Colossians 2:10
Complete In Christ

Tonight, I want to look at a section of Scripture that, to be honest,
is beyond my comprehension. I think the statement is just too deep
for me to comprehend, but at the same time, the statement is too
powerful to ignore any longer. I suppose what I want to do is to
think out loud with you. Whether what I say tonight will pass for
preaching or not remains to be seen.

In studying these verses, I am convinced that the truths contained
here are great and awesome. However, getting a handle on exactly how
they fit together has proved to be a challenge I have not yet
achieved. My outline tonight (and I do have an outline) will consist
of three points.

I. \\#Col 2:10\\ A Statement
    A. Paul makes an amazingly deep statement.
        1. This statement is only five words in length, but I am
            convinced that its depth is unfathomable to us.
        2. The statement is-We are complete in Him.
    B. The word that I want to draw your attention to is the word
        1. The word means to be full, or to be fulfilled.
        2. It means all, entirely, wholly.
        3. It means every bit.
        4. It means 100%.
    C. The statement means that in Christ, we have and are everything
        that God intended us to be.
        1. This is an amazing statement.
        2. We know that God originally created man to behave
            perfectly and to have a perfect relationship with God.
        3. Then sin entered and destroyed all of that.
        4. God’s original plan was destroyed so badly that one cannot
            even recognize what God intended us to be.
        5. But, by and through Jesus Christ, things have been set
            into motion that will ultimately restore all things to
            what God intended in the beginning.
            a. I think that even though the verb tense is present,
                i.e. we ARE complete in Him, it is something from our
                perspective is not complete yet.
            b. I certainly don’t see myself as being complete.  In
                fact, i see myself as a mess.
            c. But God, not being confined by time, knows that every-
                thing needed for the completion to take place as
                already been done.
            d. Some years ago, our church started moving into the
                computer age.  We could not afford all of the
                programs needed but I felt we needed a program to
                keep the church finances on but it needed to be
                something that would allow searches by dates, by
                amounts, by individuals.  We needed to be able to
                print annual giving reports.  So I decided to see if
                I could create such a database with Microsoft Access.
                I worked on for months, but at a point, I felt like
                it was finished, complete.  Now it wasn’t.  It did
                not have any information (data) in it all, but the
                everything was there so that no matter what else would
                be added, it was finished.  That is what God did for
                us in Jesus Christ.  We may not have the power yet,
                all of the knowledge yet, all of the character yet,
                but everything needed to get us there is complete!
                felt like it was complete.
    D. What has been provided in Christ that makes us complete.
        1. We are 100% forgiven.
        2. We are 100% restored to God.
        3. We have 100% of God’s power.

II. Reasons - Why are we complete?
    A. Because we are IN HIM.
        1. It actually has very little to do with us.
        2. We are complete because we are IN Jesus.
        3. That placement is produced by our salvation.
            a. Everything we are, have, or will ever be or have is
                because of Jesus Christ.
        4. That placement is more than just us being inside of Jesus.
            a. Jesus is not hauling us around like kangaroo carries
                its baby.
            b. This is a much more complicated bonding and reaction.
            c. It changes us like dropping a block of wood into the
                (1) The wood doesn’t change the fire at all but the
                     fire sure changes the wood.
                (2) When we are placed in Jesus, He doesn’t change
                     but we do and we change for the better.
                (3) We are dropped into God and that burns away the
                     fleshly, the carnal, the corrupt.
                (4) But even that is not the whole of it because
                     Jesus not only burns away the corrupt that is
                     there but it also adds the holy which is not
    B. What is it about Jesus that reacts so with us?  that changes
        us into His image and completes us?

Col 2:9  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of
the Godhead bodily.

        1. Jesus’ Person-He is all of the Godhead.
            a. All of God was in Jesus’ body.
            b. That means that Jesus is 100% God.
            c. That is why this bonding effects only me and not Him
                and why it produces good in me and does not consume
            d. Because Jesus is God and that is what He wills.
        2. Jesus Authority-He is head of all principality and

Col 2:10 …which is the head of all principality
and power:

            a. The word PRINCIPALITY means BEGINNING or ORIGIN.
                (1) When applied to a person, it seems to mean the
                     person who starts or begins something.
                (2) The notion being that as the one who begins
                     something, that one is the leader or ruler.
                (3) This passage says that Jesus is over all who are
                     in charge.
                (4) A similar thought would be both the titles "The
                     beginning and the end" and "King of kings and
                     Lord of lords."
                (5) Jesus’ position is that He is over every ruler
                     whether it be a physical or spiritual ruler so
                     if He says we are complete, we are COMPLETE.
            b. If that is not plain enough, the verse also asserts
                that Jesus is Head over all power.
            c. There is no thing and no power that stop the
                completion work that Jesus has degreed.
                (1) Jesus has the authority to do what He declares
                     and He declared us complete.
                (2) As Mr T. used to say, "I pity the fool that tries
                     to stop Him!"
        3. \\#Col 2:11-14\\ We are complete because of Jesus’
            actions.  Three actions are mentioned.
            a. \\#11\\ He cut away the corrupt flesh.
                (1) In the Old Testament, circumcision was a
                     procedure done on the Jewish males to show they
                     were a part of the Old Covenant.
                (2) It was an outward manifestation of their inward
                (3) Of course today many males (most all who are in
                     the US) are circumcised, but it has nothing to
                     do with the Old Covenant.
                (4) Today, it is a medical procedure done to remove
                     un-needed skin that, if left, might harbor
                     disease and cause harm to the body later in
                (5) Here, the Bible says all Christians (male and
                     female) have been circumcised with a
                     circumcision not by human hands (one done by
                     God Himself).
                (6) What does that mean?
                     (a) It means God has cut away the carnal skin
                          that always holds us back and down!
                     (b) It is the flesh that hinders the spirit
                          God has cut that carnal flesh off us so
                          that we can enjoy His completeness!
            b. \\#12\\ Then He buried the dead flesh.
                (1) Jesus’ burial pictures our sins being carried
                     to the grave and left there.
                (2) This morning, Charles Davis told me about finding
                     a dead mouse under the house and having to bury
                (3) Why did he bury it?  To get that sticking carcass
                     out of there!
                (4) You say, "But something came out of the grave!"
            c. \\#13\\ Yes, it was a new creature.
                (1) Someone new was quickened, brought to live, out
                     of that grace.
                (2) Someone who has no sins, no past, no corruption.
            d. \\#14\Jesus’ actions removed every against us.
                (1) The phrase "the handwriting of ordinances" is a
                     reference to the charges that were against us
                     (our sins).
                (2) The custom of the Romans when they crucified a
                     criminal was to write the charge for his
                     crucifixion on a board and nail it to the cross.
                     (a) This was done as a deterrent to crime.
                     (b) Pilate wrote Jesus’ charge, "The King of the
                (3) Here, Paul was telling us, that although unseen
                     to the human  eye, God wrote our sins upon the
                     placard that hung above Jesus’ head!
                (4) It was our sins that crucified Jesus and in
                     dying on the cross, He took every charge
                     against us away!

III. Results
    A. \\#Col 2:16\\ No one can judge me.
        1. No Christian has to keep Old Testament diets, observe
            their holy days, or even worship on the Sabbath,
        2. Why? Because the message being conveyed by those laws
            has been completed.
            a. They spoke of the coming of Jesus and He has now
            b. We don’t have to worry about being judged by others
                on these issues because Jesus has taken care of it.
        3. That truth relates to all areas of the Christian life.
            a. Although I may not approve of all you do and you may
                not approve of all I do, we don’t have to worry
                about what each other thinks.
            b. Why?  Because Jesus will take care of it.
            c. The Holy Spirit will teach, guide, and convict.
            d. It is best for us to let the Master take care of His
                own servants!
    B. \\#Col 2:18-19\\ No one should beguile me into not following
        1. I am IN Him.
        2. From that unique position, how could I NOT follow Him?
        3. Context - The Judiazers were trying to trick the
            Christians into go back under the Law and abandoning
    C. \\#Col 2:8\\ No one can spoil (or ruin) me by substituting
        philosophy or tradition for Christ.
        1. When something spoils, it ruins.
        2. A ruined fruit or vegetable is then good for nothing
            but to be cast away.
        3. The Judiazers wanted the Christians to go back to their
            traditions and opinions rather than follow Jesus.
        4. Many today have allowed philosophies and traditions to
            turn them from the Christ.

I wish I could comprehend better Paul’s statement. But even with my
dimly lit mind, I believe this statement is a treasure trove of
spiritual wealth to us. Explore it. Pray over it. Meditate on it. And
remember it. You are complete in Him!

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