1Samuel 17:22-30
What Makes Great?

This is not the first mention in the Bible of David. He is first
mentioned in the last chapter. Already, exciting things are happening
in David’s life.
    1. He has already been anointed king of Israel.
    2. He has already been appointed King Saul’s personal musician.

On this day, in the time of battle, David had been discharged of his
regular duties and sent back home to care for the sheep. His older
three brothers were in the army and Jesse wanted to know how they
were, so he sent David to find out.

Now, there is little doubt that David was an exceptional man, but
what made David so?   What was it that would cause David to become a
GREAT man?

I suppose that would be determined on what you think great actually
is.  Hence the title, "What Makes Great?"

Most of our society would say four things makes a person great:
money, fame, position, and talent.  I am not against those things,
but they do not necessarily mean greatness.  In fact, each of them
have their own person pitfalls.
    1. Money can make a person selfish, self-centered, and very
    2. Fame can make a person arrogant and proud.
    3. Position can make a person too busy and too unconcerned about
    4. Talent can give you all of the above. 

And with all of the dangers none of them give instant roads to
greatness. These are all conditions of life. Condition of life do
not make a person great. It is the condition of the soul that makes
a person great.

Let's see what we can see in David's life.

I. David had an inner understanding of right and wrong.
    A. No person will ever be great without an knowing wrong from
        right.  He might become infamous but not great.
    B. David listened to this giant, he immediately understood two
        things were being done which were wrong.
        1. David understood this giant was making fun of the nation
            of Israel. 
        2. David understood this giant was making fun of God.
    C. David was young and inexperienced. He was probably the
        youngest and most inexperience lad there, but no one had 
        to explain to him that what was going on was wrong!
        1. David was a patriot and knew every citizen ought to be
            loyal to his country.
            a. I am not for blindly following anybody.
            b. I do believe God gave to everybody good sense and it
                ought to be used.
            c. When someone or some nation is wrong, no matter who
                they may be, it should be addressed.
            d. But even so, love and loyalty are not traits to just
                cast aside!
        2. David knew blasphemy when he heard it.
            a. The word blasphemy is a word seldom used but the act
                is often committed.
            b. Blasphemy means, "Expressing disrespect for God or for
                something sacred; Speech, thought, or action
                manifesting contempt of God."
            c. Everyone seems worried about offending everyone but
            d. David was one who knew it was wrong to offend God.
    D. The question is where did David learn right from wrong?
        1. I would like to think it was from his parents.
            a. However, David had three older brothers who did not
                seem to be offended by Goliath’s blasphemy.
            b. Savannah, I know your parents have attempted to
                instill within you this understanding.  I pray that
                their teaching has "taken" in you.
        2. I am sure that it can come from the Word of God and
            personal Bible study.
            a. Savannah, I pray that you have personal Bible time and
                that you understand that you are now becoming more
                and more an independent woman.
            b. One who is responsible for her own decisions in life.
        3. I believe such knowledge is also a by-product of a godly
        4. Wherever David got this ability from, not everyone in his
            family had it.
            a. Eliab was David’s oldest brother, reared in the same
                home by the same parents.
            b. Eliab was probably a good man and a good soldier.
            c. \\#17:28\\ But When David reacted to the wrong that
                was being done by the giant, Eliab corrected David
                not the wrong!
            d. Eliab was a part of a large group that couldn’t see
                the problem because of the size of the giant;
                David was a part of a much smaller group that
                couldn’t see the size of the giant for the problem.
        5. Every person must decide which group they want to be a
            part of but the smaller group is the one from which great
            people come.

II. David had the courage to make the wrong right.
     A. Wrong greatly bothered David.
         1. This was something that David could not let go.
         2. Since he could not let it go, David set about to fix it.
     B. Two things strike me as unique concerning David’s
         determination to fix the wrong.
         1. He was no fool.  He wanted to know what the king would do
             for the person who did fix this situation.
             a. Think would you will, but David’s thought was to
                 to serve God should bring him a blessing.
             b. He was right.
        2. He was determined to fix this with no thought of being
             a. David’s philosophy was simple.
                 (1) God will punish wrong.
                 (2) God will bless right.
             b. David’s life proves that his philosophy was right!
                 (1) David will go from being a shepherd, to a
                      soldier, to a captain, to the king.
                 (2) He lived to be 80 years old and this was one of
                      the guiding principles of his life!
                 (3) A philosophy tested that much and proved that
                      many times is one good enough for us to trust.
     C. However I will tell you that if making wrong right does not
         bring personal victory to your life, it is still the right
         course to take.
         1. People who stand against wrong may not be popular;
             they may not be wealthy,
             they may not get promoted,
             but they will doing right!
         2. In the end, wrong shall always fail and right shall
             always prevail!

III. David had a dependence upon God.
    A. These first two can be natural in origin.
         1. In fact, some unsaved people have become heroes because
             they have followed the first two principals.
         2. The first two can be taught from family or just learned
             from a sensitive and wise spirit.
         3. But having a dependence on God can only be had by having
             a relationship with God.  
    B. What is a dependence upon God?
        1. Dependence is when we seek to ask God to help us and we
            ask God to let us help Him.
        2. It is God doing through us and in place of us what He
        3. It was not David who slew the giant that day.  It was God.
            a. It was God who found the kink in the giant’s armour.
            b. It was God who directed the stone.
            c. It was God who caused the piece of granite to sink in.
            d. God is no person’s co-pilot.  If God is not flying the
                plane, I wouldn’t expect to find Him on it at all.
        4. Maybe the difference seems largely in the semantics of
            what I am saying but you will find the expectations
            between someone who merely wants God’s help and someone
            who wants God to do something are very different.

IV. David left the results in God’s hands.
    A. In David’s case, David’s faith indicated that David had heard
        from God on what He was going to do.

1Sam 17:45 Then said David to the Philistine,
Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear,
and with a shield: but I come to thee in the
name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies
of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
46 This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine
hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head
from thee; and I will give the carcases of the
host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls
of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth;
that all the earth may know that there is a God
in Israel.
47 And all this assembly shall know that the LORD
saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle
is the LORD’S, and he will give you into our

        1. Much like what happened to Adrian Rogers has told by his
            wife, Joyce Rogers, after his death.
        2. A man whom Brother Rogers knew was demon possessed charged
            the pulpit once during a service.  As the man charged,
            Dr. Rogers said he heard God’s voice say:

"Adrian, do not be afraid. You are my man and
the devil is about to make a fool out of himself."

    B. But that is not always the case.
        1. Sometimes, we just don’t know how things are going to turn
        2. Three in fiery furnace did not know what God was going to

Dan 3:17  If it be so, our God whom we serve is
able to deliver us from the burning fiery
furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine
hand, O king.
18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king,
that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the
golden image which thou hast set up.

    C. What we do know is that God has in plan, we must just do
        what is right and leave the results to God.

Now, in closing, let me share with you what is God’s plan for every
person here tonight.  It is for you to be saved.  Greatest will never
be found in money, in fame, in position, or with talent.  It will
only be found by trusting Jesus as your Savior.

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