Gen 6:6-7
Can You Get God Angry?

The book of Genesis is the book of beginnings.  It details the
creation of all things and the beginning of life: mans’, animals’,
and plants’.

If you are reading through the Bible with us this year, you have just
recently read through this section of Scriptures. That means you had
the opportunity to read through the genealogies as well. Good job! It
takes some determination to read through a list of names that you
probably cannot pronounce.  However, God did not put the genealogies
in their to challenge us but to inform us.

Reading back over the list myself that you may not have caught.  Let
me share a few interesting facts:

1. There are nine generations from Adam to Noah’s birth (Noah being
the tenth generation).
2. The time for those nine generations total 1056 years.
3. Adam lived to be 930 years old #Ge 4:5, meaning he had only
been dead 126 years when Noah was born.
4. Even so, Adam does not hold the record for being the oldest man
to live.  Noah lived to be 950 years old #Ge 9:29, but the
oldest was Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old #Ge 5:26.
5. Noah was 600 years old when the flood came #Ge 7:6, making
the number of years since God created man around 1656.  Adam
would have been dead 726 years at the time of the flood.
6. Noah would have still been alive when Abraham was born. Abraham
would have been 58 when Noah died.
7. Shem, Noah’s son, outlived Abraham by 35 years.
8. Shem, Noah’s son, could have known Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
9. Although Adam had three sons, every human being on the earth
today is a descendent of Seth.  Both of the other lines died in
the flood.
10. And although many other lines were born prior to Noah, every
human being on earth today is a descendent of Noah.  All other
lines having died in the flood.

I do not want to talk to about genealogies this morning but rather
about judgment.  To date, Genesis 6-8 report the greatest judgment on
sin the world has ever known.  There are several reasons why I want
us to consider this thought and I hope to bring them out during the
message.  Would you follow me, please?

I. Consider the world
    A. There is a reason why judgment fell on the earth during Noah’s
        day.  That reason is sin.
    B. The Bible mentions four areas where sin had become
        1. \\#Ge 6:1-2\\ Sexual sins
            a. Let me say at the onset that no one knows exactly what
                the sin of this verse means.
            b. It is obvious that a sin is being described because of
                God’s response in the next verse.

Ge 6:3  And the LORD said, My spirit shall not
always strive with man, for that he also is
flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and
twenty years.

            c. There only seems to be two possibilities here:
                (1) Either godless men were marrying the godly women.
                (2) Or angelic beings are marrying human beings.
            d. For some time, I have assumed that angels were sexless
                beings based on:

Matt 22:30  For in the resurrection they neither
marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the
angels of God in heaven.

                (1) However, the verse does not say they are sexless
                     beings.  That is a supposition drawn from the
                (2) That being the case, it is possible it is a wrong
                     supposition so it is possible that angelic
                     beings could have had physical relations with
                     human beings.
                (3) In fact, that could have been the reason there is
                     a verse 4.

Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those
days; and also after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare
children to them, the same became mighty men
which were of old, men of renown.

                (4) And you thought your family was messed up!
            e. The bottom line being something was going on sexually.
            f. Whatever it was, it was:
                (1) Wrong.
                (2) It was not in the plan of God and it was having
                     an influence on the human race that God did not
                     (a) That is called deviant behavior.
                     (b) It means outside acceptable behavior.
                     (c) Who gets to decide what is acceptable?  God
                (3) It was spreading.
                     (a) The longer it was left alone, the more it
                          was going to become ingrained into human
                          behavior and the more it was going to take
                          the human race from God’s intended persona.
                     (b) I think that is one reason why God acted so
                          quickly and absolutely on that generation.
                     (c) I also think the reason He has not acted on
                          this generation yet is because Noah lived
                          at the beginning of human history and we
                          are living at the end.
                           i. For thousands of years, God has worked
                               to keep mankind going in the right
                          ii. If He has stopped now, it is because
                               the final destination is a final
                               destruction and it is coming soon.
            g. It is obvious by what God did in Noah’s day that God
                cares about what man does sexually.
                (1) That being the case, it really does not matter
                     what I think about God’s declarations on sex,
                     what you think about it, what our President
                     thinks about it, or what laws are made in
                     reference to it.
                (2) The only thing that matters is what God thinks
                     and God wrote that in the Bible.
                     (a) God wrote what He thinks about sex before
                          marriage and after marriage with someone
                          you are not married to.
                     (b) He wrote what He thinks about men having sex
                          with other men and women with other men.
                     (c) He wrote what He thinks about members of the
                          same family having sex together or someone
                          else having sex with multiple people in the
                          same family.
                     (d) He wrote what He thinks about rape and even
                (3) And this historic account tells us that He meant
                     what He said and proves that He will enforce
                     whatever threats he has made.

        2. \\#6:11\\ The world was filled with corruption and

Gen 6:11 The earth also was corrupt before God,
and the earth was filled with violence.

            a. It was not just that mankind’s sex was deviant. The
                way man treated other men was deviant too.
                (1) Corrupt-It means ruined, decaying, rotting.
                     (a) We might say man in that day had ruined
                     (b) Their behavior was rotten.
                     (c) I gather that means that they were suffering
                          from the self diseases:  selfish, self-
                          centered, self-absorbed, self-indulgent,
                          self-righteousness, and in the state of
                (2) Violent
                     (a) The only thing this can mean is that they
                          were attacking and hurting one another.
                     (b) It does not mean they were stealing, lying,
                          perverting one another.
                     (c) It caught God’s attention that man took
                          delight and felt no remorse over hurting
                          and killing one another.
                     (d) God does care what man does to man—then and
                     (e) From 2014 to 2015, the murder rate increased
                          by 11.3%.

                           i. The FBI reported:

"In 2013, an estimated 1,163,146 violent crimes."

                          ii. In an article written on 10/22/2015,
                               Birmingham topped the list of medium-
                               sized cities of violent crime with
                               1588.29 per 100,000 citizens.
                         iii. It was second on the murder rate list
                               with 24.52 murders per 100,000 people.

                     (f) A lot has been made over the fact that
                          violent crime actually dropped by 50% since
                          1990; however, what they don’t tell you is
                          the way crime is categorized has been
                           i. Many times, heinous crimes of assault
                               have been reduced from aggravated
                               assault to assault.
                          ii. Two examples from New Orleans:

A 75-year-old man was savagely beaten in Central
City after he tried to stop a drunken motorist
from leaving the scene of a wreck. He suffered
broken facial bones and had a hugely swollen
head, as well as some internal bleeding.

And another man was choked unconscious in a
fight at a bar, then thrown down a set of
concrete stairs. He spent two days in a coma
and two weeks in intensive care, and suffered
broken facial bones as well as permanent brain
damage. The beating was so brutal that it was
the subject of a Times story.

The NOPD report classifies it as a simple rather
than an aggravated assault.

                     (g) I don’t know who gets to make those calls,
                          but if you think that violent crime in the
                          US has gone down 50% since 1990, think
            b. What happened in Noah’s day tells us that God cares
                about how many treats one another!
                (1) That is what many of God’s commands are about.
                (2) Check out the Big 10.  The first four deal with
                     our relationship with God but the last six daal
                     with our relationship with one another!

        3. \\#6:5\\ Man’s imagination and actions were wicked

Gen 6:5  And GOD saw that the wickedness of man
was great in the earth, and that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was
only evil continually.

            a. That covers a lot of territory.
            b. I take it that the Bible means they did everything
                evil they could get away with and imagined what they
                could not.
            c. Actions they could do:
                1. lie, steal, kill, deceive, bully, threaten, and on
                    the list goes.
                2. Then whatever they could not do, they would dream
            d. One thing can be said about our generation.
                1. We don’t imagine doing things we can’t do anymore.
                2. We make a movie about so we don’t have to.

        4. A New Testament record of their sin.

Matt 28:37  But as the days of Noe were, so shall
also the coming of the Son of man be.
38  For as in the days that were before the flood
they were eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage, until the day that Noe
entered into the ark,
39  And knew not until the flood came, and took
them all away; so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be.

            a. This passage is another one that is some what
                difficult to understand.
                (1) It definitely seems like a rebuke from Jesus but
                     people must drink (the verse does not say what
                     but we do); eat, and marry.
                (2) There is nothing "wrong" with these things.
                (3) So what was God upset about?
            b. I think it was because they went on with their lives
                as if nothing was wrong.
                (1) Here the world was going to hell in a hand basket,
                     Noah was preaching his heart out, and they just
                     kept going about their business like nothing was
                     wrong at all.
                (2) I can’t prove my theory, but makes sense.
                (3) When things get bad, God does not expect people
                     to ignore it or pretend it doesn’t matter.
                (4) What does He expect?  He expects us to repent and

Joel 1:13  Gird yourselves, and lament, ye
priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come,
lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my
God: for the meat offering and the drink
offering is withholden from the house of your
14  Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly,
gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the
land into the house of the LORD your God, and
cry unto the LORD,

                (5) Someone asks, "What difference would that make?"
                     (a) If God’s people would do it, it would make
                          all of the difference in the world.
                     (b) But even if it did not, wickedness ought to
                          bother us.  We should not keep going like
                          nothing is wrong.
                (6) In this case, it is obvious that the people of
                     Noah’s day should have repented.
                     (a) Noah was building the ark of salvation.
                     (b) He was preaching that judgment was coming.
                     (c) It was obvious to all that things were not
                          going the way God wanted things to go.
                     (d) You don’t go about your life as if nothing
                          is wrong!

II. Consider God
    A. The world offended God.

Ge 6:6  And it repented the LORD that he had made
man on the earth, and it grieved him at his

        1. We knows something about being offended today, do we not?
        2. You name it and somebody is offended by it.
        3. It is strange that most of the things that offend people
            today are not issues of morality or decency.
        4. They are issues of too much morality or decency.
        5. You can take all of the issues that offend all of the
            people in the world and stuff them in one big complaint
            box and it will not matter.
        6. Why?  Because when it comes to being offended, the things
            that offend men are irrelevant.
        7. But when God gets offended, it matters!
    B. God determined to do some thing.

Ge 6:7  And the LORD said, I will destroy man
whom I have created from the face of the earth;
both man, and beast, and the creeping thing,
and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me
that I have made them.

    C. How God did that is the rest of the story.
        1. \\#Ge 7:4\\ God let it rain 40 days and 40 nights.
            a. \\#Ge 7;11, 8:2\\ The rain is described as if windows
                in the heavens were opened so that buckets of
                continuous water could be poured out.
            b. \\#Ge 8:2\\ The rain continued the entire 40 days and
                40 nights.  No relief.  No stopping.  So slack.
        2. \\#Ge 7:11\\ tells us that the earth broke up underneath
            the dwellers of the earth, causing water to gush up from
            a. Many feel that this is when the earth was divided into
            b. It is also possibly when many of earth’s highest
                mountains were formed as colossal tectonic plates
                began to crash together for the first time.
        3. \\#Ge 7:20\\ says that whatever high hills did exist, were
            covered by water of at least 15 cubits.
            a. A cubic is 18 inches.
            b, That means at least 22 to 23 feet of water covered the
                highest hills.
        4. After the rain fell for 40 days, \\Ge 8:3\\ it was 150
            days before God started to let the water go down.
        5. \\#Ge 8:4\\ Two months later, the ark landed.
        6. \\#Ge 8:5\\ Ten months after the rains started, the first
            mountains were visible.
        7. \\#Ge 8:13\\ says that a few weeks later, the ground was
            dry so that the people could leave the ark.
        8. \\#Ge 8:14\\ Noah and family left the ark, but there was
            not one single human being or earth dwelling animal that
            was not on the ark left alive.
    D. Does that sound like God got angry?

2Peter 3:5  For this they willingly are ignorant
of, that by the word of God the heavens were of
old, and the earth standing out of the water and
in the water:
6  Whereby the world that then was, being
overflowed with water, perished:
7  But the heavens and the earth, which are now,
by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto
fire against the day of judgment and perdition of
ungodly men.

    E. Someone asked, "Is it even possible that a flood like that
        happened?" Oh, yes.
        1. Did you know that there are sea fossils on the tallest
            mountains of earth?  The mountains of Tibet, some of the
            highest in the world, have sea fossils on them at 15,000

        2. Layers of the same sedimentary rock run thousands of
            miles, indicating they were all laid at the same time and
            by the same water forces.
        3. There are beds of fish fossils all over the world.  The
            problem is that fish remains don’t abide long enough to
            fossilize.  A fish will deteriorate in a week, bones and
            all.  The only way there could be beds of fossils all
            over the world is if they were killed and buried in mud
            so deep and so quickly that air couldn’t get to it.
        4. How about the beds of wash rocks?  Wash rocks are rocks
            that have been sweep along in the waters currents,
            bouncing along the water bottom, for so long that they
            are rounded and smooth.  There are beds of wash rocks
            all over the world!  There is a bed of wash rocks in
            Canada that came from the rocks of the Rockies, over 700
            miles away.

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