Acts 21:8-14
The Grandparents’ To-Do List
Paul was completing his 3rd and final missionary journey. He was
returning to Jerusalem to report to the churches at Antioch and
Jerusalem on the results of his last evangelistic crusade, stopping
in Caesarea for a few days to visit with Philip, one of the first
seven deacons. While there, the Holy Spirit revealed some heavy
1. Agabus revealed that Paul will be imprisoned.
2. Paul knew that and more.
a. \\#Acts 20:22-25\\ Paul already told the leaders from
Ephesus that they would not see him again.
b. \\#Acts 20:23\\ In telling them that, he revealed that the
Holy Spirit had sent others to reveal this news to him.
3. \\#Acts 21:13\\ To these Christians, Paul answered that he was
ready for bonds and for death if that is what the Lord
The Apostle Paul never had the privilege of being a parent, let alone
a grandparent; but his message here teaches us a fact and leaves us a
1. The fact: Life must end.
2. The goal: Make it count for Jesus.
While becoming a grandparent in no way means you have one foot in the
grave, it does mean that you are entering a new phase in your life.
You are no longer just someone’s child. You are no longer just
someone’s parent. Now, you are the parent of a parent. Surely, if
maturity will ever afflict you, it has by this time. Hopefully, you
like Paul have realized:
There is one fact: Life must end.
There should be one goal: Make it count for Jesus.
Before that fact becomes reality, what can we do to make that goal a
I. Be saved.
A. The Bible makes it clear that most of humanity is lost.
Matt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for
wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that
leadeth to destruction, and many there be
which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is
the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there
be that find it.
1. Jesus painted a picture of life as a road. At the end
lies a huge gate. It is open and the masses of people
are being sweep through it. That gate is not death. It
is damnation.
2. Somewhere on that long road was a smaller trail, nothing
paved or even large enough to see on your own, just an
overgrown path. Someone else would have to point this
trail out to you. At the end of that path, a small—very
small-gate. That gate takes you to eternal life, heaven.
Mt 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of
3. I believe Jesus was talking about that same gate when He
told His disciples that it was easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter
into God’s kingdom.
a. Regardless of what you think the "eye of a needed"
is, it is obvious that it is difficult for even the
smallest person to get through that small gate!
b. You say, "Preacher, we are not rich!" but we all are.
The poorest American is far richer than anyone Jesus
would have met in His earthly life.
B. What some do not understand is this truth holds for the
religious as well.
1. That includes those inside churches, synagogues, and
and temples.
2. How can that be?
3. In Romans, Paul tells us what most men do.
Romans 10:2 For I bear them record that they have
a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
3 For they being ignorant of God’s
righteousness, and going about to establish
their own righteousness, have not submitted
themselves unto the righteousness of God.
4. Paul’s topic is Israel, but in speaking of them, he
describes the whole of the human race.
a. Israel was very religious, but they were ignorant of
what God demanded in righteousness.
b. Since they did not know what God wanted, they had
created their own righteousness.
c. This is the definition of "self-righteousness.
5. What is the problem with self-righteousness?
a. It is not a righteousness at all.
b. It is against God.
c. It gives a false sense of goodness but leaves the soul
C. The truth is you cannot go to heaven unless you are good
enough but you will never be good enough on your own. You
must receive the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
1. Admit that you are sinner, unworthy of heaven and worthy
of hell.
2. Trust what Jesus did on the cross a payment for your sin.
3. Surrender yourself to God and purpose to live as God
directs you all the days of your life.
II. Be Scripturally baptized.
Ac 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and
be baptized every one of you in the name of
Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye
shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
A. The believer was given two ordinances (commands, action
symbols) from Christ.
1. As often as we will, remember Jesus through the Lord’s
2. Be baptized.
B. I am not just speaking about being baptized. I am speaking of
being baptized as the Bible speaks of.
Ro 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were
baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into
his death?
4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism
into death: that like as Christ was raised up
from the dead by the glory of the Father, even
so we also should walk in newness of life.
C. When we are Scripturally baptized, baptism becomes both a
picture and a very real action on our part.
1. Baptism is a picture of Jesus’ death, burial, and
2. Because baptism is a picture of what Jesus has done:
a. Baptism should be done reasonably close to the time
you accept Jesus as your Savior.
(1) An excessive delay mars the picture.
(2) If Jesus died, was buried, and rose for you, you
should anxiously and quickly testify of it
through baptism.
b. Baptism should be by immersion.
(1) Some people think the mode of baptism is
unimportant. That only the thought is
(2) Romans 6:4 says we are baptized into his death
and raised to walk in newness of life.
(3) Maybe some bury their dead by sprinkling dirt
clods on their head, but around here we put the
whole body in the ground.
(4) And no matter how you bury your dead, I don’t see
any way you can picture being "raised to a walk
in a new life" by sprinkling them.
(a) There must be a raising.
(b) If there is no raising, you have not
fulfilled the picture of Scriptural
(5) Why not just do what the Bible says? Be immersed.
(a) The word "baptize" means "to immerse."
(b) The examples of baptisms were all immersion.
(c) The picture of baptism demands immersion.
3. Because Baptism is a very real action on our part, it
should close the affairs of our old lives.
a. Again, Romans 6:4, "raised to walk in newness of
b. Baptism marks the beginning of your new life in
(1) Old things are supposed to have passed away; all
things are supposed to become new.
(3) Anyone can say that they have been saved.
(4) Christians are to prove they have been saved by
leading a distinctly different life.
c. Our obedience to baptism both sets the pace and
demonstrates the determination of your new life in
(1) Baptism sets the pace.
(a) Are you going to obey Christ or not?
(b) The best obedience is instant obedience.
(c) Jesus has enough stragglers.
(d) What Jesus needs are some Christians who are
going to obey Him.
(2) Baptism demonstrates your determination.
(a) Where does Jesus Christ rank in your life?
(b) The first command for the believer after
repentance is to be baptized.
(c) If you do not obey the first command, how
can you claim to be a follower of Jesus
(d) The eyes of others are watching, especially
your children and grandchildren.
III. Tell others about Jesus, especially the ones you love.
A. Remember the small path on the huge road to damnation?
1. I mentioned that most would never see the small, over-
grown path. And they won’t.
2. Someone will have to point it out to them.
3. Parents and grandparents, we if don’t point out the path
to eternal life, who will?
4. I can almost understand some people’s hesitance to tell
strangers about Jesus, but their own family?
a. School won’t tell them.
b. Most churches won’t tell them.
c. If you won’t tell a stranger about Jesus, why should
you expect a stranger to tell your family about
B. More than twenty years ago, a family was attending our church
(Beth and Sam Wells). The man’s brother died and, as a
friend, I went to the funeral. At the visitation in the
funeral home, I asked if his brother were a Christian. Tears
welled up in the man’s eyes. When he could speak, he choked
out the question, "This is one of those times when you really
should have asked, isn’t it?"
C. You know people. You have influence with people. You love
people. Grandparents, you have grandchildren. Do not let
them face eternity without making sure they have heard how
Jesus saves.
1. Tell them, again and again. If they are saved, they won’t
mind. If they mind, they’re probably not saved.
2. Make sure they understand salvation is not some empty
prayer. Salvation changes your life. Watch for the
change. Pray for the fruits of salvation.
D. If you were mortally injured in an car accident with only
minutes to live, who would you want to tell about Jesus?
1. Go tells them today. Now.
2. Do it while you have time.
IV. Live the Christ-like life.
Eph 4:22 That ye put off concerning the former
conversation the old man, which is corrupt
according to the deceitful lusts;
23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after
God is created in righteousness and true
A. Christ changes lifestyles. "Where has your life been changed?"
1. language
2. beverages
3. websites you visit
4. priorities
5. how you spend your money
6. what you see as entertainment
7. your politics
8. your work ethic for your employer
9. your work ethic to God
10. attitudes
11. your home life
12. your schedule
B. Suppose we did your funeral a bit differently.
1. Suppose we had open mic night at your funeral and asked
the grandchildren to share their most vivid memory?
2. Would they recall you…
a. cussing or praying?
b. working or worshipping?
c. lusting or loving?
d. telling them about dirty jokes or telling them about
e. having a beer in your hands or a Bible?
f. sitting in the Lazy Boy or sitting in the pew?
C. These are not just the curious ramblings of the preacher.
They are the commands of the Bible.
2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them,
and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch
not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth
salvation hath appeared to all men,
12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and
worldly lusts, we live soberly,
righteously, and godly, in this present world;
a. Turn from its goals, its entertainment, its lusts,
and its luxuries.
b. Separate from it as the Bible tells us to do.
V. Serve God.
A. We should not want to be "unprofitable servants," but
faithful servants to our Lord.
Mt 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done,
thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I will make thee
ruler over many things: enter thou into the
joy of thy lord.
B. The fact remains, "Life will end."
1. If you are a grandparent, you are most likely closer to
its end than its beginning.
2. Have you made it count?
C. You do not have to be a minister to serve God. You just have
to do something for Him.
1. Start by doing something that "fits you."
a. You have not lived this long in this world by doing
b. You must have some skills, some ability, some
c. Use it for Jesus.
d. You can built, repair, clean, pick up - Do it for
e. Do you have money? Use it for Jesus.
f. Do you have friends, coworkers, underlings—Tell them
about Jesus.
2. Then seek something that "stretches you."
a. Pass out tracts.
b. Approach people with the intend of teaching them about
c. Start a backyard Bible school for children.
d. Start an evening time Bible study with adults.
e. Double your Sunday school class.
f. Start a ministry.
VI. Love your family.
A. I am certainly no expert on love, except that I have been
1. I am placed to say there has never been a day when I
was not loved.
2. From that perspective, let me tell you what love is.
B. Love is being favored both emotionally and in actions above
all else.
1. Love your individual family members , both emotionally and
in actions above all else.
2. Love them above your job, your money, your possessions,
your career, and all other people.
a. It is strange how many people have put their job,
career, money, and possessions above their family.
b. I hope you are watching as the world shows you how
little they appreciate your loyalty.
c. This past week, the man sitting in the President’s
office mandated that you must have a vaccine or pay
to be assaulted in order to work for a large
(1) I don’t know what will happen.
(2) And, as far as I am concerned, the mandate has
little to do with the vaccine.
(3) This is more government control.
(4) A hospital in upper New York will quit delivering
babies because their nurses won’t get the
(5) This isn’t the anti-Christ or the mark of the
beast but it is a dress-rehearsal for when they
get here.
(6) All of those things people put in front of their
family are going to be taken away.
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