Matt 14:22-34
The Fourth Choice
This event is recorded in three of the gospels: Matthew, Mark, and
John. Since it is recorded in three gospels, it is not unreasonable
to refer to it more than an event that is recorded in only one
gospel. But one of the reasons that I like this event so much is that
it shows how to deal with the storms of life!
While I don't know where you are, I suspect that you are either in
a storm, just coming out of a storm, or soon to be entering one.
I. God Has a Plan - You cannot escape the fact that troubles are
apart of the plan of God for your life and for mine.
A. It was the plan of God to get the disciples into the boat.
Matt 14:22 ...Jesus constrained his disciples to
get into a ship"
1. The skeptics would ask, "Didn’t Jesus know what lay out
a. Yes!
b. In fact, we might as well face the fact that God,
being God, at the least allowed the storm and, as
far as we know, Himself created the storm.
2. Problems are a part of our life.
a. God never promised anyone a problem free life.
b. Problems provide the school room of character in the
classroom of life.
(1) Don't run from them.
(2) Learn from them!
B. It was the plan of God not to be with them.
Matthew 14:23 ...he (Jesus) was there alone.
1. If Jesus was along on the hillside, the disciples were
alone in the boat.
2. Sad, but true.
a. We will go through most of life's storms alone!
b. That God for our family and our church, but even when
in a crowd, we must sail through many storms alone!
c. Even seemingly without God!
C. It was the plan of God to watch over the disciples. If His
eye is on the sparrow, don’t you know that He’s watching
over you?
Mk 6:48 And he saw them toiling in rowing...
II. The World Has a Storm
A. God plans and uses the storms.
1. Storms were not unusual for the Sea of Galilee. The sea
is in a basin with high mountains all around. As the
water heats up, the warmer air starts to rise and
collides with the cooler air coming off the Mediterranean
Sea. The result: sudden, violent storms.
2. That should have been no problem.
a. All the men were from that area. As we know what to
do when tornadoes are expected, so they would know
what to do when strong storms came.
b. Peter, Andrew, James and John were all experienced
c. They were most likely traveling on one of their own
B. But this storm was unusual in two ways:
1. It lasted so long.
a. Compare \\#23\\ When the evening was come" and \\#25\\
"fourth watch of the night"
b. Fourth watch is from 3 AM to 6AM.
c. The storm lasted from 9 to 12 hours.
d. That's a long storm that just would not end!
e. Some of life's storms have no end either.
(1) Brother Roy Stanford pass this morning. That is
no problem for him, but for his family, they
sailed into a storm that has no end. I know God
will care for them, but as long as they are on
this earth, they cannot get back what they lost.
(2) My father-in-law is in such a storm. He has no
long or short term memory any longer. He is one
of the finest men I know. The first time I ever
saw a family pray over a meal, he was leading
it. The first time I ever saw a family go to
church (Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday)
he was taking them. The first family that I
ever saw really live the Bible, was his. Now,
he is in a storm that will not end.
(3) Before coming to church, I read a post on FB from
a man (Chase Laney) who we had supper with around
18 months ago. At that time, he had a wife, two
children, two jobs, and was seemingly at the top
of his game. Since then, his wife filed for
divorce, he quit one job to have more time for
the children, but had some other issues, was
arrested, lost the other job, ended up in jail,
and have other problems. Thankfully, he posted
a testimony that things are getting better, but
he has been in a storm that seemingly will not
2. The disciples couldn’t get the ship to shore.
a. Sea of Galilee is 12.75 by 7.5 at its widest
points. That means no matter where they were in
that sea, they were no more than 3.25 miles from
shore, yet they rowed for 9 to 12 hours without
getting to shore!
b. No doubt they had a destination when they started,
but after 6 to 8 hours of rowing, I believe these
men would have settled for any shore!
c. I know if they could not get to one shore, they would
have eventually turned the boat for another, but no
matter which we they turned it, the storm fought
against them.
d. Have you ever been in a life storm that no matter
which way you turned, there was just no way out?
C. These men were tired, frustrated, fearful of death, seemingly
alone - Sound familiar?
III. The Disciples Have Some Choices
A. A trial without choices isn’t must of a trial.
Mark 6:48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for
the wind was contrary unto them: and about the
fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them,
walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.
1. Jesus was headed to the other side.
2. They could go or stay, but He was going on by.
B. Jesus passing by gave the men three choices. They are the
same three choices you and I have as we sail through the
storms of life.
1. They could do absolutely nothing.
a. If they opted for this choice, the storm would over
run them and they would drown.
b. People make this choice all the time.
c. They make it when they give up.
d. Sometimes they give up with a bottle or drugs or a
rope, pistol, or razor blade; but regardless of how
they do it, they quit.
2. They could keep doing what they had been doing.
a. They had been at it all night, but they could keep on
trying to get their boat to shore.
b. But that is the definition of crazy: Keep doing the
same thing while expecting different results.
c. So many do. (Jimmy) The middle-aged man who I know
who claims Christ, complains about his life, but will
not surrender to Christ.
3. They could call on Jesus to see what He might do.
a. I know of no promise in that Bible that fit their
b. i.e. When you are sinking in the sea, call on God and
He will deliver you.
c. But what have you to lose?
C. These were the three that I saw. They were the only three
that I saw. I suppose they were the only three that eleven of
the twelve men saw, but Peter saw a fourth choice.
D. They could ask God for more than could be imagined!
Matt 14:28 And Peter answered him and said,
Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on
the water.
1. You are on the sea, your boat is about to sink, you are
worn to a frazzle--in those conditions, who would think
to ask God to let him walk on water?
2. In fact, if the sun were shining, a gentle breeze was
blowing, and you were standing on the shore, who would
think of that?
a. But Peter did!
b. Peter figured that if we are need of a miracle, why
not ask for a big one, the biggest one ever!
E. What is more than you can imagine that you can ask God for?
1. As I was thinking on this early, I realized that most of
us are too comfortable to want to ask God for anything
a. Would we ask God to let us be a missionary? NO!
b. Would we ask God to let us preach the gospel? NO!
c. Would we ask God to let us serve Him full0time? NO!
d. Sadly, we like being in the boat and can't imagine
anything bigger to ask.
2. But then I also thought, "Maybe I'm preaching to the wrong
a. What if I was preaching to the people on skit row?
Could they imagine something out-of-the-boat?
b. Could they imagine having a body from drugs and
c. Could they imagine having a home of their own? a job?
Someone that would want to see them? Someone that
might love them?
F. There is a fourth choice! We can choose to ask God for more
than we can imagine!
IV. Jesus Is Power.
A. Jesus' power is all over this event.
1. \\#25\\ Jesus was never under or in the water. He was ON
it. God is never under the circumstances.
2. \\#28-29\\ Jesus had power to hold Peter up in the midst
of the storm.
a. Notice that Jesus did that DURING the storm.
b. It is strange how we get tunnel vision when we are
going through the storms of life so that all we see
is our problem, but right now that ship was in as
much danger as ever and everyone is looking at Peter!
3. \\#30-31\\ Jesus had power to save Peter when Peter failed.
4. \\#32-33\\ Jesus had power to save the crowd who didn’t
5. \\#34\\ Jesus had power to get the boat to dry ground.
John 6:21 Then they willingly received him into
the ship: and immediately the ship was at the
land whither they went.
B. But that is not surprising. The Bible tells us about the
power our Jesus has.
1. Jer 32:17 He is the there-is-nothing-too-hard-for-Him
2. Mt 19:26 He is the all-things-are-possible God.
3. Nu 11:23 His is the Lord's-hand-are-NOT-waxed-short God.
4. Ps 78:19 He is the God-can-furnish-a-table-in-the-\
wilderness God.
5. Eph 3:20 He is the able-to-do-exceeding-abundantly-above-
all-that-we-ask-or-think God.
6. 1Jo 4:14 He is the greater-is-he-that-is-in-you God.
7. Ps 94:18 He is the won't-let-my-feet-slip God.
C. Friend, God can do more, do it better, and do it all God.
Now, please do not think I am saying you just name-it then claim-it,
because I am not. But if you are saved, surrendered, and serving,
there is a fourth choice. Let's ask God to do above all we can
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