Luke 7:11-18
Someone Needed Jesus
The account that we are reading is only mention in Luke’s gospel. It
is the story of a resurrection. You would think that a resurrection
would be so spectacular and rare, that ALL of the gospel writers
would have found a way to get it into their gospels, but apparently
that is not the case.
Not counting those who rose when Jesus died, the Bible attributes
three resurrections to Jesus. This resurrection, the raising of
Jairus’ daughter which is recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And
Lazarus’ resurrection which is only recorded in John’s gospel.
However, it is possible that Jesus raised many others. John wrote an
amazing statement in the gospel record which bears His name.
Joh 21:25 And there are also many other things
which Jesus did, the which, if they should be
written every one, I suppose that even the world
itself could not contain the books that should
be written. Amen.
Let’s consider this resurrection this morning by asking a question.
Who needed this resurrection.
I. The village of Nain needed this resurrection.
A. If you are unfamiliar with Nain, you are not alone.
1. It was a small village and only mentioned this one time in
all of the Bible (as far as I know).
2. The village has been located which itself means it was not
a totally insignificant place.
a. It was a relatively small village located about 16
miles south and west of Tiberias, off the Sea of
b. I have maps of that area and looking on the map, I do
not see a road that goes to Nain.
(1) That doesn’t mean that there wasn’t one, but it
might indicate that the road was so small that
it was little more than a trail.
(2) The nearest road on the map is 2 miles from Nain.
c. The village sat at the base of mountain or hill called
Mt. Moreh.
(1) That mountain is mentioned several times in the
Old Testament but mostly as a land mark.
(2) Nothing of great significance happened there.
d. It is located in the Valley of Jazreel.
(1) That valley is important because Megiddo is also
located along the edge of that valley.
(2) Sometimes the valley is called the Valley of
(3) We often refer to that area by its New Testament
designation, Armageddon, the valley where the
great end-time battle with take place.
(4) Nain was located in that valley.
3. So we have a small village with little reference, little
significance, no road going to it, sitting at the base of
a hill that also had little reference and significance.
4. Why would Jesus go there? Because Nain needed Jesus.
B. Nain was a village like most villages in the world.
1. I do not mean to be disrespectful but it appears to have
been a village of nobodies when it comes history.
a. I do not know of anyone in the Bible or history that
came from that region.
b. Of course when I speak of what I know, that is not
saying much but usually people of importance pop up
when you do research on a location.
2. And I do not mean to be disrespectful but it appears that
the village itself was pretty much a no place.
a. It is obvious that Nain was no Jerusalem or Cana. (In
fact, the village seemed to isolated, i wonder if
reliable news of Jesus had gotten to Nain!)
b. It was the kind of place that would have been hard to
get directions to because no one would know where it
c. And-for one last time—I am not meaning to be
disrespectful, but it was a lot like Green Pond.
(1) Green Pond is a community that I give directions
to by telling people what is near it.
(2) "Tannehill State Park is just 4 miles north…"
or "Mercedes is about 10 miles south…" or
"It’s about half way between B’ham and
Tuscaloosa on I59."
3. But there are a lot of nobodies who live in no place!
a. In the last Presidential election, it was not
California or New York what determined who was going
to be the President but a whole of no bodies who
lived in no place.
(1) Rural cities and villages that to find on map,
you’d have to zoom in.
(2) Or maybe like Green Pond, they are not even on a
b. And these people need Jesus just like the important
people in the big cities!
(1) The spiritually dead people in Nain, needed to
see Jesus and His power and so Jesus passed
through the streets of that insignificant city
and demonstrated who He was in a most
spectacular way!
(2) And God calls on us to take His Word to the
spiritually dead people in Green Pond!
4. The vast groups of unknown places filled with unimportant
people are very important to God!
II. A mother in Nain needed this resurrection.
A. Isn’t it amazing how many details this account leaves out?
1. We do not know the name of the dead man who was raised.
2. We do not know how he died.
3. We do not know the name of the mother.
4. But one thing we know, this mother was hurting that day
and needed the compassion and power of Jesus Christ.
B. I believe we can learn some things about this woman.
1. This woman was a widow. Her husband had died.
2. There is no mention of other children. This was likely
her only child.
3. This woman was going to have a tough time in life, but God
specializes in helping people in tough times.
Luke 7:13 And when the Lord saw her, he had
compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.
C. The Bible indicates that it was the tears of the mother that
caught God’s eye. Did you know they always do?
Ps 56:8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my
tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?
Ps 126:5 They that sow in tears shall reap in
Re 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of
the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them
unto living fountains of waters: and God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes.
D. Today is Mother’s Day and being a momma is no easy job.
1. There are six great enemies to our children.
a. No water
b. No food
c. Disease
d. Danger
e. Devil
f. Damnation
2. The human race has made great strides—at least in many
countries—against the first four, but the last two are
as deadly as ever.
a. In fact, I believe the devil had gained much ground in
the last few years.
b. The influence of the Bible and common sense has
diminished while the influence of peers and the
evil have greatly increased.
3. This miracle contains a powerful lesson for every mother.
a. You, like this mother, do what you can do against the
first four enemies of your children.
b. Then trust Jesus to do what only He can do against the
last two.
(1) Jesus and Jesus alone can defeat the influence of
the devil in your children’s life.
(2) Jesus and Jesus alone cane free your children
from the wages of sin—hell and separation from
III. The young man needed this resurrection.
A. Let’s not forget the condition of this young man.
1. He was dead.
2. Lots of things have changed in the last 2,000 years but
death is still the same. Dead is still dead.
B. What happens to a person when they die? They immediately go
to heaven or to hell.
Luke 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar
died, and was carried by the angels into
Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in
1. When it comes to death, there are only two types of
people, saved and lost, and they go to either one of two
locations, heaven or hell.
2. There is no third kind of person and there is no third
place to go.
3. With the advancements we have in medicine today, it is not
uncommon for a person to die and then be brought back.
a. Some of the people that this has happened to have told
of their experience.
b. Some remember things. Some don’t.
c. Some speak of peace, joy—some even of going to
d. Others speak of seeing what was happening to them or
a bright light.
e. Some speak of going to heaven and seeing people that
are there or God Himself.
f. I do not know what to make of those things.
g. I only know what the Bible says.
h. When you die, based on what you have done with Jesus
Christ, you go to heaven or to hell.
4. This man went to one of those two places.
a. Imagine if he had been in hell for those hours.
(1) In that country and land, they buried the same
dead, but this man had likely been dead for
several hours.
(2) How would like to visit hell, a place where God,
God’s goodness, God’s mercy, God’s love are
completely removed for an hour? for two? for
six? for eight?
(3) If this is where the young man was, he needed a
b. Imagine being in Abraham’s bosom, the place the saints
went to before Jesus’ resurrection.
(1) As bad as hell would be, that’s how good heaven
will be.
(2) If this is where the young man went, I am not
certain he needed or wanted a resurrection.
Maybe you need a resurrection today. There are three types of dead
1. There are the dead saved. They are in heaven. They have no
regrets, no sorrows, no heartaches. They are fine and you
can quit worrying about them.
2. There are the dead lost. This is those, both living and dead
who are lost.
a. You could be one of the living dead lost. You are
alive but lost and in need of a spiritual resurrection.
b. Then there are the dead dead lost. Those who were lost
and separated from God when they died and are in hell
today. I am sorry, but the only comforting words I can
give you is that they never want to see you again. They
do NOT want you to come to that place.
3. Then there are the dead living. Those still alive, saved, but
living in bondage to sin. To you I would say that you need
to be start walking in the power of Jesus’ resurrection.
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