Esther 3:8

Today is Grandparent’s Day and, while I want to speak to all,  I
especially want to direct my words to the grandparents.

There is a movement which has been on-going for decades but has
reached a fervor today. It is an anti-movement. "Against what?" you
ask. Basically, against everything that you and I were taught and
have stood for throughout our lives. (That may sound like an
exaggeration, but it is not.)

There is an anti-God movement. They took prayer out of school, Bible
teaching out of school, Bible reading out of school, and even the
posting of the Ten Commandments out of school. Not only so, but they
rewrote American history, changing God and His people from being the
heroes of the story to being the enemies of the story.

That began more than 50 years ago so that now we are on our third or
fourth generations of adults who have no understanding or even
exposure to the truth. That is what has made it so easy for the other
anti-movements to rise.

There is an anti-American movement.  Our country has and does have
its faults.  I cannot say that there were not some horrible things
done to the natives of this land; but all along the way, there have
been some who tried to stand for right and, by doing do, this country
became the most tolerant, the most peaceful, the most powerful, and
the most blessed in the history of the world.

Many of the more recent generations have no idea how blessed they
have been to be born and to live in this country and are determined
to desecrate and destroy everything that is America.

There is an anti-capitalism movement. America is the only country in
the world where rich sports figures, actors, and politicians condemn
those who work and try to make a living for having too much. They
trample the flag, kneel during the anthem, and insult everyone from
the police who protect them to the soldier who fights to protect
their freedom.  They have no love for this country, but they won’t
leave it!  They praise Islam and socialism, but won’t move to a
country that is socialist or Muslim.  Instead they leech off the
hard workers of this country while insulting everything that makes
it possible for them to do so.

With that background in mind, I want to share three thoughts with you
from the Bible.

I. It is time to stand.
    A. In a time when so many are taking a knee, it is time for
        Christians to take a stand!
    B. I am talking to everyone but especially to the grandparents.
        1. I know you thought you had done your bit and were due for
            a comfortable retirement, but you are not.
        2. You are still alive and some of you probably will be for
            another 30 to 40 years yet.
        3. If you start or keep sitting on the sidelines, America is
            liable to be destroyed long before you die and your
            comfortable retirement life may be spent in a
            concentration camp, a prison, or a sanitarium somewhere.
    C. If you don’t think that is where things are headed, then…
        1. Go look at the people that are pushing these agendas.
            s. They are hate-filled, rage-filled, venom-filled
                individuals with no logic, no civility, and no self
            b. In my opinion, the only thing that is holding them
                back is the Holy Ghost and the consequences of their
                actions—and I am not certain how much longer either
                one will continue to do so.
        2. Go back and read the Bible description of what happens.
            a. The Bible speaks of persecutions, prisons, beatings,
                and death.
                \\#Matt 5:10-12, 2Tim 3:11-13, Romans 8:35\\
            b. It talks of a time when no one will be able to buy or
                sell unless they have a number granted to them by the
                political powers that be.
            c. It is not a question of IF these things will come but
            d. Granted, I do not know when these things will start
                and have no Biblical grounds to say anything but that
                they are imminent, that is "could happen at any
                moment," but I feel that the time is close.
    D. Consider the book of Esther.

Read \\#Esther 3:8-10, 4:6-14\\

        1. Some say that preachers should not meddle in the political
            and cultural arena.
        2. Everything in this book deals with the political and
            cultural wellbeing of the Jews.
            a. In fact, God is never mentioned in the book of Esther.
            b. Not at all.  Not once.
            c. It is strictly a book about the people of God and what
                they had to do to stay alive.
        3. Esther, through no efforts of her own, became queen.
        4. An evil man, Haman by name, wanted to kill the Jews and
            put into effect a plan to kill to do so.
        5. Mordecai, Esther’s uncle, encouraged Esther to do
            something, but her first thought was, "There is nothing I
            can do."
        6. \\#Esther 4:14\\ Mordecai’s answer was clear.
            a. Deliverance (enlargement) is going to come from some
                (1) Mordecai knew that because he knew God had a plan
                     for the Jews.
                (2) I cannot tell you this country will be delivered
                     from the anti-movers.
                (3) In fact, quite the opposite, I can you tell you
                     that one day, they will win.
                (4) But I will tell you that America is worth
                     standing up for!
            b. If you do nothing, you will not be spared and your
                family will not be spared.
                (1) This is why I want to speak the grandparents.
                (2) It is not just you and me and our generation that
                     is going to go down.
                (3) We stand for our children and grandchildren!
            c. And then he challenged her.
                (1) Who knows but this is what you were born for?!
                (2) Grandparents, in this time of life when you
                     thought you were finishing, who knows but what
                     you have just found the real reason God created

II. There are some things for which we need to stand.
    A. In fact, they are many.  Some we need to stand for and some we
        need to stand against.  Let me give you but three.
    B. Stand for God.
        1. I realize God does not NEED us to stand up for Him.
            a. He is God, and God can certainly take care of Himself.
            b. However, I have had occasions where others stood for
                me, and I greatly appreciated it.
        2. God has called Christians to stand for Him.
            a. That is what every command to preach and teach is
            b. That is what the church exists to do.
            c. And training the church to stand is the purpose of
                every office within the church.
        3. God called us to stand for Him in our churches, in our
            communities, in our places of work, in our culture, and in
            our politics.
        4. A Christian who does not stand for God will deserve the
            kind of nation he gets.
    C. Stand for work.
        1. I know that sounds strange but work is not just a social
            a. It is a Scriptural issue.

Gen 3:19  …cursed is the ground for thy sake;
in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of
thy life;
18  Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth
to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the
19  In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
bread, till thou return unto the ground;

                (1) Like it or not, when sin came in work came in.
                (2) Paul said that if we do not work, we should not
                (3) If God tells us something and we don’t do it,
                     that is a sin.
            b. That means it is also a spiritual issue.
                (1) God has always intended man to work.
                (2) Adam worked—not as hard, but he worked—before
                     sin entered and I suspect that we will work in
                     the life to come.
                (3) It is just God’s plan.
            c. After those two, not working becomes a social issue.
                (1) The social implications of a people that will not
                     work is NOT the church’s first priority, but it
                     is a priority none—the-less.
                (2) No government can supply for a nation of people
                     that do not produce, and no government is so
                     foolish as not to know that.
                (3) Any government that advocates socialism knows it
                     is going to fail.
                     (a) Their goal will never be to take care of the
                     (b) It will always be to take control of the
                     (c) In the end, they will cast away whoever they
                          deem unnecessary to make themselves full,
                          fat, and flourishing.
        2. I know we all make jokes about work and there are
            certainly times when we need a break, but a person who
            can work and will not hurts himself by not working.
    D. Stand for America.
        1. I do not know that I can give you a Bible reason to stand
            for America, but I can tell you that on the path this
            country is traveling, our freedom to share Christ or any
            truth from the Bible with anyone will end.
        2. America was the church to world for 150 years.  She may
            not be what she once was but, to this date,  there is no
            nation or people who have risen to the challenge.
        3. The world needs America.

III. There are some ways to stand.
    A. How do we stand?
        1. I am not speaking of violence or terrorism or wars or
            even being rude, hateful, or angry.
        2. The Bible tells us that we have a different set of tools
            at our disposal.

2Cor 10:4  (For the weapons of our warfare are
not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling
down of strong holds;)
5  Casting down imaginations, and every high
thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge
of God, and bringing into captivity every thought
to the obedience of Christ;

        3. The weapons of this world will not aid us in accomplishing
            our mission.
        4. We stand by doing what God has told us to do.
    B. What?
        1. We stand by praying.
        2. We stand for God by sharing salvation.
            a. That is the only hope for the lost.  The lost has, is,
                and always will be the primary calling for every
            b. Jesus Christ is the only Hope for America.
                (1) No argument, no nugget of wisdom, no personality,
                     and no politician is going to change the
                     direction of America.
                (2) We might slow it down a little but the only Power
                     which can change its course is Jesus Christ.
            c. And if we cannot change America or win the
                multitudes, we will keep preaching Jesus for the
                sake of the individuals.
        3. We stand by teaching truth.
        4. We stand by believing God will.

Last, why do I preach this message on Grandparents Sunday?  There are
many reasons, but let me share a few.
     1. Most of you are old enough to see how our country has turned.
     2. Most of you care enough to want to help.
     3. Most of are wise enough to realize time is running out.

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