Matthew 14:13-21
You Do It

This is the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. It is also recorded in
Mark, Luke, and John. In 3 of the 4 gospel accounts, a command from
Jesus is clearly recorded.

Matt 14:16  But Jesus said unto them, They need
not depart; give ye them to eat.

Mark 6:37  He answered and said unto them, Give
ye them to eat….

Luke 9:13  But he said unto them, Give ye them to

John does not record Jesus’ command but he did indicate that Jesus
expected the disciples to participate.

John 6:5  When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and
saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto
Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may

When Jesus gave the command, He knew that these men could not feed
the 5000. He also knew that He was going to end up feeding them. Yet,
it is clear—by all four gospel accounts—that Jesus told them to do
it.  WHY?

Well, since He knew all the time that He would do the miracle, it
must not have been that He wanted them to do something as much as
He wanted them to learn something.

Like what?

I. Jesus wanted the disciples to learn the difference between
    watching and working.
    A. The disciples had been watching Jesus perform miracles for
        some time now.
        1. It is difficult to know the exact time line of the gospels
            I would guess we are into the 2nd year of Jesus’ earthly
        2. In that time, many had been taught, helped, comforted,
             and healed.
        3. But Jesus had been doing most—if not all—of the work.
        4. Jesus did many great miracles but one He still performs
            today, and it is very important.
            a. Jesus turns sheep into shepherds.
            b. Jesus takes by standers and turns them into builders,
                of men, or souls, or churches.
        5. It would appear that the disciples of Jesus thought their
            ministry was to watch Jesus work.
    B. Contrary to what most believe, going to church should NOT be
        a passive experience.
        1. That simply means we are to go church to DO something.
        2. That something is worship.
            a. Most Christians have the wrong idea about church and
                (1) Worship is not a spectator sport you view from a
                     sideline but a participatory sport played from
                     your pew.
                (2) Until Christians quit watching the pastor work
                     and start worshiping while the pastor preaches,
                     nothing of significance will happen in God’s
            b. How do you worship?
                (1) In praise…
                (2) In prayer…
                (3) In presenting yourself: your time, your talent,
                     your money, your spirit, your heart, and your
        3. But even beyond WOR-ship, every believer should also be
            involved in WORK-ship.
            a. That is, every believer should find a way to serve
                Jesus through the local church.
            b. I think our gifts are divided into two groups: the
                people gifts and the place gifts.
            c. The PEOPLE gifts:
                (1) Some are gifted to care for people even before
                     they ever go to a church.
                (2) Some are gifted to get some to come to the
                (3) Some are gifted to minister to those who are at
                     the church.
                (4) Some are gifted to care for people after they
                     have left church.
            d. Then there are the PLACE gifts:
                (1) Some are gifted to take care of the things of
                     the church and others.
                (2) This is not a secondary gift.  It is as much a
                     gift as any others—if it is used for the Lord.
    C. In this story, the disciples are really standing in the place
        of the Church.
        1. You see, Jesus wasn’t going to be on the earth forever and
            these disciples were being trained for the future.
        2. Jesus told them to feed the multitude because He was
            preparing them for the future.
        3. When the disciples became the leaders, they in turn
            prepared others to lead.
        4. Those others prepared others and so it went all the way
            down to me.
        5. Now, it is my turn to prepare others.
        6. Guess what?  You are the others!
        7. All who serve for Jesus are a part of a chain of servants
            that was forged by Jesus on this hillside in Galilee!
        8. Where do you fit in that chain?  Will you be another link
            of the end of the chain? 

II. Jesus wanted the disciples to learn the difference between
     being blessed and being blind.
    A. To introduce this thought, let me tell you three things:
        1. I am very blessed.
        2. Most people are not as blessed as me.
            a. Most of them have more severe family problems than you
            b. Most of them have greater emotional problems.
            c. Most of them have greater financial problems.
            d. This is because most of them have far greater
                spiritual problems than you do.
        3. But my very blessings isolate me from the people with
            a. I am largely isolated.
                (1) I don’t hang with the people at the bars.
                (2) I don’t hang with the people at the jail.
                (3) I don’t hang with the people on skid row.
                (4) I don’t hang with the homeless.
                (5) I don’t hang with the addicted.
                (6) I don’t hang with the occult.
                (7) I don’t hang with the vulgar.
                (8) I don’t hang with the rebellious.
            b. However, just because I don’t hang around with them
                doesn’t mean that I should care for them, pray for
                them, and minister to them!
            c. That is the very call of Christianity!
    B. If you understand that thought, let’s consider what Jesus
        wanted the disciples to learn about being blessed and blind.
        1. Blessings can blind us.
            a. The disciples were blessed.
            b. They didn’t need food.
            c. They had five loaves and two fish.
            d. However, by being blessed, the disciples were also
                blinded to the needs of the other 5,000.
                (1) The disciples statement was, "Send them away."
                (2) Their thought was, "We have our lunch.  Let them
                     take care of themselves.
        2. Is it possible that our blessings have blinded us?
            a. Our theme this year is, "Coming together to know
                Christ and to make Him known.
                (1) The fact that we are so blessed that we have
                     family to spend time with should not blind us
                     to the fact others do not.
                (2) The fact that we are so blessed that we have
                     money to use our off time to play games and
                     have fun should not blind us to the fact that
                     others do not.
                (3) The fact that we have jobs, savings, health, and
                     time to enjoy life and eternity, should not
                     blind us that others do not.
            b. I do not know that we have to sacrifice everything for
            c. I do know that we should not let our blessings blind
                us to the needs of others.
            d. We should take some of our blessings and use them to
                help others.
                (1) I would love for us to attempt street preaching
                     in Bessemer.
                (2) I would love for us to run a bus to Bessemer and
                     pick up children from up there.
                (3) I would love for us to open our doors several
                     times each year to feed the community a hot
                (4) I would love for us to conduct a Bible marriage
                     seminar and do Bible counseling with couples.
                (5) I would love for us to open a Christian school.
                (6) I would love for us to have a home for abused
                     children and women.
                (7) I would love for us to have a group of men who
                     would do projects for the elderly, the sick,
                     the widowed.
                (8) I would love for us to have a literacy program.
                (9) I would love for us have a program for those
                     addicted to drugs, alcohol, and pornography.

III. Jesus wanted the disciples to know the difference in being
      incapable and helpless.
    A. Jesus gave the disciples a command that He knew they could not
        do, but that did not mean there was nothing they could do.
    B. No Christian is helpless who has a God for a Savior.
        1. I cannot heal, but I can bring people to the Healer.
        2. I cannot comfort, but I can bring people to the Comforter.
        3. I cannot save, but I can tell them who the Savior is.
    C. The disciples could not feed the multitude, but they could:
        1. Divide the large groups into smaller groups.
        2. Find the boy with five loaves and two fish.
        3. Take the baskets of food around to the groups.
        4. Take up the food that was left.
    D. See something that is very important:
        1. Nowhere in the text does the Bible tell us that the
            multitude ever knew a miracle took place.
            a. They sat.
            b. They were served.
            c. They ate.
            d. They left.
        2. The only ones who absolutely knew what had happened that
            day was the twelve disciples.
        3. Even more:  Why did Jesus have the disciples to collect
            the remaining food?
            a. The multitude was full and leaving.
            b. What was He going to do what 12 baskets full of bread
                and fish?  Probably nothing.
            c. Why gather it?  So the disciples could see just how
                great the miracle was.
    E. On that day, the food was for the multitude but the lesson
        was for the disciples.
        1. Jesus wanted them to know the difference in being
            incapable and helpless.
        2. They could not feed the multitudes, but they could help
            them—and they did.
    F. If the Green Pond Baptist Church does not make itself
        relevant in this community, it will be our own fault.
        1. There are needs out there.
        2. There are people in here.
        3. There is power up there.
        4. Our calling is to bring the three together.

IV. Jesus wanted the disciples to know the difference between
      having wealth and having rewards.
    A. The disciples probably considered themselves pretty wealthy
        that day.
        1. It was lunch time and they had a lunch.
        2. Friend, on any day you have the food you need, you are a
            wealthy person.
    B. But when they were willing to sacrifice what they had, they
        were able to have something better than wealth.  They were
        able to have rewards.

Matthew 10:42  And whosoever shall give to drink
unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water
only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto
you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

2 Corinthians 9:10  Now he that ministereth seed
to the sower both minister bread for your food,
and multiply your seed sown, and increase the
fruits of your righteousness;)

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