Hebrews 4:14-16
Help In the Time Of Need
This Bible passage is rich in the promises of God. Just to summarize
it, let’s see what the passage offers us.
1. Help is offered in the time of need.
Heb 4:16 …we may obtain mercy, and find grace
to help in time of need.
a. I see no limitations placed.
b. Whatever our problem, whatever our situation. God offers mercy
and help to those who are His.
2. This help is offered as we pray.
Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the
throne of grace, that we may….
a. From earth, the only way we may approach the throne of grace
is by prayer.
b. When we need something, we are commanded to come boldly to that
throne in prayer.
c. This tremendously narrows my responsibility in seeking help.
(1) Help is not contingent on how long I have been a
Christian or by the quality of service I have provided
(2) It is offered based only on my seeking it.
James 4:2 …ye have not, because ye ask not.
3. The help is available and prayer works because Jesus, our great
High Priest, has ascended to heaven to work on our behalf.
Heb 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high
priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus
the Son of God….
a. This passage links Jesus’ High Priest role with His being our
Helper in time of need.
b. I have help because of Jesus.
The Bible makes much of God’s help to His people, but can we have
confidence in God’s offer of help? Can we trust God to help us when
we need Him?
The answer is YES. I cannot be you and you cannot be me, but it is
my belief that God helps His people in their time of Need. I have
arrived at that conclusion because I have settled three issues about
God in my heart. If you will settle these three issues, I believe you
can have confidence in God’s help as well.
I. Is God able to help?
A. It is impossible for me to have confidence in God’s help until
first I settle the issue of God’s ability.
1. Can I have a problem or situation so great, that God can
not help with it?
2. The root of this issue is in God’s ability and power.
a. Can He?
b. The short answer s YES HE can.
c. I cannot have a problem so great that God cannot
help me.
B. My answer was settled for me through 2 proofs.
1. The Bible tells me of God’s great power.
a. This is the God who was able to help the children of
Israel escape the tyranny of Egypt’s Pharaoh.
(1) God pulled no punches in helping His children
(a) God selected and preserved Moses.
(b) God called and sent Moses.
(c) God empowered and helped Moses.
(2) If God could do it for them, I believe God could
do it for me.
b. Again, when the children of Israel entered the
Promise Land.
(1) God brought them into the land by parting the
Jordan River.
(2) Their first battle was against the impregnable
Jericho and it demonstrated the supernatural
extremes to which God would go to defeat
Israel’s enemies.
(3) \\#Joshua 12:24\\ said before it was over, Israel
had defeated 31 kings and conquered 31 kingdoms.
(4) If God could do it for them, I believe God could
do it for me.
2. My own walk (experience) with God tells me of God’s great
a. God has used His Word to kept me out of trouble.
(1) I have learned that the power of God that keeps
us from problems is just as great as the power
of God that gets me out of problems.
(2) God’s teaching and commandments on keeping my
body pure have kept me from doing things harmful
to myself and my family.
(3) God’s teaching and commandments on separatation
have kept me out of some very harmful
(4) God’s teaching and commandments on faithfulness,
duty, love, and stewardship have kept me moving
on for Christ instead of washing out.
(5) God’s ways are not intended to keep you from
having fun but to keep you from having harm.
b. God has used His word and prayer to get me out of
(1) I do not make myself to be some great prayer
(2) In fact, I suspect most of my blessings come from
those who prayed for me instead of the prayers I
prayed myself.
(3) But God has proved Himself over and over again to
be the Power that helps and protects me.
II. Does God care?
A. If God is able, does He really care what happens to me?
1. The root of this issue is God’s compassion. Is God
compassionate? Does God care?
2. Again the answer is YES.
B. I see that in the Word of God.
1. \\#Matt 9:35-38\\
a. Jesus cared enough to help.
b. He healed their sick and preached the saving gospel to
c. Then He cared enough to appoint others to help them as
2. \\#Matt 14:13-21\\
a. Again, He cared.
b. He preached and healed all day.
c. Then, He fed 5000 plus with 5 loaves and 2 fishes.
3. \\#Matt 15:29-32\\
a. Almost the same situation but the people had been with
Jesus 3 full days now.
b. This time Jesus took 7 loaves and a non-recorded
number of fish to feed in excess of 4000.
4. \\#Matt 20:29-34\\
a. Two unnamed blind men on a street with hundreds or
b. Probably beggars yet they were readily granted an
audience before the King of kings.
C. Does God care?
1. Yes!
2. You will not find a need or a person that God is not
III. Will God help me?
A. This is what it all boils down to.
1. As Christians, we can objectively answer that we know God
is both able and concerned.
2. The question is, "Is He willing to help?"
3. Again, I cannot answer for God in every situation.
B. But the Bible does bear record that God IS willing.
1. One of the points of Jesus coming was to show us the
Father. (If God is anything like Jesus, He will help!)
John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us
the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time
with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?
he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and
how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
2. \\#Matt 8:1-4\\
a. "If you are willing, Lord!"
b. Jesus said, "I am WILLING."
c. This must have made an impression on the other
disciples for \\#Mark 1:41, Luke 5:13\\ both record
this healing as well.
3. Not only was Jesus willing to help this leper but every
other need that was ever brought to Him, Jesus WANTED TO
a. I am not going to say God will do whatever you ask
because sometimes:
(1) We are out of God’s will.
(2) We ask for things based on our limited
b. I will say,
(1) God is more willing to help than most of us give
Him credit for.
(2) If God does not help in the way you think He
should, it is most likely because He has
something better for you.
You can have confidence in God helping you in the time of your need.
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