John 1:14
Come Thou Fount
This verse is not talking about just anyone. It is speaking of the
God who stood out on the balcony of nothingness and called all things
into existence with nothing but His words. In this chapter, John has
referred to that Person as the Preexisting Word, the Powerful Light,
and in this verse, the Perfect Man. That name of that Person is given
in verse 17. He is Jesus Christ.
But verse 14 does more than just talk about Jesus. It describes Him.
It says that Jesus was full of grace and truth. What a marvelous
statement that is! He was full of grace and truth, but what does it
mean? It means that Jesus was so full of grace and truth that it just
poured out of Him. Jesus is like a fountain so full of water that it
cannot contain it all and so the water pours over the sides, creating
a stream as it collects to run to lower ground.
Let’s consider that for a few moments.
I. Jesus is the Fountain of Truth
John 1:14 … He was full of… truth.
A. That means truth poured out of Jesus.
B. We are living in a confused world today.
1. This world is confused about many things but one thing it
is terribly confused about is truth.
2. So many things are said, believed, and even fought over
today with some saying it is truth and others saying it
is not.
C. With so much confusion about truth in the world, let me take a
moment to explain some things about truth.
1. Truth must always be truthful.
a. I know that sounds very simple but apparently, it is
not know in today’s world.
b. Truth is…
(1) a guess
(2) a hope
(3) a theory
(4) a wish.
(5) I’ll be honest. I don’t know many true things,
but I do know the Fountain of Truth and I put
my confidence in Him.
c. Likewise, truth cannot be exaggerated or falsified.
If it is, it’s not truth.
(1) Remember,
(a) Truth might be misunderstood.
(b) Truth might be hated.
(c) Truth might even be denied.
(2) But truth must always be truthful.
2. I hope that we also understand that truth neither cares
which side of the argument it is on or whose feelings are
3. Truth is only concerned with one thing, i.e. being
D. The Bible says of Jesus, He was full of truth. What truth
flowed from Him?
1. If you want to enter heaven, you must be born again.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him,
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man
be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
a. While most of you probably understand what that means
just in case there is one who does not, let me
briefly explain.
(1) We are all born sinners. That is why we die.
(2) But God offers…
(a) To forgive our sins,
(b) To move into us,
(c) To make us a new person, and
(d) To give us a new life.
(3) That life cannot be had by doing better.
(4) To get God to move inside of us, we must do two
(a) We must believe what the Bible says about
(b) And, the best we know how—and I do mean the
very best, we must surrender ourselves to
God and His will.
i. Any attempts to hold out on God and He
will know about it and will not move
inside of you.
ii. If you are going to keep lying, keep
living in adultery, keep holding a
grudge, or anything else, God will
not move inside.
iii. Many do not understand the importance
of surrendering themselves to God and
so they are NEVER "born-again."
b. Jesus was not only coining a new term for us when He
used that term, it was telling us a truth.
Remember, He is full of truth, and so that truth
just pours out of Him.
(1) He said you will never see the kingdom of God or
(2) Friend, if you never see it, you are certainly
never going to enter it.
(3) I fully know and understand that there are
people today who say there are many ways to get
to heaven, but Jesus, the Fountain of Truth, is
in fact saying that they are liars.
(4) You might say, "Preacher, prove that to me."
And I will answer, "I cannot." You will have
to look deep into your soul, study this Bible
for yourself, and try to hear from God as to
what is true, but I have done so and I am
convinced that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven.
(5) What about you? This is too important to
ignore or delay. I suggest that if you have
any doubts that Jesus is the Fountain of Truth,
you get serious about finding out today.
2. If you want to be a disciple, you will have to follow Him.
Luke 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man
will come after me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross daily, and follow me.
a. Notice Jesus’ words in this verse:
(1) "If," that is man’s choice.
(a) That means not everyone is going to do what
Jesus was commanding here.
(b) Everyone should but everyone must make up
their own minds.
(c) Think on this: You might live on this earth
100 years, but you are going to live
forever in eternity. Whether you are
presently saved or lost, do you want to
live your 100 years selfishly and waste
your eternity or invest your 100 years
wisely and reap rewards for eternity?
(d) The word "if" gives you that choice.
(2) "If any man (woman) will come after me," that is
God’s goal.
(a) That means if anyone will be saved (born-
again) and become His disciple.
(b) Jesus was stating a goal He has for our
lives and He has at least two goals for
every person:
i. That they be saved (born-again) and…
ii. That they follow Him, obey Him, become
His disciple.
(c) You have your own will and may do with your
life whatever is within your power to do,
but God is the Fountain of Truth, and He is
revealing what His goals for your life are.
(3) "let him deny himself… take up his cross daily,
and follow me," that is the price that must be
(a) To be a disciple, a follower, of Jesus, we
must quit living for our selfish pleasures,
desires, and even our needs. We must deny
what we want.
i. Four pronouns to measure your level of
selfishness: I, me, my, and mine.
ii. Three more could be relevant: us, we,
and our.
iii. How often do we use His and Him?
(b) To be a disciple, a follower, of Jesus, we
must take up our cross—every day. Why
take up a cross? There is only one thing
you can do with a cross, die on it. Not
only are we to deny our selfish selves but
we are to die, kill, our desires and goals
so that they do not influence us.
(c) To be a disciple, a follower, of Jesus, we
must follow Him. We must follow His
examples, His teachings, and His commands.
b. Jesus was not just telling us what was necessary to be
His disciple. Jesus, the Fountain of Truth, was
telling us that if we do not do these things, we are
NOT following Him, that we are NOT His disciple.
(1) Now we may not agree with that truth, we may not
obey that truth, we may not like that truth, but
Jesus, the Fountain of Truth, made it so it is
(2) You are here this morning because you have a
desire to know and follow God—either that or
someone made you come.
(a) If you have even the smallest notion in your
heart that you want to be a follower of
Jesus Christ, you need to let this truth
sink deep into your soul and then you need
to honestly examine yourself.
(b) How much of you is living your body and how
much of Jesus is living in there?
(c) Have you denied what you wanted?
(d) Have you nailed yourself to the cross?
(e) Are you following Jesus?
(f) The Fountain of Truth is before you this
morning, but you must believe what He is
telling you.
II. Jesus is the Fountain of Grace.
John 1:14 … He was full of… truth.
A. That means grace poured out of Jesus.
B. I believe grace to be the most powerful force on earth.
1. Stronger than fire (video of forest fire), tsunamis,
flood, hurricane, tornado is God’s grace.
2. What is grace? My definition of grace is that grace is
GOD working in you and through you to accomplish His
3. There is no force stronger than God working. None. Not
4. John tells us that Jesus was not just the Fountain of
Truth, but that He was also the Fountain of Grace.
C. That means God’s power to bring people into God’s will just
poured out of Jesus like water pours out of a fountain. Did
1. In John 4, Jesus passed through a place called Sychar.
a. While there, He stopped at a well and met a woman from
the area.
b. It was no accidental meeting.
John 4:4 And he must needs go through Samaria.
(1) That implies that it was Jesus’ strong desire and
purpose to go through that area.
(2) I believe He wanted to go through there to meet
this woman and her neighbors.
c. What happened?
(1) On earthly scales, not much. Just a few
(2) On heavenly scales, a tsunamis hit! This woman
was saved and her whole village!
d. Isn’t it interesting?
(1) Jesus passed by this location and before He left,
the two goals that He has for every person on
this planet happened to the entire village!
(2) How is that possible? I am going to say a strong
force caused it, the strongest force that the
world has ever known, the grace of God came
through Sychar.
(3) And why not? Jesus, the Fountain of Grace, was
passing through.
2. In John 5, Jesus passed through a pool in Jerusalem called
a. \\#3\\ tells us that a great multitude of sick, blind,
lame, and withered people sat there.
b. But Jesus went up to one man who had been lame for 38
years and asked him a question, "Wilt thou be made
(1) Imagine a man who had never walked being asked if
he wanted to be healed.
(2) Jesus told the man to get up, pick up his bed,
and to walk—and he did.
(3) Jesus healed that man that day!
(4) The crowds rush in and soon Jesus and the man are
separated, but Jesus found the man later and
told him who he was.
(a) The best I can tell, that lame man got saved
that day. And while the Bible did not
follow up with what he did from that day
on, I would hazard a guess that the lame
man went on to follow Jesus.
(b) That was the powerful force of God; but
strangely, grace did not sweep through that
crowd and convert others.
(c) I think the religious leaders did not want
c. Lesson: No earthly force can stop the flood of grace,
but God will not force grace where it is not wanted.
d. Two more truths for lost people about grace.
(1) It can and will peak.
(2) It can and will end.
e. But here, isn’t it amazing.
(1) God has at least two goals for every person’s
life, that they be saved and then follow Him,
and when Jesus passed by, that lame man
surrendered to do BOTH!
(2) But then, why not? Jesus, the Fountain of
Grace was passing through.
But then, why should that be surprising? Jesus, the Living Word made
flesh, is full of grace and truth.
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