Psalm 35:17-22
What We Must Do

This Psalm is like so many others. It is a Psalm of distress, danger,
discouragement, and possible death. This Psalm is not a psalm of
deliverance. It will be when the deliverance comes, but the psalm
ended before the deliverance came. It is believed that this Psalm was
written by David when King Saul was seeking to kill him. It is hard
to know for certain how long that lasted but most say at least 4
years and perhaps as long as 10 years.

This Psalm also played a role in our America history. Before the
delegates from the 13 colonies met in Independence Hall to write and
sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, they first met
in Carpenter’s Hall (about 2/10’s of a mile away) in 1774. That is
where the delegates met one another for the first time and began
their discussions on the direction they wanted the nation to go.

One of their first acts at their first meeting was to open in prayer,
but they did not pray as we might pray today. First, they went to
Christ’s Church (not far from there), and asked the pastor, Jacob
Douche, to come lead them. Their opening prayer session lasted for
two hours, during which they also studied four chapters of the Bible,
including Psalm 35. In fact, while studying this chapter, the Holy
Spirit so spoke to some of the men in attendance that they later
testified they made some life-changing decisions while studying it.
Aired: June 30, 2021
Selected material ran from 5:30 to 7:00 minutes.

Much has changed since those days.
    1. Politically-Instead of being oppressed by the British, today
        we are under attack from the socialist and communists.  It
        appears that they already own a clear majority of Congress,
        perhaps half of the current Supreme Court, the White House
        with all of its cabinet positions, most of the major cities
        of our country, and some of the most powerful businesses—
        including news, entertainment, and social media.
    2. Socially-For the last year, we have been isolated, locked in,
        lined up, limited, and masked.
    3. Financially
        a. Many businesses—most of them local—as well as a large
            numbers of households either have or will fold.
            (1) Unemployment hit 14.8% last year.

            (2) Home foreclosures have been put on hold since April,
                 2020.  (Chapter 65 of the Acts of 2020)

            (3) And some expect it to keep being extended until 2022.

          d. As many as 8 million homes could be affected.

        b. Economically, as of July 1, our nation owed almost $28.5
            (1) That is $85,249 per citizen (non-citizens don’t pay).

            (2) That amount is due for every man, woman, and child
                 legally living in our country.
            (3) The figure is up $5,000 since July of last year.
    4. Morally-Well, who could describe how bankrupt America’s morals
        are?  What is really ironic is that some people think we are
        in the midst of some kind of moral awakening.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Things are bad in many ways; and
if we are living in the last days of the Bible, things will get
worse.  But no matter if we are or aren’t, our Deliverer will come.
We do not know when, but Jesus will return to take His bride.

Until He comes Christians are not to be controlled or even influenced
by circumstances. Christians do what we do not because of
circumstances but because Christ has commanded it and because God is
in control.
     1. God is in control if America has a spiritual awakening. God
         is control if America falls further into darkness.
     2. God is in control if the economy is a boom.  God is in
         control if the economy is a bust.
     3. God is in control if there is a pandemic.  God is in control
         if there isn’t.
     4. God is in control if we have freedom.  God is in control if
         our freedoms are taken away.
     5. God is in control if we have jobs.  God is in control if we
         have no jobs.
     6. God is in control if we have food.  God is in control if we
         have no food.
     7. God is in control if we have prospects of a long life.  God
         is in control if our lives are fleeting.

So no matter what the circumstances or conditions, we are to do what
we have always done, and we are to be what we have always been. (That
is supposing of course that we have always done what Christ would
have us to do and to be to begin with!)

For a few moments, let us consider what WE MUST DO.

I. We must stand for Christ.
    A. I am an America, and I love my country.  (I don’t care much
        for her politics or her politicians, but I do love my
    B. However, my loyalty (and the loyalty of every Christian) is to
        Jesus Christ first and foremost!
        1. The writer of the book of Hebrews described the saints of

Heb 11:13  These all died in faith, not having
received the promises, but having seen them afar
off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced
them, and confessed that they were strangers and
pilgrims on the earth.

        2. Abraham spake:

Ge 23:4  I am a stranger and a sojourner with you…

        3. Peter wrote:

1Pe 2:11  Dearly beloved, I beseech you as
strangers and pilgrims….

        4. All of these writers were making the same point.
            a. Christians are not to be tied to this world.
            b. This world is NOT our home.
            c. We are just passing through.
            d. Our loyalty and love is to Jesus Christ.
    C. Understand, this is not the way things have become in our
        changing world.  It is the way things have always been.
        1. That is one of the differences between the church and Old
            Testament Israel.
            a. Both were called to the same task, to represent God on
                this world.
            b. But Israel was a nation of people with loyalties and
                national duties while the church is a people of
                nations with loyalties and heavenly duties.
        2. When the laws of our nation conflict with the laws of God,
            we will stand with God—both in our actions and with our
            a. While man’s law calls it birth control, God’s law
                calls it murder.
            b. While man’s law calls it religious tolerance, God’s
                law calls it idolatry.
            c. While man’s law protects alternate lifestyles, God’s
                law calls it an abomination.
            d. While man’s law condones sexual freedom, God’s law
                calls it fornication.
            e. While man’s law says "It takes a village," God’s law
                commands the parents to rear their children.
    D. Sadly, the true church not only stands for the things of
        Christ against the world we live in, but we also stand for
        Christ against the many faces of religion itself.
        1. The Bible does teach that there should be unity of the
        2. I often regret that our church is so isolated from others
            who name the name of Christ; yet, when I get around some
            who claim His name I see how carnal so many are—and I am
            reminded of God’s command:

Eph 5:11  And have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them.

        3. I honestly do not know where the line of separation should
            be, but I know that would rather be alone in the world
            and be right with Jesus than to have many friends in the
            world and not be right with Jesus.

II. We must worship and tell others about Jesus.
    A. In the last year, these have become threatened rights.
        1. In America, we do not have the privilege to worship and
            serve our God.
        2. We have the right.  Not many nations can say that.
    B. I trust last year was an eye-opening year for all.
        1. Churches were closed and in some cases, even outdoor
            services were fined or stopped or both-—and not just in
            California either.
            a. Last April, church goers as close as Greenville,
                Mississippi, were fined $500 each for attending
                outdoor worship services in their automobiles.

            b. I know that was at the onset of the "pandemic," and I
                know that the fines were eventually dismissed.
        2. But Christians need to understand what this means.
            a. Whenever anyone can tell the church when it CAN meet,
                it can also tell the church when it CANNOT meet.
            b. And while I agree that churches need to exercise good
                sense and discretion, WE ALL NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT
                THE CHURCH.
            c. Let me be clear: THEY DO NOT.
                a. They may control whether the church pays taxes or
                b. They may control whether the gifts given by the
                    people will be tax exempt or not.
                c. They may control how many cars can be parked on
                    the property the church uses.
                d. They may control whether the church can even have
                    property or not.
                e. But they do not control the church.
                f. Do not misunderstand:
                    (a) I do not think our government should be able
                         to do ANY of those things.
                    (b) But in most cities and counties across our
                         land, they already do—and it will come to
                         pass in Green Pond, AL, one day.
    C. The Bible commands us to obey the government, and we will as
        long as they do not tell us to disobey God.
    D. There are some things the church cannot stop.
        1. The church cannot stop praying and reading the Bible.
            a. That means we cannot surrender our praying.
                (1) Maybe you think no one is concerned about that,
                     but the days of Daniel are coming again!
                (2) The day will come when to bow before God will
                     again mean being cast to the lions.
            b. That means we will not surrender our Bibles.
                (1) I know that sounds foolish today, but one day,
                     it will happen.
                (2) People are worried about the government coming
                     for our weapons (and with the people we have in
                     politics it is a rightful concern), but soon
                     after they do that—if not before—they will come
                     for our Bibles.
                (3) They have already tried changing them.
                (4) One day, they will put a moratorium on printing
                     and selling them.
        2. The church cannot stop preaching and teaching the Bible.
            (That is both among ourselves and to the world.)
        3. The church cannot keep silent about sin, salvation, and
           a. We cannot hush or be quiet.
           b. We cannot be seen and not heard.
           c. We cannot keep it inside the church.
           d. Both by our actions and our words, we must proclaim to
               a lost and sinful world that it is lost and sinful and
               that Jesus is the only answer.
        4. The church cannot stop their group worship of God.
        5. The church cannot stop helping the sick, the orphans, the
            elderly, and the poor.
        6. The church cannot stop living a life that glorified God.

III. We must not be afraid.

Psalms 56:4  In God I will praise his word, in
God I have put my trust; I will not fear what
flesh can do unto me.

    A. God repeatedly and consistently tells the Christian NOT to

Isaiah 41:10  Fear thou not; for I am with thee:
be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will
strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I
will uphold thee with the right hand of my

2 Timothy 1:7  For God hath not given us the
spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and
of a sound mind.

        1. To "fear not" may not mean that we will never be afraid.
            a. Some people say, "I can’t help being afraid."
                (1) Perhaps that is true.
                (2) I do not know for sure.
            b. But I know that "fear not" means we will never let
                fear stop us from doing what we know God wants us to
        2. To fear not is not a suggestion.  It is a command.
            a. Obeying God’s command is good for us.
                (1) Being controlled by fear never helps.  Never.
                (2) Pray for courage and for strength.
                (3) Pray for wisdom and for grace.
                (4) Then do what you believe God wants you to do
                     regardless of how much your body trembles or how
                     much your mind panics.
            b. Obeying God’s command is good for others.
                (1) Whether we mean to or not, when we fear we are
                     demonstrating doubt in God.
                (2) If you are a Christian, I know that is not the
                     message you want to send.
                (3) If you know what God wants you to do, stand as
                     tall as you can, stay as steady as you can, and
                     do it.
    B. Obeying God’s command will be a lot easier if we remember God
        is in control no matter who the enemy is or how the enemy
        may attack.
        1. Did you know God has made promises to us regardless of
            whether the enemy attacks with arrows or disease?

Psalm 91:5  Thou shalt not be afraid for the
terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth
by day;
6  Nor for the pestilence that walketh in
darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at
7  A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten
thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not
come nigh thee.
8  Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see
the reward of the wicked.

        2. I do not mean to imply that we are indestructible.
            a. This Psalm shows that we are not.
            b. But we should know that nothing will happen to us
                unless God allows it, and we must remember that while
                we may not have chosen to be in this battle, we are
                engaged in a battle that we cannot lose.
            c. Our God and our Deliverer will make sure of that.
        3. Be wise.  Be prudent, but don’t be fearful.

We must remember, the church is the body of Jesus Christ in this
world. as such, these are a few of the things that we must do. There
are more that the church must do and there are more that you as an
individual should do.

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