Genesis 3:20
Best Moms EVER!

I want to speak this morning to one of the largest population sectors
in the world, mothers.

According to statistics on mothers:

There are 2 billion mothers in the world (85.4 million in the U.S.).

There are 4.3 babies are born each second.

A sizable minority of children in rich countries live with just one
parent—a parent who is likely to be female, and also likely to be

Out of a survey of university freshmen in Australia, 40% listed their
moms as the most important and influential person they’d ever known,
compared with 25% for fathers, 17% for romantic partners, 12% for
friends, and 6% for siblings.

I. Eve - The Mother of life

Gen 3:20  And Adam called his wife’s name Eve;
because she was the mother of all living.

    A. The word means to breath, to give breathe, to give life
        1. Motherhood has become shameful to many women.
        2. For others, it is just a small part of their life.
        3. It should be neither.  If granted, it should be the
            greatest honor of a wife’s life.
            a. I find it amazing that so many women want to
                demonstrate that they are as good as any man.
            b. Why would a woman want to lower herself to be as good
                as a man when God has blessed her with abilities that
                no man has.
            c. Ladies, God made you superior to a man.
                (1) You can give life.  What man can do that?
                (2) But not just life. God has equipped you with the
                     ability to give God-like life, godly life.
                (3) You can give life and spiritual life!
                (4) You can make a life that knows and worships and
                     imitates God.
            d. No man can do that.  None.  Not one.  Never has.
                Never will.
    B. Ladies, the key is that you can give GODLY, God-like, life.
        1. God has blessed women with intuition, discernment, and
            spiritual desire.
            a. Have you ever noticed how many times the women are the
                ones taking care of the spiritual business of the
                church? (It is not supposed to be that way but it
                often is.)
            b. Last Sunday, we went to Romar Baptist Church in Orange
                Beach.  The pastor said that they have 55 members but
                over 10,000 visitors each year. Their choir had 5
                women in it.  Not 5 women among the men.  It had just
                5 women.
                (a) I’m not judging or throwing any stones here, but
                (b) Women see the need, know the importance, and have
                     the desire for the spiritual.
                (c) In our church, I checked the VBS sign-up sheet.
                     We have several that have signed up and I am
                     grateful, but for every 1 man that has signed,
                     5 women signed up.
                (d) You can see this through the Bible.
                     (1) Do you remember who sent word to Pilate and
                          told him not to have anything to do with
                          Jesus?  It was his wife.
                     (2) Do you remember who was at the tomb the
                          morning of the resurrection?  It was a band
                          of women.
                     (3) Do you remember who sat outside the empty
                          tomb, weeping?  It would be the same one
                          who was the first to see the risen Lord.
                          It was Mary, a woman.
                (e) What does this mean?  It means that women more
                     than men have intuition, discernment, and
                     spiritual desire.
                (f) Men may be preaching when the spiritual fruit is
                     harvested but most of the time, it is a woman
                     who planted salvation’s seed.
        2. Mothers, I know your life can be very hard and
            discouraging, and I know why.
            a. It’s because of us, men.
            b. If you didn’t have to be married to have children you
                might be able to win your children to Christ.
            c. Husband, we ought not do that to our wives.  We should
                not make it harder for them to get us and our
                children to the Lord.  In fact, we should be part of
                the solution not the problem.
        3. Ladies, don’t give up and don’t get sidetracked.
            a. God has placed you into your family to give LIFE, both
                physical and spiritual.
            b. In dealing with your family, be gracious, be loving,
                 be obedient to your husbands, but keep moving them
                 toward Jesus Christ.
                 (a) Be gracious - Don’t be argumentative, don’t be
                      disrespectful, don’t be bitter.  Be kind,
                      loving, gracious.  God has not called you to
                      preach you family to Jesus (That’s my calling).
                      He has called you to love your family to
                      Christ.  Don’t quit.  Don’t get sidetracked.
                 (b) Be obedient - As much as you can, be obedient to
                      your husband—even if he is lost.  Don’t take
                      that as an insult.  Take that has a command
                      from God.  It is.  And since it is, if you want
                      Christ to come do a work in your home, you
                      must be obedient.
                 (c) Be consistent - Of course that doesn’t mean you
                      aren’t going to have good days and bad days.
                      Sure you will, but do your best to be
                      consistent and to display Jesus to your family.

II. Hagar - The Mother of Endurance  \\#Ge 16:1-9, 21:9-21\\
    A. Hagar was a good woman with a hard life.
       1. From our first introduction of Hagar, she was a slave, a
           servant woman.  We do not know how or why, but she was
           destined for a servant’s life from the beginning.
       2. Then she made a concubine.  I don’t believe it was ever
           Abram or Sarai’s intent to make an object out of Hagar,
           but they did.  She became a child mill.
       3. Then Sarai becomes jealous of Hagar, who was probably at
           one time very close to her, and treats her brutally.
       4. Then Abraham and even God seems to cast her out.
       5. Although Hagar is the mother of one of Abraham’s children,
           there is never an indication that Abraham loved her.  Not
           once.  Not at all.  She was unloved and uncared for.
    B. But Hagar loved her son.
        1. Here is a woman who had every reason to hate life and all
            that it had done to her, but she did not.
        2. For all practical purposes, Hagar’s child was a product of
            rape.  While at the time Hagar may have hoped what was
            being done to her would improve her lot in life, it did
            not.  If anything, it hurt her for the child conceived
            was loved of the Abraham but she never was.  She could
            have felt even more lonely, isolated, used, and abused.
        3. But she loved her child and did what she could to care for
    C. Life sometimes gives us all of us some tough days (though I
        doubt that any of us have had a life as tough as Hagar’s).
        1. Let me give you what I believe was Hagar’s motto.
        2. Endure the bad.  Love the good.  Live for your children.

III. Jochebed - The Mother with A Plan
    A. Jochebed was Moses’ mother \\#Ex 6:20\\.

Ex 6:20  And Amram took him Jochebed his father’s
sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses:
and the years of the life of Amram were an
hundred and thirty and seven years.

    B. She was a mother in a difficult time.
        1. \\#Ex 1:22\\ Pharaoh had commanded that all the male
            babies born were to be cast into the Nile River.
        2. She and her husband, Amram, refused to obey.
        3. The Bible doesn’t give us all the details for this, but it
            appears that Jochebed had a plan of her own,
            a. She kept the baby as long as she could hide him.
            b. That must have meant she kept her pregnancy a secret
            c. When the baby could be hid no longer, she placed him
                in a basket, set him adrift down the river Nile, and
                had Miriam, her older daughter to watch to see what
                would happen.
                (1) I do not know that Jochebed had any notion what
                     was going to happen, but I am guessing that she
                 2) If all Jochebed expected to happen was for the
                     basket to sink or some alligator to shallow it
                     whole, why would she have sent Miriam to watch?
                (3) What mother would want one child to watch the
                     other be killed?
                (4) I don’t know if Jochebed knew what would happen,
                     but I believe she knew somehow God was going to
                     do something,
                (5) I believe she had prayed and that she was doing
                     her part in obeying God and, after doing so, she
                     was trusting God to do His part in return.
    C. Believe it or not, this is the only plan that any mother can
        have for her child and it is the only one needed.
        1. What was it again?
            a. Jochebed prayed.
            b. She did what God revealed for her to do.
            c. She trusted God to something good in return.
        2. No matter where you are in life, this is God’s plan for

Do you begin to seek God today by being saved? The only way that plan
will work is if you are saved.

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