Colossians 1:9-11
Paul’s Prayer

The book of Colossians is a short book, only 4 chapters long. The
theme or purpose of the book is teach the Exaltation of Christ. Paul
turned to that topic right after the verses we are looking at
tonight. Our text verses are part of Paul’s introduction and record
his prayer for the Colossians.

I do not when I noticed how much truth is contained in book
introductions, but I am glad I did.

Our text is still in the introduction of this book; that is, Paul is
establishing a rapport with the church. The introduction is longer
than normal for a book of this size, probably in part because Paul
had not been to this city before.

Notice in \\#9\\ "For this cause…." Paul’s cause was to help the
Colossians. As Paul begins this letter, he will share with the
readers his goals for them. What is interesting is that in these
verses, Paul told his readers how to get to the place that God wanted
them to be.

I. \\#9\\ Paul’s unceasing prayer.

Col 1:9  For this cause we also, since the day we
heard it, do not cease to pray for you….

    A. This is a phrase that Paul used several times.
        \\#Ro 1:9. 1Thess 2:13, 1Thess 5:17, 2Ti 1:3\\.
    B. To get God’s people where Paul knew they needed to be, Paul
        gave himself to praying for them. 
    C. Most would say that a human being cannot pray without ceasing—
        and I would agree. 
        a. If at no other time, at least when you are asleep, you
            have to stop praying. 
        b. It is also my belief that since the brain can only think
            of one thing at a time, whenever we earnestly
            concentrate on a thing, we have to stop praying.
    D. But when something is on your heart, that burden comes back as
        soon as your mind is free again. 
        a. Paul must have trained his mind so that praying for others
            was his neutral position. 
            (1) A true burden can change your mind’s neutral setting.
                 (a) Few people drive manual transmissions anymore
                      but in the days they did, it was not that
                      unusual to knock the transmission into neutral
                      for various reasons.
                 (b) Neutral was where you put the transmission when
                      it was not working in another gear.
            (2) We know that Paul had other activities to occupy
                 himself with besides praying. 
                 (a) Paul had a ministry of preaching.
                 (b) Paul had a ministry of writing.
                 (c) No doubt Paul also entered into a lot of one-on-
                       one conversations with others about their
                 (d) In addition, Paul also had the job of making
            (3) But when Paul’s mind was not occupied, it bounced
                 back to praying for Christians, churches, and the
        b. Where is our mind’s neutral?
            (1) Christians, we need to ask ourselves…
                 (a) "Where does our mind go when it is not on the
                      problem at hand?" 
                 (b) "What is mental neutral for you?"
            (2) Consider where our mind idles.
                 (a) bills, finances?
                 (b) work?
                 (c) hobbies?
            (3) Does your mind ever idle?  When you get a free
                 minute, is it your habit to fill it with something?
                 music? television? texting?  Facebook? a telephone
            (4) If your mind does not idle, when do you pray and 
                 think on God? 
            (5) I’m thinking that Paul’s idle was praying.
                 (a) This allowed him to pray whenever his mind was
                      not occupied. 
                 (b) I believe that this is probably as close to
                      praying without ceasing that we can come.

II. \\#9-11\\ Paul’s Desires

Col 1:9 …and to desire that ye might be…

    A. Paul’s Beatitudes - These are the things that Paul wanted the
        Christians to BE. 
        1. \\#9\\ That you be filled with the knowledge of God’s will.
            a. It was Paul’s prayer that the Colossians would know
                what God wants. 
            b. No Christian will ever be successful without knowing
                what God wants. 
            c. How can I know what God wants?
               (1) Through the Word.
                    (a) The Bible is like a compass.
                    (b) It does not give the specifics but it points
                         all Christians in the general direction that
                         God wants them to go.
                    (c) I knew a lady taking a road trip who got on
                         the interstate going the wrong direction! 
                         But to make matters worse, she traveled for
                         several hours in the wrong direction!  Those
                         who make that kind of mistake don't need a
                         map.  They need a compass! 
                    (c) The Bible is the beginning place of finding
                         the personal, will of God for your life;
                         however, it will not take you to the
                         specific place where God wants you to be.
                (2) Through the Holy Spirit.
                    (a) The Holy Spirit is your personal GPS (step-
                         by-step guidance) to get you to the exact
                         spot in God’s will.
                    (b) Without the work of the Holy Spirit, a
                         Christian cannot get to the specifics of
                         God’s will. 
                    (c) Other things can help open your ears to what
                         God wants but these two are the only true
                         Sources of knowledge. 
            d. How does this work?
                (1) We study the Bible.
                (2) We pray, listening to the Holy Spirit.
                (3) We hone our ability to discern what the Holy
                     Spirit wants us to do. 
        2. That you be filled with all wisdom.

Col 1:9 …that ye might be filled… in all

            a. Wisdom in a byproduct of knowing God’s will.
            b. That means wisdom comes from reading the Bible and
                praying while listening to the Holy Spirit.
            c. I describe wisdom as "seeing things as God sees
                (1) Our vision is world bound.
                (2) Being of this world, it is difficult to see
                     anything beyond our limited view.
                (3) God wants us to look beyond the limited view of
                     this world and see the eternal, timeless view
                     that He sees. 
        3. That you be filled with spiritual understanding.

Col 1:9 … that ye might be filled… in all
wisdom and spiritual understanding;

            a. Spiritual understanding is also a byproduct of
                knowing God’s will. 
            b. That means that it also comes by studying the Bible,
                praying while listening to the Holy Spirit, and
                honing your skills at discernment.
            c. Understanding is the ability to see the relationship
                between cause and effect. 
                (1) If you DO an action, there is a REACTION.
                (2) The ability to connect our actions to their
                     reactions is understanding. 
                     (a) This is a lost art.
                     (b) If you spend more money than you have, you
                          will be in debt and be under pressure.
                     (c) If you make decisions with limited wisdom
                          and understanding, you are going to make a
                          lot mistakes. 
            d. SPIRITUAL understanding is the ability to see the
                relationship between cause and effect in SPIRITUAL
                (1) Tithe
                     (a) Tithe and even though you have less money,
                          God will  bless your finances.
                     (b) Don’t tithe and even though you have more
                          money, God will not bless your finances.
                (2) Worship
                     (a) Worship and even though you have less time,
                          God will allow you to accomplish more.
                     (b) Don’t worship and even though you have more
                          time, you will accomplish less.
    B. Paul’s Actions - These are the things that Paul wanted
        the Christians to do.
        1. \\#10\\ That you might walk worthy of the Lord.
            a. The desire of Paul and the Lord is that Christians
                would live in a manner consistent with what Christ
                had done for them.
            b. The Christian life is normally described as a walk.
                (1) Too many Christians get hung up on our past and
                     our future. 
                (2) None of us can undo our past and none of us can
                     control our future. 
                (3) The Christian life is only about right now, the
                     step you are taking right 
            c. If you will take the appropriate step NOW, you will
                end at the appropriate destination THEN.
                (1) Remember that Christ died for you.  That will
                     take care of your past. 
                (2) Ask yourself, "What would Jesus have me do?" then
                      do it. That will take care of your future.
        2. \\#10\\ That you would be fruitful in every good work.
            a. While we are not proponents of the "prosperity gospel"
                as it is proclaimed in certain pulpits today, God
                does what to bless what His people do.
                (1) God wants to bless what we do for Him. Why would
                     God give us a ministry and then deprive us of
                     His help? 
                (2) God wants to bless what we do for our family.
                     God created the home and wants it to succeed.
                (3) God wants to bless our finances.  He may not want
                     us to be "rich in the world's sight" but it is
                     not the will of God that any Christian be
                     stressed and oppressed due to bills or needs.
                (4) I believe God wants to bless us physically. I
                     know God gives some a cross to bear, but I
                     believe that with the weight of the cross comes
                     addition grace to bear it.
            b. Sadly, most Christians do not understand that these
                blessings all come in the context of being filled
                with knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual understanding.
                (1) Building your life beyond the will of God will
                     never bring blessings. 
                (2) Blessings come when we get back to the Bible,
                     praying, listening to the Holy Spirit, and
                     discerning what God wants us to do.
                (3) If you want God’s blessings, you must do it God’s
        3. \\#10\\ That you would increase in the knowledge of God.
            a. \\#9\\ Paul was praying the Christians would increase
                in the knowledge of God’s will. 
            b. Here, he is praying that they would increase in the
                knowledge of God. 
                (1) The first is getting to know what God wants.
                (2) The second is getting to know God.
            c. God does not just want us to know about Him. He wants
                us to know Him. 
        4. \\#11\\ That you would be strengthened with might, power,
            patience, and longsuffering. 
            a. These items seem to balance the Christian life.
                (1) One set, might and power, hint at the authority
                     or power of the Christian to FORCE the world
                     into subjection to God.
                (2) The other set, patience and longsuffering with
                     joy, hint at the ENDURANCE needed in the
                     Christian life to tolerate what the world might
                     force upon us.
            b. And such is the Christian life.
                (1) We are constantly battling.
                (2) Sometimes, it seems God’s will for us to effect
                     the world for change; and sometimes it seems
                     that we are forced to endure what the world
                     wills on us.
                (3) As the old expression goes, "Sometimes you get
                     the bear and sometimes the bear gets you."
            c. Hence, we need both the POWER attributes and the
                ENDURANCE attributes to be a strong Christian in this
                (1) We need courage enough to advance the cause of
                     Christ when so directed. 
                (2) We need strength enough to withstand the scourge
                     of this world when God wills it.

So what was Paul’s goal for the church at Colossi? The same as ours
should be for ourselves and the same as God’s is for us; that we
would seek a wise, discerning spirit which would direct us in godly
and faithful paths.

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