Matthew 2:1-11
The Hearts of Christmas

It is an amazing study of the Christmas Scriptures to not the
reactions of people to Christ. Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed a
powerful truth in one of his remarks, "What you do speaks so loud
that I cannot hear what you say."  Certainly, the actions of the
people to Jesus’ birth tell us much of what their hearts were saying.

I find it interesting how little the symbol for the heart is used for

I. \\#Matt 2:1-12\\ Let’s consider the wise men.
    A. Who are they?
        1. Actually, there is much about them that we do not know.
            What most people do know about the wise men, they get
            from the song and not from the Bible.
        2. The word used for wise men is "mag-os."
            a. It can be translated either wise men or sorcerer.
            b. Which were they?
                (1) Probably both.
                (2) They were the well-educated and wise men of that
                     day.  They probably served as advisors to the
                (3) But they were probably sorcerers too (Pharaoh,
                     Nebuchadnezzar, Belteshazzar)
   B. What did they do?
       1. \\#1-10\\ The wisemen KNEW and CAME.
           a. Somehow they KNEW that the Jewish King was born.
               (1) Just how much they knew, we do not know.
               (2) How did they know?
                    (a) \\#2\\ But they had a star.
                           i. What kind of star?
                               aa. It appeared and disappeared.
                               bb. It directed them to a specific
                                    location—over a specific house!

                          ii. But how did the wise men know what it

Num 24:17  I shall see him, but not now: I shall
behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star
out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of
Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and
destroy all the children of Sheth.

                    (b) They must have known something from
                           i. Little else is possible.
                          ii. This is why some think they came from
                               Babylon, 800 or more miles away.
                    (c) They must have had the Spirit.  Maybe an
                         angel but I think God literally put it
                         together somehow.
           b. But they also CAME.
               (1) 800 miles to Babylon
               (2) East meant the Orient, 7,500 miles away.
        2. \\#11\\ They gave gifts.
            a. And they were EXPENSIVE gifts too.
            b. But again, that was part of the welcoming a new
        3. \\#11\\ The wise men worshipped.
            a. Again, a great indication of the heart.
            b. The word "worship" means to "bow and kiss."  It shows
                reverence, adoration, and submission.
            c. However, it is used not only of our adoration of God,
                but also of a similar adoration to kings.
            d. Remember Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego?
                (1) They were commanded to "fall down and worship"
                     the idol \\#Dan 3:5, 10,15\\.
                (2) They refused.
                (3) Why? They did not want anyone to think they were
                     worshipping another god.
    C. What kind of heart did the wise men bring?
        1. They had a curious heart, but more than that.
        2. They had an adventurous heart, but more than that.
        3. They had a believing heart.
        4. They may have had a submissive heart.
        5. If they had a repenting heart, they will be in heaven.

II. \\#Matt 2:4-6\\ Scribes and Chief Priests
    A. The wise men came from far away and were determined to find
        this Baby.
        1. Whatever insight they had into God’s plan, the wisemen no
            doubt shared with Herod who shared it with the Scribes
            and priests.
        2. The scribes and priests were not interested enough to
            travel the seven miles from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.
        3. Why would they not come?
    B. First, let’s ask why SHOULD THEY HAVE COME?
        1. This was their FIELD.
            a. Because they were being told the Messiah was come.
            b. Chief Priests - Preachers and pastors of the day
            c. Scribes and Pharisees - Religious educators of the day
            d. The trip was only 7 miles.
                (1) 7 miles of walking for them would have been about
                     the same as 30 minutes riding for us.
                (2) Besides, I am sure Herod would have been glad to
                     lend them a chariot if they had wanted to go!
            e. Their field of study was the same as mine is, the
                Bible.  I and many others have been only too happy to
                get on a plane and fly half way around the world to
                see what they would not travel 7 miles to see.
        2. This was their HOPE.
            a. They wanted Messiah to come to free them from Rome.
            b. He did and they weren’t interested.
            c. Much like what happened in Egypt.  They were praying
                for a deliverer but when God sent them Moses, they
                wanted to stay in Egypt!
        3. This was their SOUL.
            a. These priests were when Jesus was born what they were
                when Jesus was grown—smug and self-righteous.
            b. Don’t you think your soul is worth a hike down a major
    C. Why would they not come?
        1. Probably the same reason people to do not come today.
        2. Their hearts were COLD.
            a. Perhaps they didn’t care.
            b. Perhaps they cared but were too busy.
            c. They were too tired.
        3. They did not care enough to even investigate the matter.
    D. I think anyone who will investigate will see who Jesus is.
        1. His prophecies
            a. Dozens scattered through centuries (lineage, birth
                place, birth time, conception, nature, ministry, even
                the type of death which would not be popularized for
                several centuries.)
            b. Fulfilled prophecy is the one undeniable proof that
                Jesus is who He said.
            c. Either that or He was the greatest conman performing
                the greatest hoax of all time.
        2. His life-sinless, powerful, and loving
        3. His claims
            a. Some say Christianity is the greatest cause of war on
            b. If you will read the claims of Christ, you will see
                that Jesus is the greatest pacifist the world has
                ever know.
            c. Much blood has been shed in the name of religion by
                both Catholism and Protestants, but Christianity has
                never shed a drop.
            d. The first blood that Christianity will shed is
                recorded in Revelation 19.
            e. There Christians are not spilling blood for Christ but
                Christ is spilling blood for Christians.
        4. The change He makes in a life.
    E. I challenge you to come and investigate the Christ of
        Christmas and see for yourself who He is!
    F. What kind of heart did the Chief Priests bring?  a cold heart

III. Let’s consider the inn keeper.
    A. The only reference to the inn keeper is an indirect reference.

Luke 2:7  And she brought forth her firstborn
son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and
laid him in a manger; because there was no room
for them in the inn.

    B. I believe the inn keeper might get a raw deal.
        1. There were no reservations in that day.
        2. The tax had apparently brought great crowds back to
            Bethlehem and everything was just full.
        3. The man could not take a room away from someone else and
            the Law actually required him to keep his word once he
            had given it.
        4. I have often thought the only option the man would have
            would be to give them HIS room, but we don’t know that he
            had not already given his own room out to someone else.
        5. Many a traveler in that day were glad to stay in the barn!
            a. There was hay for a bed and the animals.
            b. There was a roof and may some walls for shelter and
    C. Yet, the inn keeper, for good or bad, serves as a type, a
        picture of the man not willing to make a place for Jesus.
        1. The inn keeper gave Jesus what was left, but made no
            sacrifice for Him.
        2. The inn keeper’s heart is the stuffed heart.

IV. \\#Matt 2:16-18\\ Herod

Matt 2:16  Then Herod, when he saw that he was
mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and
sent forth, and slew all the children that were
in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from
two years old and under, according to the time
which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.
17  Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by
Jeremy the prophet, saying,
18  In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation,
and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping
for her children, and would not be comforted,
because they are not.

    A. Here is a man whose actions give away his heart.
        1. He attempted to trick the wise men into revealing the
            Messiah so that he could kill Him.
        2. When that failed, he killed every baby boy in Bethlehem.
            a. That is not all of the killing he did.
            b. He killed at least one of his wives and killed his
                children to keep them from inheriting the throne—
                just before he himself died!
    B. Herod’s heart was the evil heart.
        1. It was a murdering, cold-hearted, God-rejecting heart.
        2. Of all the hearts in the Christmas account, this is by
            far the worst!
        3. This is the heart of the living but damned.
        4. Sadly, in our country, it seems to be the heart growing
            in number the fastest.
            a. What is causing the evil hearts to swell in number
            b. We can say it is the devil, but what has given him so
                much power?
                (1) the presence of sin and selfishness
                (2) the absence of wisdom and accountability

V. Joseph had a believing heart!  How do I know?  Because he obeyed
    the Lord!

Matt 1:19  Then Joseph her husband, being a just
man, and not willing to make her a publick
example, was minded to put her away privily.
20  But while he thought on these things, behold,
the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a
dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear
not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that
which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
21  And she shall bring forth a son, and thou
shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save
his people from their sins.

24  Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as
the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took
unto him his wife:

    A. The heart that obeys is the heart that believes!
    B. This man, like Mary, took upon himself the role of being
        ostracized; but he did not hesitate.
    C. He immediately obeyed the Lord.

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