\#Ge 37:2\\ says he 17 when he was sold.
        2. By the time of this story, he may have been 18 but no
    B. Joseph was a pure man.
        1. Maybe we need to define some words here.
            a. What is purity?
                (1) Someone defines purity as "not being with anyone
                     yet," or being a virgin.
                (2) That is only part of what the word means and it
                     does not do the word justice.
                (3) Purity is the ability to establish a once in a
                     lifetime relationship that honors yourself, your
                     mate, and your God.
                (4) Purity is a gift given to you by God, guarded by
                     your parents, and granted to your one-in-a-life-
                     time mate.
                (5) Some people like to say, "My purity is my own to
                     do with as I wish."
                     (a) Wrong.
                     (b) Your purity was never yours.
                     (c) It was God’s who gave it to you and it is to
                          be your mate’s.  You are only the guardian
                          of your purity.  Your job as guardian is to
                          keep your purity and to give to the one God
                          created to receive it.
                (6) It is this self-righteous, self-exalted, selfish
                     attitude that has lead our nation to the abyss
                     of self destruction.
                     (a) Abortion
                     (b) Adultery
                     (c) Homosexuality
                     (d) Pornography
                     (e) Prostitution
                     (f) And many other individually destructive,
                          God-dishonoring sins are all the results of
                          mortals thinking they have a right to do
                          with their own bodies what they wish.
                     (g) Friend, you have no rights but those given
                          to you by God.
                     (h) God has never given to anyone the right to
                          sin against Him.
            b. What is temptation?
                (1) Some would define temptation has an opportunity to
                     have some fun, to exchange pleasure for the
                     status quo (ex. the normal, the everyday, the
                (2) Actually, temptation is the opportunity to
                     exchange right for wrong, righteousness for sin,
                     and hurt for happiness.
                (3) I know it may not seem that way but if you will
                     go back and look, you can trace most every one
                     of your major hurts and sorrows to a temptation
                     to which you yielded.
                (4) The Bible always presents temptation in a
                     negative life and God assures us that He never
                     tempts us.

Jas 1:13  Let no man say when he is tempted, I am
tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with
evil, neither tempteth he any man:

                (5) God does try us, that is He makes things
                     difficult for us so we can see what we are made
                     of; but God does not tempt us.
                (6) What is the difference in being tried and
                     (1) A trial is God taking you through difficult
                          times to grow your character.
                     (2) A temptation is what the devil put before
                          you to tear down your character.
                     (3) A simply way to distinquish them:
                           (a) When you are tried, you have to go
                                looking for wrong to do it.
                           (b) When you are tempted, the wrong comes
                                looking for you.
        2. Joseph was a pure man, but he was being tempted.  Wrong
            came looking for Joseph.
            a. A married woman was urging Joseph to do wrong.
            b. We know very little of this woman.
                (1) She may have been closer to Joseph’s age than to
                     Potiphar.  Older, wealthier men often did and do
                     marry younger women.
                (2) She may have been a neglected woman.  He was
                     busy, away on business, occupied with work.
                (3) She may have been a beautiful woman.
                (4) These are all things we can speculate on but
                     which we cannot know for certain.
            c. The one thing we know for certain is that she was a
                tool of the devil.
                (1) She may have been much more than that for the
                     devil but she was at least that.
                (2) Anyone who tempts you to sin, covers for your
                     sin, or condones your sin is working for the

1John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil;
for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For
this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that
he might destroy the works of the devil.

                (3) I know that will bother some people but wake up!
                     (a) There are only two teams here and you are
                          playing for the wrong team.
                     (b) If it walks like a duck….
                     (c) If they entice you to sin, help you to keep
                          sinning, or encourage you in your sin, they
                          are of the devil.
                (4) These woman, for all of the beauty and youth she
                     may have had, for all of the excuses and
                     problems she probably poured out to him, was
                     still nothing less than a tool of the devil to
                     try to trip Joseph us.
                (5) By the way, I am not discriminatory.  Men can and
                     do serve as the devil’s tools just as much if
                     not more than women.
    C. Joseph had a rich heritage.
        1. Joseph’s father was a godly man, a wealthy man, and a man
            of renown.  (It is somewhat surprising that Joseph was
            not able to barter his way to freedom, offering the
            Midianites who sold him or the slave masters who
            possessed him great wealth if they would just contact his
        2. Joseph was heir to the promises of God.  (God gave Abraham
            some promises and those promises were to be fulfilled
            through Jacob’s seed.)
        3. Joseph had gifts from God.
            a. He could see and interpret visions from God.
            b. Whoever Joseph was with became blessed by God.

Ge 39:3  And his master saw that the LORD was
with him, and that the LORD made all that he did
to prosper in his hand.

5  And it came to pass from the time that he had
made him overseer in his house, and over all that
he had, that the LORD blessed the Egyptian’s
house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the
LORD was upon all that he had in the house, and
in the field.
6  And he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand;
and he knew not ought he had, save the bread
which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person,
and well favoured.

            c. All of this makes me think that Joseph was a very
                capable man, one gifted with much talent.
        4. Question - Does Joseph being such a clean, blessed, godly
            person make him giving into temptation any worse than if
            you give into temptation?  NO.
            a. Joseph may have had a better testimony than you.
            b. Joseph may have a more public ministry.
            c. He may have had more people depending upon him.
            d. He may even have a cleaner past than you.
            e. But sin is sin and what is sin for you is sin for all
                and what is sin for all is sin for you.
            f. Too many people have the attitude, "One more won’t
                (1) One more sin might not lower your reputation,
                (2) one more sin might not shock anyone,
                (3) one more sin might destroy your marriage or get
                     you fired;
                (4) but one more sin is still a sin against a holy
                     God and you and me and everyone else must give
                     an account for EVERY ONE OF THEM.

II. Joseph, his method.
    A. What did Joseph do to overcome this temptation?
        1. \\#8-9\\ He refused
        2. \\#12\\ He ran.
    B. Someone says, "That wasn’t very manly of him, was it?"
        Actually, it was the only manly, spiritual thing he could do.
    C. There are three sources of temptations and three correct
        responses to those sources.
        1. The first is the devil.
            a. Response is resist him.

Jas 4:7  Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

            b. How do you resist the devil?  The same way Jesus did.
                (1) Quote Scripture at Him.
                (2) For all of the power that is the devil’s, he can
                     not overcome the Word of God.  It puts a yellow
                     streak down his back and he must flee from it.
        2. The second is your flesh.
            a. The response is to change it, to conform it.

Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world:
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

            b. This is why God gave you a new birth, the Holy Ghost,
                and promised to make you a new creature.
            c. For most of us, it takes some time and some failures,
                but through by obeying the Spirit that is within you,
                you can be made into a new creature in Christ.
        3. The third source is the world.
            a. The response is to flee from it.

2Tim 2:22  Flee also youthful lusts…

            b. That means run away from the things you are tempted to
            c. A year or two ago, some of the church builders were
                here working on the church and I brought them lunch.
                The men began to give their testimonies.  One man
                shared how he was alcoholic.   He would stop every
                day on the way home from work, buy so much beer or
                liquor, drink it that night and do the same thing
                the next day.  On Friday, he bought enough to last
                the weekend.  When he got saved, he still had to
                drive by that liquor store.  In fact, there was a
                traffic light right in front of it.  Every day on the
                way home, he was tempted to stop at that store.  It
                got to be that he would pray that the Lord would make
                the light green so he would not have to stop, but
                often it was red.  The temptation was getting
                stronger each day. Finally, one day at work, he told
                the Lord he did not think he could resist it any
                longer—especially if the light were red.  You know
                what the Lord told him?  Go home a different way.
    D. So there are three sources of temptations and three Biblical
        1. You want to be certain that you do not get the sources and
            the responses confused.
            a. You can’t change the devil or the world, only
            b. You can’t run away from  the devil or yourself, only
                the world.
            c. You can’t resist the world or your flesh, only the
        2. So here’s what we do again:
            a. Resist the devil.
            b. Change or conform ourselves to the image of Christ.
            c. Flee from the world.
        3. Joseph did just what Joseph was supposed to do.  He put as
            much space between the woman tempting him and himself as
            he could.
            a. This distance or these walls that we build between us
                and our temptations are called standards.
            b. A man is not weak who will not go into a bar.  He is
            c. A woman is not weak who will not hang with others who
                gospel, or lie, or malign.  She is wise.
            d. A person who has weaknesses—and we all do—is not
                foolish for staying away from those weaknesses.

III. Joseph, his reward.
    A. I would like to tell you that because Joseph did what was
        right, his master in particular and the world in general
        rewarded him; but they did not.
    B. \\#16-20\\ Potiphar cast Joseph into a worse prison than he
        had been in before.
        1. That is sad.  He will spend many years in that prison.
        2. That happens in a wicked world.  In fact, the more wicked
            the world, the more it seems to happen.
        3. An axiom has been created to describe it, "No good deed
            ever goes unpunished."
    C. However, I can tell you that every righteous deed you do will
        be rewarded in heaven.

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