Matthew 18:1-6
Another Step Down

This past week, our nation and our world took another step down—
actually, we may have taken more than one, but one is all I will
focus on this morning.  I want to give you several Bible verses this
morning so you may want to get a pen and paper out to write some

Notice this Bible passage - It is about children and pronounces
blessings and curses—from God the Creator—related to them. I count
four of these pronouncements.

\\#3\\ If you become like a child and are converted, you can enter
the kingdom of heaven.

\\#4\\ If you humble yourself like a child, you can be the greatest
in kingdom of heaven.

\\#5\\ If you receive a child, you are receiving Christ.

\\#6\\ If you offend a child, it would be better that a millstone
were hanged about your neck and you were drowned in the depths of the

The first two are based on our mimicking the nature of a child. The
last two are based on how we treat a child. Let’s focus on the last

The Greek word for offend is the word "skan-da-liz-o." It is the word
from which we get scandalize. In this context, it means to use or
abuse a child, to entice a child to sin or to turn from God. If a
person does this to a child, it would be better for the perpetrator to
have a millstone, the huge rock used to in olden days to grind meal,
tied around their neck and dropped into the depths of the sea.

Now consider a current event - In a very public and ceremonious
fashion, on Tuesday, January 22, in recognition of the 45th
anniversary, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into effect the
Reproductive Health Act, which legalized the murder of a child (as I
understand it) up to the time of birth.

I am supposing that means the child is not safe until it is
completely out of and separated from the mother.  While I am sure
many of us have some thoughts on that, I will reframe from sharing
mine right now.

Connection between the Bible verse and the current event - While the
Bible text we are looking at does not describe the murdering of a
unborn or being born child, it is my belief that a person who murders
a child has done something worse than to scandalize a child.  If a
person who scandalizes a child would be better off with a millstone
around his neck and being cast into the sea, what must God have
planned for those who murder children?

I. The lost don’t get it.
    A. It seems that those who want to kill unborn babies actually
        think they are fighting for something that is right.
        1. I watched a bit of the video of the signing.
        2. The room was packed with people who began to applaud the
            governor’s signing of it.
        3. If they knew and believed what I know, they would not be
            doing that!
        4. They just don’t get it.  In fact, they cannot get it.
    B. The Bible gives us many verses that describe the inability of
        the lost world to comprehend.
        1. John 16:2

John 16:2  They shall put you out of the
synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever
killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

            a. Jesus’ emphasize was on the killers "thinking" they
                were serving God WHILE they were killing His people.
            b. The unregenerate mind doesn’t get it.
        2. 1Cor 3:19-20

1Cor 3:19  For the wisdom of this world is
foolishness with God. For it is written, He
taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
20  And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts
of the wise, that they are vain.

            a. God said their wisest thoughts are foolish.
            b. The unregenerate mind doesn’t get it.
        3. Matthew 13:14

Matthew 13:14  And in them is fulfilled the
prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye
shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing
ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

            a. The people of our day are like the people of Jesus’
            b. They hear but they do not understand.  They see but
                they do not perceive.
            c. The unregenerate mind doesn’t get it.
        4. And there are many more verses which reveal this truth.
    C. We need to understand that the human mind cannot—on its own—
        discern right from wrong or good from bad.
        1. Throughout the Bible it warns that one of the most serious
            conditions for mankind is to be left to his own

Deuteronomy 12:8  Ye shall not do after all the
things that we do here this day, every man
whatsoever is right in his own eyes.

Judges 17:6  In those days there was no king in
Israel, but every man did that which was right
in his own eyes.

Proverbs 12:15  The way of a fool is right in
his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel
is wise.

Proverbs 16:25  There is a way that seemeth right
unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of

        2. By the way, we need to understand that our understanding
            of right and wrong/good and evil is no better than
            a. We are ALL dependent upon the written Word of God and
                the Holy Spirit of God to show us what is right and
                wrong/ good and evil.
            b. That is the reason that you and I do not have to
                understand or agree with the Word of God to obey it.
            c. We obey it because it is the Word of God.
            d. We will let God explain it and convince us later.

II. The demonic spirits of stupor and evil have arisen.

1Tim 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that
in the latter times some shall depart from the
faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and
doctrines of devils;
2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their
conscience seared with a hot iron;

    A. These verses prophesied three events all happening because of
        due to the same cause.
        1. \\#1\\ Many will depart from the faith.
            a. That is happening now.
            b. There are actually leaders in religion who stand for
            c. I am sure that they have their reasons and that they
                think they are just for their stand—although I doubt
                that they are saved by the blood of the Lamb.
        2. \\#2\\ Many will be hypocrites, speaking lies.
            a. That is happening now.
            b. There is hypocrisy in all of us, but how anyone could
                care for a seal, an eagle’s egg, or a child separated
                from parents and NOT care for a defenseless, human
                baby is rivaling the Pharisees hypocrisy.
        3. Many will have their conscience seared.
            a. That is happening now.
            b. I know many who have had abortions even in the early
                stages of their pregnancy have terrible guilt.  If
                you are in that situation, I do not want to add to
                what you already feel.  But how could anyone carry a
                baby to birth then have it executed?
        4. But notice the one cause for all three of the actions:
            they have given heed to seducing spirits!
    B. In order for these things to be happening, the demons ARE
        blinding their minds to reason, opening their hearts to evil,
        and increasing their reach and control over the human race.
        1. Stand back and look at the progression.
            a. In the 1960s and following, God was removed from our
                public society.  They used the excuses that there was
                no God and separation from church and state.  In
                time, it became a violation to even mention God.  But
                now they say our kids need to understand the cultures
                of other nations and brought the idols of Islam,
                Hinduism, and even Satanism into the schools.
            b. Sodomy as gone from being a wicked sinful act to a
                "Don’t ask. Don’t tell" tolerance to a
                constitutionally protected freedom.  That was and is a
                major shift which indicates the rise of demonic
                control over people.
            c. Maternity has gone from being a blessing from God to
                to an undesirable inconvenience to murder 5 minutes
                before birth.  That was and is a major shift which
                indicates the rise of demonic control over people.
        2. Paul said that the Holy Spirit "expressly" warned us that
            these things were coming.
            a. The word "expressly" refers to the emphasize that the
                Holy Ghost was revealing this to Paul.
                (1) It means that the Holy Ghost was clearly, loudly,
                     definitely making this prophecy known to Paul.
                (2) There was no question, no doubt, no
                     misunderstanding what the Holy Spirit was
            b. Well, those days are here.
                (1) Demons are strongly influencing if not outright
                     possessing a huge number of people.
                (2) And they are not going away.
                (3) The book of Revelation makes it clear that
                     demonic activity increases not decreases.
                (4) We have not even gotten into the tribulation and
                     look what they have people doing.

III. Throughout all of this, God is in control.
    A. Don’t get me wrong.
        1. It is not the desire of God that evil would reign.
        2. It is not the desire of God that babies should be killed.
        3. It is not the desire of God that marriage should be
        4. It is not the desire of God that people should reject
        5. It is not the desire of God that Satan should be
        6. But in all of this, God has not lost control.
    B. Some wonder, "If God is in control, why are things so bad?"
        1. That is a good question that really bothers some people.
        2. They suppose that if things are bad AND God is in control
            a. God must be a very WEAK God or…
            b. God must be a very BAD God.
        3. Actually, the opposite is true.  God is a good God and a
            powerful God.  How so?
            a. In His goodness, God has given to mankind the gift of
                (1) God does not want man to sin, but it is God’s gift
                     of freewill that has made all of men’s sins
                     possible—including abortion.
                (2) But despite the evil man has chosen to do, God
                     has not and will not take back His gift of
            b. But because God is so powerful, He will make sure that
                everyone is held accountable for the chooses they
                make—both in this life and in the life to come.
        4. So…
            a. Do not conclude that God is bad.
            b. Do not conclude that God likes the sins we commit.
            c. And do not conclude that God has lost control.
        5. Rather…
            a. Know that God is good.
            b. Know that God does not like sin.
            c. And know that God is in control despite the direction
                things are going.
    C. Because God is in control…
        1. We can expect things to get worse.
            a. We are in the 1Timothy 4 days.
            b. But there are some Revelation days ahead.
        2. We can respond correctly.
            a. These are not days for us to physically fight against
                evil.  Rather, we are to spiritually fight against

2 Corinthians 10:4  (For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to
the pulling down of strong holds;)

            b. We do not use bombs, bullets, fists, or even hurtful
            c. Rather we use our knees, our witness, our love, and
                the blood of the Lamb.
            d. God wants the people to have a choice.
                (1) He wants them to know the consequences, but He
                     also wants them completely free to make whatever
                     decision they wish.
                (2) This is the plan of God for this age.
                (3) This is one of the most free of all
                     (a) The first was the most free.  It had no
                          written commands and no abiding Spirit.
                     (b) The second was one of the most restrictive.
                          There was no abiding spirit, but a lot of
                          written commands.
                     (c) We are living in the dispensation when there
                          are no written commands but the abiding
                     (d) It appears that the millennial will be a
                          dispensation of the abiding Spirit and
                          written commands.
                (4) But right now, God wants them free to make their
                     own choice.
        3. We can trust implicitly.

John 14:29  And now I have told you before it
come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye
might believe.

            a. We do not have to worry or fret.
            b. We may suffer in this life for Jesus but God will
                reward us when we get home.

As a nation, we have legally approved the open killing of viable,
healthy babies.  That is another major step downward.  It angers God
and at some point, God is going to do something about it.  If the
Holy Spirit is dealing with you and you are not obeying, I suggest
you quit putting God off and get things right.

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