Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
Help Along the Way

The passage that we are reading today contains a story within a
story. We only want to concentrate on the story about Jairus and his
daughter. The story begins \\#5:21\\ and it ends at \\#5:41-43\\.

Jairus was a father with a very sick daughter.  He had gone looking
for Jesus and found Him.  How long he looked?  We don’t know.  Where
he was from?  We don’t know.  Exactly where he found Jesus?  We don’t
know.  What we do know is that when he found Jesus, he asked Jesus to
come heal his daughter and Jesus agreed.  So the two began to travel
together.  For how long?  We don’t know, but as they traveled, Jesus
helped Jairus in several ways-hence the title of the message, "Help
Along the Way."  Let’s notice some of those ways.

Let’s look at the last help Jesus gave first.

I. \\#41\\ Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter.
    A. \\#35\\ Jairus had sought Jesus because his daughter was sick.
        1. Jairus had wanted Jesus to heal her, but on the journey,
            the girl had died.
        2. The girl’s condition had changed and the help he sought
            was no longer sufficient.
        3. The father sought for a healing, a repair, but what she
            needed—had to have—was a resurrection.
    B. This is what happens to many people.
        1. They are looking for help, something to repair their sick
            lives, but what they needed—must have—was new life.
        2. Putting a band aid on a corpse won’t help.  Giving it
            blood or an organ transplant won’t either.
    C. Jesus prepared to give this girl and her father what they
        needed even before they knew they needed it.
    D. This was the final help that Jesus gave to them.  We will not
        see Jairus or his daughter mentioned in the Scripture again.
        However, it was not the first help Jesus gave them.

II. \\#5:23-24\\ The first help that Jesus gave was love.
    A. The Bible says that Jesus went with this man.
        1. A stranger came to Jesus needing help and Jesus stopped
            whatever He was doing and went with him.
        2. I don’t think that was unusual.  It probably happened all
            the time.
        3. Why would Jesus do that, over and over again?
        4. Jesus went because He loved this man and He loved his
        5. Love is what has motivated all that God has ever done for
            the human race.
            a. Creation, free will, life after sin, sending Jesus to
                the earth, the cross, 2,000 years of preaching the
            b. All of these things was because God wanted a people to
                love and a people that would choose to love Him back.
    B. What is love?
        1. Love is care.  Jesus cared what was happening to people.
        2. Love is desiring to help.  Jesus wanted to make things
        3. Love is doing.  Jesus moved to make things better.
    C. There are some areas that you and I cannot be like Jesus.
        1. We may not be able to cure the sick or to raise the dead,
            but we can certainly love.  We can care for people, want
            to make things better, and even help to make some things
        2. Everyone needs our love.
        3. Lessons about love:
            a. Love alone will never cure anyone, but it can comfort
                (1) We can care and we can desire, but our ability to
                     do is very lacking.
                (2) Even so, loving people will never hurt them and
                     it may comfort them.
                (3) Life is tough and a little bit of love will never
                     hurt anyone!
                (4) So give this gift of love!  Give it to your
                     family, your friends, other Christians,
            b. Even so, our love can help SOME people.
                (1) Some people will look for better than they are
                     when feel loved.
                     (a) Some will try to DO better.
                     (b) Some will try to BE better.
                (2) A Christians’ desire in loving someone is to
                     point them to the One who loves the most -
                (3) It is God’s love that they really need to accept.
                (4) But even if our love never moves a person to come
                     to Christ, it may comfort them a little along
                     the journey.  There is never wrong in that.
    D. Why did Jesus go with Jairus?  Why not just speak the word to
        heal his daughter?
        1. I think it was because Jairus’ downward journey was not
            over yet.
            a. Have you ever been on one of those emotional roller-
                coasters where you thought things could not get any
                worse—and it did?
            b. Jairus was not at his lowest point yet and I believe
                Jesus wanted to be with him when he got there.
        2. Again, we do not know how long Jairus had been looking for
            Jesus but it must have taken some time.
            a. And we do not know how long Jairus’ servant had been
                looking for him to tell him the news of his
                daughter’s death, but it must have taken some time.
            b. It is possible that by the time Jairus found Jesus,
                his daughter had already died.
            c. I believe Jesus went with Jairus because He knew that
                Jairus’ daughter was dead and He wanted to be there
                when Jairus found out.  Jesus wanted to comfort
                Jairus in that hour.  He wanted to love him in that
            d. I know sometimes it seems that God is sending us to
                the depths of pain and defeat, but God never wants to
                send you to that lonely, desperate spot.
                (1) Jesus wants to go with you to it.
                (2) Jesus wants to love and comfort you while you are
    E. Don’t get me wrong.  Even God’s love—alone—is not the cure
        for what ails you.
        1. Love will not fix death.  What is needed is new life.
        2. But Jesus was going to walk with Jairus to comfort him
            until the cure could be given.
        3. And so Jesus desires to do the same for you.

III. \\#Mark 5:36\\  The second help that Jesus gave was hope.
    A. We understand that Jesus, on His way to Jairus’ house, is
        1. While Jesus was delayed, a servant came to tell Jairus
            that his daughter had died.
        2. Without doubt, when Jairus heard those words, all hope for
            his daughter died too!
        3. Again, I believe Jesus knew this to be the case.
            (1) I believe Jesus knew of Jairus’ daughter when Jairus
                 found Him.
            (2) I believe Jesus recognized the messenger as he found
                 his master and He knew the message that he core.
            (3) I believe Jesus moved Himself closer to Jairus,
                 perhaps close enough to catch him if he collapsed or
                 at least close enough to speak to him and be heard.
            (4) And I believe Jesus spoke five words for Jairus’ sake
                 and his sake alone.  These words were words of hope.

Mark 5:36 … Be not afraid, only believe.

            (5) This message did not make a promise or contradict the
                 servant.  It just gave hope.

    B. What is hope?
        1. Hope is the possibility that things will get better.
        2. Once the daughter was dead, hope naturally died too
            because no one comes back from the dead.
    C. Just like every human being needs love, so every human being
        needs hope.
        1. Humans are like automobiles.  Automobiles need gasoline to
            run. Humans need hope.
        2. Nothing shuts down the human spirit more quickly than lost
        3. With hope gone, discouragement, depression, despondency,
            and even death can quickly set in.
    D. Yet, like love, hope is not the cure.  It is the comfort given
        until the cure comes.
        1.Some of you have used a brace to hold something up.
        2. Maybe you have built a wall and you used a long 2/4 to
            brace it while you nailed in place.
        3. Maybe you had to use a wedge or a shim to align something
            while you mounted it.
        4. Hope is our brace.
            (a) Hope is what temporarily holds us up while we wait
                 for the permanent fix.
            (b) Like love, hope is never the cure. Rather, hope is
                 what we cling to while we wait for the cure to come.
    E. One of the greatest gifts of salvation is hope!
        1. Hope given from an earthly source is iffy at best, but
            hope from the eternal Source is sure.
        2. It does not matter how bad life gets, how sick we may be,
            how poor life leaves us, what problems arise, even what
            death may do to us, God’s promises cannot be revoked or
            denied to the child of God.
    F. When Jairus heard the news that his daughter was dead, Jesus
        knew that Jairus needed help right then!
        1. A resurrection was to be had in \\#5:41\\ but that is 5
            long verses away!
        2. Jesus made no promise.  Jesus did not contradict the
            messenger, but with five words, Jesus gave Jairus some
            thing to hold him up!
        3. Without hope, this story ends here!
            a. Perhaps Jairus would have quietly dismissed Jesus and
                returned home—alone in defeat.
            b. Perhaps Jairus would go ballistic and begin to rant
                against God.
            c. Perhaps Jairus would sink to the ground and cry until
                he could cry no more.
        4. We will never know because Jesus gave Jairus the power of
            a. \\#5:36\\ "Be not afraid, only believe."
            b. That quiet call gave to Jairus the hope he needed to
                get home. It was Jesus saying, "Things are going to
                get better.  Don’t quit.  Trust Me.  I promise."
            c. With that hope, Jairus continued his journey.
            d. Without Jesus, there is little to no possibility of
                things ever getting better!

IV. \\#Mark 5:38-39\\ The third help that Jesus gave was faith.
    A. Jesus entered Jairus’ house and found mourners had gathered
        with the family.  Then Jesus did something rather stranger.
        He told them something.

Mark 5:39 … Why make ye this ado, and weep?
the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.

    B. The Bible says that the people laughed when Jesus made this
        1. Why would Jesus make that statement—even with it being
            a. If Jesus wanted to prove to the people that the girl
                was not beyond His reach to help, why tell them this?
            b. Why not just raise her and THEN tell them?
        2. This was Jesus’ way of telling Jairus what He was about to
             do, of inviting Jairus by faith to experience the joy of
             his daughter’s resurrection before it actually happened.
            a. Yes, the child was really dead.
            b. But God had a plan.
            c. This death, like sleep, was only to be temporary.
            d. Jesus had known all along that He would raise her from
                the dead.
    C. It is the story of Lazarus all over again!
        1. His friend was sick and Jesus tarried His departure.
        2. By the time they arrived, Lazarus had been dead four days.
        3. Yet on the journey, Jesus told His disciples:

Joh 11:11 …Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I
go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

        4. Why did Jesus tell His disciples that?  He was telling
            them the plan so that they could have faith in Him!
        5. Why was Jesus telling these people that this dead child
            was just asleep?  He was telling them the plan so that
            they could have faith it Him!
    D. What is faith?  Faith is God revealing that He has a plan and
        giving us the opportunity to have confidence in Him!
        1. Jairus had received comfort.  It had helped him.
        2. Jairus had received hope, the possibility that things were
            going to get better.
        3. Now, Jesus revealed a plan so that his hope could grow a
            notch to blossom into faith!
        4. Faith can sustain us much better than love and hope.
            a. Because faith allows God’s realm to enter into our
            b. In a few minutes, Jesus would step through the closed
                door to where the little girl was and raise her. At
                that time, there would be joy and a release of pain.
            c. But Jesus was offering Jairus the opportunity to
                have that joy and release on THIS side of the door.
            d. Granted, in Jairus’ case, that would only be a few
                minutes of additional peace, but for those of us who
                may not step through the doorway for some time yet,
                faith offers us a peace and release that is

In closing, let me remind you that once you reach the journey’s end,
there will be no need for hope and faith.  These are gifts that can
only be used today.  They are given to you to help you along the way.

The journey for Jairus was a long emotional journey but in the scope
of time, it probably lasted only a few hours. You may have been on
your difficult journey for many years. One day, God is going to
relieve you of your burden, but until then, there is help along the
way - LOVE, HOPE, and FAITH. Take these miracles of power that God
offers you and continue your journey in power.

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